Releases: SonicEraZoR/Portal-Base
Half-Life 2, Episodes and Lost Coast with ASHPD
First release with Lost Coast support
-Added Lost Coast support
-Added HUD QuickInfo (aka crosshair) from Portal's beta
-Fixed Portal's QuickInfo being too transparent
-Fixed crowbar not swinging through portals
-Made "impulse 102" give upgraded portal gun
-Added new "Mod Settings" main menu option
-Added con var to toggle fall damage (can be toggled in "Mod Settings" menu
-Fixed crash when Magnusson Device hit's the ground
-Fixed errors related to "newspark.wav" not being found in EP1
-Half-Life 2, respective Episode or Lost Coast installed
-Portal installed
Half-Life 2 or the Episode or Lost Coast and Portal and this mod need to be on the same drive in order for everything to work.
Copy the respective folder for the game you want to play to your sourcemods directory and then launch the mod from steam.
Press "[" to get Portal Gun (can be rebound in the settings).
Portal Gun weapon icon by RealBeta, uploaded to GameBanana by RaraKnight. Link:
Half-Life 2 and Episodes with ASHPD
-Added fix for broken HUD after Steam Deck update
-Half-Life 2 or respective Episode installed
-Portal installed
Half-Life 2 or the Episode, Portal and this mod need to be on the same drive in order for everything to work.
Copy the respective folder for the game you want to play to your sourcemods directory and then launch the mod from steam.
Press "[" to get Portal Gun.
Portal Gun weapon icon by RealBeta, uploaded to GameBanana by RaraKnight. Link:
Half-Life 2 and Episodes with ASHPD
First Linux compatible release
-Added convar sv_portal_projectile_delay to change the maximum delay between shooting a Portal and it opening (defalult is 0.5 seconds), if set to a very high number behavior will be the same as in normal Portal
-Added the ability to rapid click to shoot Portals faster, like in Portal 2
-Added Russian translation
-Added placeholder title
-Added Linux binaries, so the mod now works on Linux, although there's a weird bug with particles being inverted color, so blood particles are blue for example same with every other particle, don't know how to fix it yet
-Half-Life 2 or respective Episode installed
-Portal installed
Half-Life 2 or the Episode, Portal and this mod need to be on the same drive in order for everything to work.
Copy the respective folder for the game you want to play to your sourcemods directory and then launch the mod from steam.
Press "[" to get Portal Gun.
Portal Gun weapon icon by RealBeta, uploaded to GameBanana by RaraKnight. Link:
Half-Life 2 and Episodes with ASHPD
-Red tint will now be on the screen only for 1 second even if sv_regeneration_wait_time is higher than 1 second
-FOV slider in the settings UI was fixed
-Save files will now have proper chapter names
-Player won't get stuck in non-solid static props
-Made Chell model settable with a convar cl_playermodel (default is Half-Life 2 default player model)
-Fixed crash on d1_canals_11.bsp
-Half-Life 2 or respective Episode installed
-Portal installed
Half-Life 2 or the Episode, Portal and this mod need to be on the same drive in order for everything to work.
Copy the respective folder for the game you want to play to your sourcemods directory and then launch the mod from steam.
Press "[" to get Portal Gun.
Portal Gun weapon icon by RealBeta, uploaded to GameBanana by RaraKnight. Link:
Half-Life 2 and Episodes with ASHPD
First proper release
-Half-Life 2 or respective Episode installed
-Portal installed
Half-Life 2 or the Episode, Portal and this mod need to be on the same drive in order for everything to work.
Copy the respective folder for the game you want to play to your sourcemods directory and then launch the mod from steam.
Press "[" to get Portal Gun.
Portal Gun weapon icon by RealBeta, uploaded to GameBanana by RaraKnight. Link:
Half-Life 2 with ASHPD
Version with current differences from original Portal
-Half-Life 2 installed
-Portal assets
Copy folder to your sourcemods directory and then copy Portal's assets into the mod directory then launch the mod from steam.
You need to launch maps from console for now, for instance type "map d1_trainstation_01.bsp" in console to load first Half-Life 2 map.
Type "bind "[" "sv_cheats 1; give weapon_portalgun; upgrade_portalgun"" and then press "[" to get Portal Gun.