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virn edited this page Jan 10, 2017 · 63 revisions

XSplit JS Framework

Welcome to the Wiki. This is where we post our release notes for new releases, and outline our software roadmap for upcoming features.

If you're interested in learning how to use the framework, please visit our Github Page instead.

Release Notes


This release reflects the changes to XSplit 2.9, which introduces linked property and and contains breaking changes from xjs 1.4.1. Also, 2.0 encourages manipulating

Notable Changes:

  • Handling of VideoItems Linked to the same Source (#119). Items identified as linked are multiple items that are tied up to a single Source.
  • Undeprecate Source and rework on Source/Item property handling (#111).
    1. Items are rendered from Source.
    2. Source properties(value, custom name, etc...) should now be rendered through sources.
    3. Item properties(position, crop, etc...) should be rendered through each item.
  • Global Source is now separate from Keep Loaded in Memory (XSplit 2.9 change). In line with this, the concept of global source has be replaced with Linked items.

New Features / Improvement: Major:

  • Name and Custom name are now source properties, reflecting the changes to XSplit 2.9 (#119).
  • Undeprecate Scene methods searchSourcesById, searchScenesBySourceId, searchSourcesByName, filterSources and filterScenesBySources. These methods were also update to handle the changes on Source and Item.


  • Added Source#getAllSources method to get all unique Source from every scene
  • Added Item.getSource method to allow items to get their source.
  • Item.duplicate now has optional parameters ({linked?:boolean, scene?:Scene}) to allow the creating duplicates of an item to other scenes. Setting the duplicate as linked would make them to be tied up to a single source.
  • Allow unlinking of items to a source through Item.unlink. Note that once an item is unlinked, there’s still no method to reverse the process.
  • Added Playback-related methods for VideoPlaylist to allow the use of all playback functions (duration, playback position, etc...) for the current active video. (#120)

Bugfix and Other changes:

  • Bugfix Having XJS framework on an HTML and an iframe within it may cause wrong videoitem properties to be returned.(#112)
  • Always ensure dropped frames, encoded frames and stream time parameters for stream-end event to be number type
  • Replace non-existent Scene.getId with getting static value of _id for setActiveScene
  • Reject when scene is not in scene pool for getByIdAsync, instead of returning undefined
  • Reject when non-integer number is used for setActiveScene
  • Exclude Intel realsense from camera listing
  • Consider preset's defpos in assigning position to gamesource autoDetect
  • Consider preset's defpos in assigning position to VideoPlaylist object to be added
  • Check for presence of file parameter in static getVideoDuration method of IO class as it may result to unresolved calls
  • Reject toXML method of VideoPlaylist class when no file is added
  • Convert RGB and BGR to uppercase for Color util class, as parseInt base 16 to lowercase
  • Check for all coordinates and not only left when converting Color object to coordinate string
  • Reject getVideoDuration and openFileDialog methods of IO class when called in source
  • Resolve videoDuration as a number, not as a string
  • Emit scene index based in 1 instead of 0 on scene-delete and scene-add events
  • Add unbind (‘off’) method to event emitter class
  • Ensure that subscription to EventManager is done only once
  • Throws errors when window classes are called not from their respective environments
  • Include scene-load in list of supported events for SourcePluginWindow
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