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Releases: StatisMike/deepgs4

Fix after rebranding

27 Oct 10:57
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Fix after rebranding Pre-release

Fixes problems with installed package deepgsheets4 (before rebrand)


22 Oct 12:30
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v0.2.1 Pre-release

Second MVP release after rebranding from deepgsheets4 to deepgs4.

First MVP

09 Oct 10:14
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First MVP Pre-release
  • send_create_req() allowing Spreadsheet creation

  • send_get_req() allowing retrieval of data by Sheets API

  • send_batchUpdate_req() allowing updating spreadsheets with lower-level
    deepgsheets4Req objects:

    • Sheet creation, update and deletion
    • CellData creation allowing:
      • entering numeric (and date/datetime with the help of deepgs_serial_number()),
        character, boolean and formula values
      • formatting individual cells (or parts of the cells)
      • coercing into RowData and GridData
      • helpers: to_RowData_from_df() and to_GridData_from_df() are also available
        for coercing data.frame into these objects
    • Updating and appending RowData to the sheet
    • Modifying the columns and rows properties (eg. their width and height)
    • Creation, modification and deletion of conditional format rules
    • Creation, modification and deletion of BasicCharts
    • Pasting data into sheets: either by cut-paste or copy-paste from the same
      spreadsheet or by providing delimited text or html
  • package oauth client available in deepgs_auth() is currently running in
    development mode, so getting your own token through deepgsheets4 alone is not
    currently available. If you plan on contributing, contact me to add your google
    account into allowed emails.

    • it is possible to use googlesheets4 token with deepgs_auth(token = googlesheets4::gs4_token())
    • or provide a service account with `deepgs_auth(path = "path_to_service_account_json.json")