Project for PRO290-S2 Spring 2024 Q2
Design Document – PRO290 Spring 2024 – Q2 E-Commerce Site
Team: Byron Quirk Christian Vaughn Execute Summary:
A simple, light-weight website used to order various models of summertime fun! Super soakers and other fun doo-dads would be available on the site for registered users to order.
Technical Summary:
It’ll use a combination of Mongo and Redis for the backend databases for a quick, responsive, and seamless experience. We’ll be using Docker to containerize and distribute our website. Ocelot will be our gateway with eureka being our registry service.
Targeted Userbase:
Parents that are looking to get toys and to distract their children during the summertime. Especially in the warmer regions of the US.
Business requirements for the PRO290 class Service-Based Architecture.
3 Microservices: Order Service - Handles orders and sends emails through a 3rd party to the user. - Order Model User Service - Login/Create Account/Token auth. (Email set up) - MongoDB - User Model Basket / Cart Service (tied to login) - Token authentication. (From the User service) - Redis Language: C#, Docker
Testing Method: Postman
Front-End: Springboot, Bootstrap (for CSS styling)
- Online distribution, AWS. Actually hosting it online.
Week 1: Design document, basic schematic of the overall project. Research of any technologies used in the project.
Week 2: Set up the databases (MongoDB, Redis). Basic web structure for front-end
Week 3: Back-End, extensive testing of end-points to make sure the services can be implemented.
Week 4: Implementation, Check up. Final checks for the project. Making sure that it can be deployed locally via docker.
Week 5: Possible stretch goals. Online deployment.