Non-public, interface, abstract, generic, nested, delegate and obsoleted items are excluded.
- [Assembly] Editor/Data/Managed/UnityEngine/UnityEngine.AIModule.dll
- [Type] UnityEngine.AI.NavMeshAgent
- [Property] pathEndPosition
- [Type] UnityEngine.AI.NavMeshBuildSettings
- [Property] preserveTilesOutsideBounds
- [Type] UnityEngine.AI.NavMeshAgent
- [Assembly] Editor/Data/Managed/UnityEngine/UnityEngine.AndroidJNIModule.dll
- [Type] UnityEngine.AndroidJavaException
- [Type] UnityEngine.jvalue
- [Field] z
- [Field] b
- [Field] c
- [Field] s
- [Field] i
- [Field] j
- [Field] f
- [Field] d
- [Field] l
- [Assembly] Editor/Data/Managed/UnityEngine/UnityEngine.AnimationModule.dll
- [Type] UnityEngine.Animator
- [Property] logWarnings
- [Type] UnityEngine.AnimationPlayMode
- [Type] UnityEngine.Animation
- [Method] SyncLayer
- [Method] GetClip
- [Property] Item
- [Type] UnityEngine.AnimationState
- [Property] layer
- [Type] UnityEngine.AnimatorOverrideController
- [Property] Item
- [Type] UnityEngine.Motion
- [Property] averageDuration
- [Property] averageAngularSpeed
- [Property] averageSpeed
- [Property] apparentSpeed
- [Property] isLooping
- [Property] legacy
- [Property] isHumanMotion
- [Type] UnityEngine.Animations.AnimationPlayableExtensions
- [Method] SetAnimatedProperties
- [Type] UnityEngine.Animations.AnimationPlayableOutput
- [Property] Null
- [Type] UnityEngine.Animations.AnimationScriptPlayable
- [Property] Null
- [Type] UnityEngine.Animations.AnimatorControllerPlayable
- [Method] SetHandle
- [Method] GetLayerCount
- [Method] GetParameterCount
- [Type] UnityEngine.Animator
- [Assembly] Editor/Data/Managed/UnityEngine/UnityEngine.AssetBundleModule.dll
- [Type] UnityEngine.BuildCompression
- [Property] compression
- [Property] level
- [Property] blockSize
- [Type] UnityEngine.Experimental.AssetBundlePatching.AssetBundleUtility
- [Method] PatchAssetBundles
- [Type] UnityEngine.BuildCompression
- [Assembly] Editor/Data/Managed/UnityEngine/UnityEngine.AudioModule.dll
- [Type] UnityEngine.AudioSource
- [Method] SetGamepadSpeakerMixLevel
- [Method] SetGamepadSpeakerMixLevelDefault
- [Method] SetGamepadSpeakerRestrictedAudio
- [Type] UnityEngine.AudioBehaviour
- [Type] UnityEngine.WebCamFlags
- [Type] UnityEngine.Audio.AudioClipPlayable
- [Method] GetClip
- [Method] SetClip
- [Method] GetLooped
- [Method] SetLooped
- [Method] IsChannelPlaying
- [Method] GetStartDelay
- [Method] GetPauseDelay
- [Method] Seek
- [Type] UnityEngine.Audio.AudioMixerGroup
- [Property] audioMixer
- [Type] UnityEngine.Audio.AudioMixerPlayable
- [Method] Create
- [Type] UnityEngine.Audio.AudioMixerSnapshot
- [Property] audioMixer
- [Type] UnityEngine.Audio.AudioPlayableOutput
- [Method] GetTarget
- [Method] SetTarget
- [Type] UnityEngine.AudioSource
- [Assembly] Editor/Data/Managed/UnityEngine/UnityEngine.ClusterRendererModule.dll
- [Type] UnityEngine.ClusterSerialization
- [Method] SaveTimeManagerState
- [Method] RestoreTimeManagerState
- [Method] SaveInputManagerState
- [Method] RestoreInputManagerState
- [Method] SaveClusterInputState
- [Method] RestoreClusterInputState
- [Type] UnityEngine.ClusterSerialization
- [Assembly] Editor/Data/Managed/UnityEngine/UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll
- [Type] AOT.MonoPInvokeCallbackAttribute
