Chergpt-Basic is a simplified, login-free ChatGPT-like interface designed for quick deployment
It is also mobile friendly!
- from my own forked GitHub
- from Kah How's deployment
- Set custom instructions to guide student interactions.
- Download chatlogs
- Generate learning/ teaching analytics based on chatlogs
Need to secure access with a simple global password? Check the authentication guide.
Chergpt-Basic enables a variety of use cases, with the primary one being the creation of user personas for students to interact with. Examples include historical figures or patients with specific medical conditions and a guided escape room for primary school Chinese Language Learning (wiht particular tasks as checks for understanding)
There are three main steps:
1 Setup your database
2 Getting your OpenAI API Key (will soon move to another open source model)
3 Deploy to the web via Streamlit
##1 How to setup backend (database)
We recommend using NeonDB, start here
2. Create a free project with Singapore as the region. Pick any project and database name you like.

3. Click on the copy icon - this will give you your database (DB) connection String that allows you to store data persistently in CherGPT.
Keep this somewhere safe, you will also need to use this shortly.
- See here if you're unsure how to create it.
Keep this somewhere safe, you will also need to use this shortly.
- You will be prompted to create a streamlit account here
- You will be prompted to create a github account
- Click Deploy app. You should see this screen - edit the domain to anything of your choice!
Under Repository, type: String-sg/Chergpt-basic
- Go to advanced settings and update Secrets.toml with your own values
- Upon clicking "fork", wait a few mins:
Feel free to explore and enhance the functionality of Chergpt-Basic according to your specific needs!