Node-Development container.
This Node-Development environment is a ZSH shell with Yeoman, Bower, Gulp, Grunt-cli, Angular-cli.
Ports exposed:
- 8000 : for Node server
ZSH-NodeJS require docker.
First, run your docker terminal.
Then you will need to clone this repo :
$ git clone
$ cd zsh-nodejs
You have to add shared folders to your docker virtual machine, in Oracle VM Virtual Box :
- shared vm name "www" -> To your "www" root
You have to add the "
" file to your virtual machine in this folder "/var/lib/boot2docker/
" :
$ docker-machine ssh default
* "(assuming 'default' is your docker virtual machine name)"
$ sudo vi /var/lib/boot2docker/
* "paste those lines into this new file:"
mkdir -p /home/docker/zsh-nodejs/www
mount -t vboxsf www /home/docker/zsh-nodejs/www
$ sudo chmod +x /var/lib/boot2docker/
Restart your docker machine (assuming "default" is your docker virtual machine name):
$ docker-machine restart default
Build zsh-nodejs container :
$ docker build -t stayfi/zsh-nodejs zsh-nodejs
Run zsh-nodejs by :
$ docker run -ti -p 8000:8000 -v /home/docker/zsh-nodejs/www:/var/www stayfi/zsh-nodejs /bin/zsh
You will have your zsh prompt.
$ yo --version
$ ng --version
$ bower --version
$ gulp --version
$ grunt --version
Stayfi B. -
First version, working.
MIT license