Repository for DTU's 2023 Wind Turbine Technology and Aerodynamics (46300).
This is just "Assignemnt 1: BEM" and the code is not polished.
- Navigate to the folder you would like the repository to be cloned to.
- Press "Ctrl" + "~"
- Selcect "Git Bash" terminal on the bottom left (next to "+")
- Type "git bash"
- Navigate inside the folder with "File/Open folder..." to get into the actual folder and start working.
Exmple (quotes are needed!):
- git config "Spyros Acheimastos"
- git config ""
- Press on "main" at the bottom left
- Select "Create New Branch"
- Name it "branch_Fabian" or "branch_Severijn"
- Create/Delete/Change files
- "Add"/"Stage" ONLY the changes that you want
- "Commit" changes with a decriptive message (This is like a personal checkpoint. Try to commit often)
When you are ready to push your changes to GitHub:
- "..."/"Pull, Push"/"Pull from.."/"main" (Maybe try and do this often)
- Create Pull Request from your branch to main
- ????