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Arthur edited this page Nov 30, 2023 · 13 revisions

Use CompareDateTime method in Type Helper codeunit for DateTime variable comparisons.

When working with DateTime and Time variables, it's crucial to understand that these values are subject to rounding by SQL Server. This can lead to unexpected issues when comparing these values against their original counterparts. A great blog post describing this issue in depth is available on Times in BC – you didn’t know that! – The BC Docs Librarian

To prevent inaccuracies and avoid the pitfalls of comparing DateTime and Time values, it is highly recommended to use the CompareDateTime method provided by the Type Helper codeunit. This method ensures that comparisons are made correctly, accounting for the SQL Server's rounding behavior.

// Direct comparing 
if (FirstRecord."DateTimeField" <> SecondRecord."DateTimeField") then
  // Do Magic if DateTime Fields are different

// Comparing with CompareDateTime method
if (TypeHelper.CompareDateTime(FirstRecord."DateTimeField", SecondRecord."DateTimeField") <> 0) then
  // Do Magic if DateTime Fields are different

Temporary mitigation

Making use of the CompareDateTime method is a temporary solution.

we are planning to move to a higher precision datetime representation

Issue #335 · microsoft/BCApps

In the undefined future the use of the CompareDateTime method will no longer be needed. Maybe then it would even be recommended to not use this method to prevent inaccurate comparisations.

Example unexpected result

codeunit 50000 "Insert DateTime"
    trigger OnRun()
        Customer: Record Customer;
        NewLastModifiedDateTime: DateTime;
        Evaluate(NewLastModifiedDateTime, '2022-05-24T12:40:22.468Z', 9);
        Customer."Last Modified Date Time" := NewLastModifiedDateTime;
        Message('After Modify %1 = %2', Format(Customer."Last Modified Date Time", 0, 9), '2022-05-24T12:40:22.468Z');
        Message('After Second Get %1 <> %2', Format(Customer."Last Modified Date Time", 0, 9), '2022-05-24T12:40:22.468Z');

The code will output the following Messages:

After Modify 2022-05-24T12:40:22.468Z = 2022-05-24T12:40:22.468Z
After Second Get 2022-05-24T12:40:22.467Z <> 2022-05-24T12:40:22.468Z

Accuracy of SQL Server

The core of the problem lies in the behavior of SQL Server, which rounds DateTime and Time values. This means that a DateTime or Time value can undergo changes once it's written to the database. Consequently, comparing this altered value with the original one can result in erroneous outcomes. SQL DateTime values are rounded to increments of .000, .003, or .007 seconds.

Time value stored in SQL as
23:59:59.990 23:59:59.990
23:59:59.991 23:59:59.990
23:59:59.992 23:59:59.993
23:59:59.993 23:59:59.993
23:59:59.994 23:59:59.993
23:59:59.995 23:59:59.997
23:59:59.996 23:59:59.997
23:59:59.997 23:59:59.997
23:59:59.998 23:59:59.997
23:59:59.999 00:00:00.000

More details on Microsoft Learn here for insights into how SQL Server handles these data types.

External references

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