- [Type] UnityEngineInternal.GITextureType
- [Type] UnityEngineInternal.GIDebugVisualisation
- [Method] ResetRuntimeInputTextures
- [Method] PlayCycleMode
- [Method] PauseCycleMode
- [Method] StopCycleMode
- [Method] CycleSkipSystems
- [Method] CycleSkipInstances
- [Property] cycleMode
- [Property] pauseCycleMode
- [Property] texType
- [Type] UnityEngineInternal.MemorylessMode
- [Type] UnityEngineInternal.MemorylessManager
- [Property] depthMemorylessMode
- [Type] UnityEngineInternal.MathfInternal
- [Field] FloatMinNormal
- [Field] FloatMinDenormal
- [Field] IsFlushToZeroEnabled
- [Type] UnityEngineInternal.APIUpdaterRuntimeServices
- [Type] UnityEngineInternal.TypeInferenceRules
- [Type] UnityEngineInternal.TypeInferenceRuleAttribute
- [Type] UnityEngineInternal.GenericStack
- [Type] Unity.Profiling.ProfilerCounterOptions
- [Type] Unity.Profiling.LowLevel.Unsafe.ProfilerUnsafeUtility
- [Method] CreateCounterValue
- [Method] FlushCounterValue
- [Type] Unity.Collections.NativeMatchesParallelForLengthAttribute
- [Type] Unity.Collections.NativeSliceExtensions
- [Method] Slice
- [Type] JetBrains.Annotations.CanBeNullAttribute
- [Type] JetBrains.Annotations.NotNullAttribute
- [Type] JetBrains.Annotations.ItemNotNullAttribute
- [Type] JetBrains.Annotations.ItemCanBeNullAttribute
- [Type] JetBrains.Annotations.StringFormatMethodAttribute
- [Property] FormatParameterName
- [Type] JetBrains.Annotations.ValueProviderAttribute
- [Property] Name
- [Type] JetBrains.Annotations.InvokerParameterNameAttribute
- [Type] JetBrains.Annotations.NotifyPropertyChangedInvocatorAttribute
- [Property] ParameterName
- [Type] JetBrains.Annotations.ContractAnnotationAttribute
- [Property] Contract
- [Property] ForceFullStates
- [Type] JetBrains.Annotations.LocalizationRequiredAttribute
- [Property] Required
- [Type] JetBrains.Annotations.CannotApplyEqualityOperatorAttribute
- [Type] JetBrains.Annotations.BaseTypeRequiredAttribute
- [Property] BaseType
- [Type] JetBrains.Annotations.UsedImplicitlyAttribute
- [Property] UseKindFlags
- [Property] TargetFlags
- [Type] JetBrains.Annotations.MeansImplicitUseAttribute
- [Property] UseKindFlags
- [Property] TargetFlags
- [Type] JetBrains.Annotations.ImplicitUseKindFlags
- [Type] JetBrains.Annotations.ImplicitUseTargetFlags
- [Type] JetBrains.Annotations.PublicAPIAttribute
- [Property] Comment
- [Type] JetBrains.Annotations.InstantHandleAttribute
- [Type] JetBrains.Annotations.PureAttribute
- [Type] JetBrains.Annotations.MustUseReturnValueAttribute
- [Property] Justification
- [Type] JetBrains.Annotations.ProvidesContextAttribute
- [Type] JetBrains.Annotations.PathReferenceAttribute
- [Property] BasePath
- [Type] JetBrains.Annotations.SourceTemplateAttribute
- [Type] JetBrains.Annotations.MacroAttribute
- [Property] Expression
- [Property] Editable
- [Property] Target
- [Type] JetBrains.Annotations.CollectionAccessAttribute
- [Property] CollectionAccessType
- [Type] JetBrains.Annotations.CollectionAccessType
- [Type] JetBrains.Annotations.AssertionMethodAttribute
- [Type] JetBrains.Annotations.AssertionConditionAttribute
- [Property] ConditionType
- [Type] JetBrains.Annotations.AssertionConditionType
- [Type] JetBrains.Annotations.LinqTunnelAttribute
- [Type] JetBrains.Annotations.NoEnumerationAttribute
- [Type] JetBrains.Annotations.RegexPatternAttribute
