Version 5.0 change log:
By Roberciiik:
- Alternative Maribur area from the "World of Baldur's Gate" modification - designed and modeled by Cuttooth, and integrated into the mod by Roberciiik (big thanks to Acifer and Argent77 for helping with water overlay issue!).
- Biffing is now an optional installation component.
- Region of Terror Kits can be installed along with TDD kits now.
- Added Icewind Dale areas to the BP-BGT-Worldmap (v13 required!) & compatibility with IWD-EET (thanks to JohnBob).
- Fixed CTDs for oBG2 areas: RA3750, RA4305, RR0044, RR3101, RR3105, RR3403, RR3700.
- Fixed hung issue when mage (other than PC) is selected for battle area.
- Fixed Bremen exit.
- Fixed missing figther Arena duels between 2,250,000 and 2,259,999 XP.
- Fixed incorrect dialog condition of Mednor in "Clob's son missing" quest.
- Fixed incorrect actor name of Rodger in "Clob's son missing" quest.
- Fixed missing script evaluation for AR0509 in "Clob's son missing" quest.
- Fixed infinitely Cut Scene mode in "Cult of the Beast" quest.
- Fixed Brundor's Cyclone forging requirements.
- Fixed effects probability ranges of Garrax's Semitar
- Allowed Shadow Dragon Scales item to be used to forge Dragon Armor as well.
- Aligned and fixed Brundor/Brundor2 dialog files.
- Opened three permanently locked doors from RA5602 area in "Wulfgar's Wife" quest.
- Animation compatibility with DrizztSaga (Red Harpy animation slot) (thanks to TotoR).
- Restored small size of NPC portraits for oBG2.
- Reduced waiting time to 8 hours (single rest) in the Spirit Soarning.
- Changed incorrect Ice Salamander type from UNDEAD to MONSTER
- Traified Cadderly's name and missing string-refs.
- Restored translated oBG2 GUI titles.
- Fixed incorrect voice index of Spell seller NPC.
- Adjusted and extended cutscenes' text timing.
- Used mod version of the spells' names for classic engine.
- Moved area-related sounds to non-localized directory.
- Journal system for EE games (based on Roxanne's version).
- Renamed variable name conflicted with variable from Umar Hills (based on Roxanne's version).
- Fixed player coordinates after first cutscene (based on Roxanne's version).
- Updated Cadderly script to handle health points better (based on Roxanne's version).
- Corrected Egidus dialog to not mention Artemis & Jarlaxle after final battle (based on Roxanne's version).
- Fixed stringrefs of Westchar store's drinks (based on Roxanne's version).
- Fixed Bremen Villager conversation logic (based on Roxanne's version).
- Reduced wait time to 2 hours for Tresham in "Escaped Prisoner" quest (based on Roxanne's version).
- Extended looting time of Ultima Master (based on Roxanne's version).
- Restored missing rest movies for RR3117 (based on Roxanne's version).
- Added Continue statement to the patched Drizzt Encouter area AR2601 (based on Roxanne's version).
- Removed RoT abbreviation from Worldmap tooltip (based on Roxanne's version).
By Paladin84:
- Updated Russian translation.
- Fixed issue with reloading
files during HANDLE_CHARSET conversion.
By Lzw104522773:
- Added Simplified Chinese translation made by Youye.
- Updated Infinity Auto Packager.