Covid Tracker gives reliable and consistent data of COVID-19 and it describes what are all the Do,s and Dont,s in COVID situation too. We can also explore each and every city in TamilNadu. We can get the following data from the app,
- COVID-19 Affected Cases
- COVID-19 Active Cases
- COVID-19 Recovered Cases
- COVID-19 Deceased Cases
COVID-19 Today Data
- COVID-19 Today Affected
- COVID-19 Today Active
- COVID-19 Today Recovered
- COVID-19 Today Deceased
COVID-19 Overall Rates
- Recovery Rate
- Mortality Rate
- Ease of use
- User friendly
- Build with good knowledge
- Android Studio : 4.0.0+
- JDK 7
- Material Components
- Airbnb
- Batch Drawable Importer
- SharedPreferences - To store and retrieve data whenever the app is restarted
- Card View
- ImageView
- TextView
- SearchView
- LottieAnimationView
- Material Design Components
- ListView
- AlertDialog
- SnackBar
- Toast
- Picasso
- Volley
- OkHttp
- OpenWeatherMap API
- JSON Fetching and Parsing
- Notification Channels
- Animation Library
- Connectivity Manager - for get the information that whether the app has data connectivity or not
- BroadCastReceivers - for Notification and Auto Internet Connection Check
- Handler
- and some minor tools, views and widgets
1.Splash Screen 2.Home Screen 3.Explore City 4.Dos 5.Donts 6.City Result 7.Notification
Motorola One Power Android V10 (stock UI)
We use GitHub for Versioning.