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@StatisMike StatisMike released this 29 Oct 17:28
· 99 commits to master since this release

CRAN submission update from

2# shiny.reglog 0.3.0

  • Added credentials argument to create_sqlite_db to create SQLite database containing some data
  • Removed use_language from exported functions, as its functionality is minimal out of its usage context
  • sqlite_get_db and gsheet_get_db functions are now exported, as their functionality grew with added credentials argument
  • Fixed user_id value returned by login_server function for anonymous users. It is now in form of paste("Anon", Sys.time(), sep = "_") to force its reads as character object. Before it could be read as datetime object while reading from 'googlesheets' database and it caused some bugs

3# shiny.reglog 0.4.0

  • Added credentials argument to create_gsheet_db, mirroring the same functionality of create_sqlite_db
  • Added logout_button function, providing the users a way to log out during usage of ShinyApp
  • Added description of how to provide credentials to create_sqlite_db and create_gsheet_db functions
  • Created vignette specifying the authorization process for gmailr and googlesheets4 to use their methods of email sending and database storage
  • Removed dbplyr dependency

0.4.1 - minor CRAN tweaks