The objective of this project is to investigate how various factors influence student performance (test scores). We will explore the relationship between test scores and the following variables:
- Gender: Analyze whether there are gender-based differences in performance.
- Ethnicity: Investigate how ethnicity impacts test scores.
- Parental Level of Education: Explore correlations between parents’ education levels and student performance.
- Lunch: Examine whether the type of lunch (standard or free/reduced) affects test scores.
- Test Preparation Course: Understand the impact of completing a test preparation course on student outcomes.
The dataset includes the following columns:
- Gender: Sex of students (Male/Female)
- Race/Ethnicity: Ethnicity of students (Group A, B, C, D, E)
- Parental Level of Education: Parents’ final education (Bachelor’s degree, Some college, Master’s degree, Associate’s degree, High school)
- Lunch: Type of lunch (Standard or Free/Reduced)
- Test Preparation Course: Whether the test preparation course was completed or not
- Math Score
- Reading Score
- Writing Score
Dataset Source Link :
The data consists of 8 column and 1000 rows.
Data Ingestion :
- In Data Ingestion phase the data is first read as csv.
- Then the data is split into training and testing and saved as csv file.
Data Transformation :
- In this phase a ColumnTransformer Pipeline is created.
- For Numeric Variables , then Standard Scaling is performed on numeric data.
- for Categorical Variables one hot encoding performed , after this data is scaled with Standard Scaler.
- This preprocessor is saved as pickle file.
Model Training :
- In this phase base model is tested . The best model found was linear regression.
- This model is saved as pickle file.
Prediction Pipeline :
- This pipeline converts given data into dataframe and has various functions to load pickle files and predict the final results in python.
Flask App creation :