Fumbly is a Hugo theme made from scratch for me, by me. This is a project where I try to learn something about CSS and Hugo templating.
It doesn't do much. It has a top nav-bar featuring a "posts archive", "tags page" and an "about page". It has a frontpage featuring the three latest posts. It has pagination (older/newer) on the frontpage, the posts archive and each post. Also a footer.
Currently you want to set something like the following in your config.yaml
paginate: 3
footer: "Whatever you want to sit at the bottom of your site at all times"
If you like to add some copyright-stuff in the footer, the template translates {Year}
to current year for you.
You will also want the following files/folders in your {hugosite}/content/
This theme makes use of just a teeny bit of frontmatter ("draft: (true/false)" and other Hugo "behind the scenes" built-ins still work, of course):
- title: (string)
- date: (timedate)
- tags: (list)
Aiming for simple, non-intrusive and non-ugly. Some might argue I missed that last goal.
Curently 271 lines of code - excluding the included normalize.css.
$ find . -not -path '*/normalize/*' \( -name '*.html' -o -name '*.css' \) | xargs wc -l
54 ./layouts/index.html
10 ./layouts/_default/single.html
13 ./layouts/_default/baseof.html
16 ./layouts/_default/list.html
0 ./layouts/404.html
35 ./layouts/posts/single.html
20 ./layouts/posts/list.html
8 ./layouts/partials/footer.html
17 ./layouts/partials/header.html
2 ./layouts/partials/head.html
96 ./static/css/style.css
271 total
- Add a nice custom 404-page
- Add mobile friendliness/responsiveness
- Maybe choose som specific fonts
- Light/dark theme