- [Type] JetBrains.Annotations.NoReorderAttribute
- [Type] UnityEngine.AnimationCurve
- [Property] Item
- [Type] UnityEngine.Caching
- [Method] SetNoBackupFlag
- [Method] ResetNoBackupFlag
- [Type] UnityEngine.Camera
- [Method] RenderDontRestore
- [Method] SetupCurrent
- [Type] UnityEngine.ReflectionProbe
- [Property] minBakedCubemapResolution
- [Property] maxBakedCubemapResolution
- [Type] UnityEngine.Debug
- [Method] DebugBreak
- [Type] UnityEngine.EventProvider
- [Method] WriteCustomEvent
- [Type] UnityEngine.LightingSettings
- [Property] sampling
- [Type] UnityEngine.Display
- [Event] onDisplaysUpdated
- [Type] UnityEngine.Light
- [Method] GetLights
- [Type] UnityEngine.TexGenMode
- [Type] UnityEngine.SkinnedMeshRenderer
- [Property] rootBone
- [Type] UnityEngine.Texture
- [Property] masterTextureLimit
- [Property] anisotropicFiltering
- [Property] texelSize
- [Type] UnityEngine.RenderTexture
- [Property] format
- [Property] isPowerOfTwo
- [Type] UnityEngine.Handheld
- [Method] ClearShaderCache
- [Type] UnityEngine.iPhoneSettings
- [Type] UnityEngine.iPhoneUtils
- [Type] UnityEngine.Color
- [Property] Item
- [Type] UnityEngine.Color32
- [Property] Item
- [Type] UnityEngine.Matrix4x4
- [Property] Item
- [Field] m00
- [Field] m10
- [Field] m20
- [Field] m30
- [Field] m01
- [Field] m11
- [Field] m21
- [Field] m31
- [Field] m02
- [Field] m12
- [Field] m22
- [Field] m32
- [Field] m03
- [Field] m13
- [Field] m23
- [Field] m33
- [Type] UnityEngine.Vector3
- [Property] Item
- [Field] kEpsilon
- [Field] kEpsilonNormalSqrt
- [Type] UnityEngine.Quaternion
- [Property] Item
- [Field] kEpsilon
- [Type] UnityEngine.Mathf
- [Method] Gamma
- [Type] UnityEngine.Vector2
- [Property] Item
- [Field] kEpsilon
- [Field] kEpsilonNormalSqrt
- [Type] UnityEngine.Vector2Int
- [Property] Item
- [Type] UnityEngine.Vector3Int
- [Property] Item
- [Type] UnityEngine.Vector4
- [Property] Item
- [Field] kEpsilon
- [Type] UnityEngine.Ping
- [Method] DestroyPing
- [Type] UnityEngine.RangeAttribute
- [Field] min
- [Field] max
- [Type] UnityEngine.MultilineAttribute
- [Field] lines
- [Type] UnityEngine.Resources
- [Method] GetBuiltinResource
- [Type] UnityEngine.RequireComponent
- [Field] m_Type0
- [Field] m_Type1
- [Field] m_Type2
- [Type] UnityEngine.AddComponentMenu
- [Property] componentMenu
- [Type] UnityEngine.ContextMenu
- [Field] menuItem
- [Field] validate
- [Field] priority
- [Type] UnityEngine.DefaultExecutionOrder
- [Property] order
- [Type] UnityEngine.GameObject
- [Method] FindGameObjectWithTag
- [Property] gameObject
- [Type] UnityEngine.StackTraceUtility
- [Method] ExtractStackTrace
- [Method] ExtractStringFromException
- [Type] UnityEngine.UnityException
- [Type] UnityEngine.MissingComponentException
- [Type] UnityEngine.UnassignedReferenceException
- [Type] UnityEngine.MissingReferenceException
- [Type] UnityEngine.TrackedReference
- [Type] UnityEngine.Types
- [Type] UnityEngine.Time
- [Property] renderedFrameCount
- [Type] UnityEngine.UnityEventQueueSystem
- [Method] GenerateEventIdForPayload
- [Method] GetGlobalEventQueue
- [Type] UnityEngine.Profiling.Profiler
- [Property] supported
- [Type] UnityEngine.Jobs.TransformAccessArray
- [Property] Item
- [Type] UnityEngine.Serialization.UnitySurrogateSelector
