⚠ This is outdated check out the new version here ⚠ Judd Bot is a Discord bot that sends random files and messages from specified lists on a set interval. Requirements Python 3.6+ discord.py library asyncio library aiohttp library A Discord Bot token A Discord server to add the bot to Installation Clone the repository or download the source code. Install the required libraries by running pip install -r requirements.txt Replace 'CHANNEL_KEY_HERE_WITHOUT_QUOTES' with the key of the channel where you want the bot to send messages. Replace 'BOT_KEY_HERE' with your bot's token. Run the script using Judd-bot.py Features Sends random files and messages from specified lists on a set interval. Sends a specific message and file when the command 'headpat' is used in the chat. Customization You can customize the myfiles, myjudd, myjuddpet, myjuddmeow, and myqoutes lists to include your own files and messages. You can change the interval at which the bot sends messages by modifying the hours parameter in the @tasks.loop(hours=1) decorator. Limitations on_message event is not working at the moment. Contribution Feel free to fork this repository and make pull requests to add new features or fix bugs. License This project is licensed under the MIT License. See the LICENSE file for details. Other Judd-Bot Twitter SteamWolf's github