- [Type] UnityEngine.Scripting.APIUpdating.MovedFromAttribute
- [Property] IsInDifferentAssembly
- [Type] UnityEngine.SceneManagement.Scene
- [Property] handle
- [Property] isSubScene
- [Type] UnityEngine.Networking.PlayerConnection.PlayerConnection
- [Method] OnEnable
- [Type] UnityEngine.Lumin.UsesLuminPlatformLevelAttribute
- [Property] platformLevel
- [Type] UnityEngine.Lumin.UsesLuminPrivilegeAttribute
- [Property] privilege
- [Type] UnityEngine.Internal.DefaultValueAttribute
- [Property] Value
- [Type] UnityEngine.Internal.ExcludeFromDocsAttribute
- [Type] UnityEngine.Rendering.ReflectionProbeType
- [Type] UnityEngine.Rendering.CommandBuffer
- [Method] Release
- [Method] ProcessVTFeedback
- [Type] UnityEngine.Rendering.SphericalHarmonicsL2
- [Property] Item
- [Type] UnityEngine.Playables.Playable
- [Method] Create
- [Method] IsPlayableOfType
- [Method] GetPlayableType
- [Type] UnityEngine.Playables.PlayableExtensions
- [Method] CanChangeInputs
- [Method] CanSetWeights
- [Method] CanDestroy
- [Type] UnityEngine.Playables.PlayableHandle
- [Property] Null
- [Type] UnityEngine.Playables.PlayableOutput
- [Method] IsPlayableOutputOfType
- [Method] GetPlayableOutputType
- [Type] UnityEngine.Playables.PlayableOutputExtensions
- [Method] GetReferenceObject
- [Type] UnityEngine.Playables.PlayableOutputHandle
- [Property] Null
- [Type] UnityEngine.Diagnostics.PlayerConnection
- [Type] UnityEngine.Experimental.Playables.CameraPlayable
- [Method] GetCamera
- [Method] SetCamera
- [Type] UnityEngine.Experimental.Playables.MaterialEffectPlayable
- [Method] GetMaterial
- [Method] SetMaterial
- [Method] GetPass
- [Method] SetPass
- [Type] UnityEngine.Experimental.Playables.TexturePlayableOutput
- [Method] Create
- [Method] GetTarget
- [Method] SetTarget
- [Type] UnityEngine.Experimental.Rendering.WaitForPresentSyncPoint
- [Type] UnityEngine.Experimental.Rendering.GraphicsJobsSyncPoint
- [Type] UnityEngine.Experimental.Rendering.GraphicsDeviceSettings
- [Property] waitForPresentSyncPoint
- [Property] graphicsJobsSyncPoint
- [Type] UnityEngine.Experimental.Rendering.TextureCreationFlags
- [Type] UnityEngine.Experimental.Rendering.GraphicsFormatUtility
- [Method] GetGraphicsFormat
- [Method] GetTextureFormat
- [Method] IsSRGBFormat
- [Method] IsSwizzleFormat
- [Method] GetSRGBFormat
- [Method] GetLinearFormat
- [Method] GetRenderTextureFormat
- [Method] GetColorComponentCount
- [Method] GetAlphaComponentCount
- [Method] GetComponentCount
- [Method] GetFormatString
- [Method] IsCompressedFormat
- [Method] IsPackedFormat
- [Method] Is16BitPackedFormat
- [Method] ConvertToAlphaFormat
- [Method] IsAlphaOnlyFormat
- [Method] IsAlphaTestFormat
- [Method] HasAlphaChannel
- [Method] IsDepthFormat
- [Method] IsStencilFormat
- [Method] IsIEEE754Format
- [Method] IsFloatFormat
- [Method] IsHalfFormat
- [Method] IsUnsignedFormat
- [Method] IsSignedFormat
- [Method] IsNormFormat
- [Method] IsUNormFormat
- [Method] IsSNormFormat
- [Method] IsIntegerFormat
- [Method] IsUIntFormat
- [Method] IsSIntFormat
- [Method] IsXRFormat
- [Method] IsDXTCFormat
- [Method] IsRGTCFormat
- [Method] IsBPTCFormat
- [Method] IsBCFormat
- [Method] IsPVRTCFormat
- [Method] IsETCFormat
- [Method] IsEACFormat
- [Method] IsASTCFormat
- [Method] IsCrunchFormat
- [Method] GetSwizzleR
- [Method] GetSwizzleG
- [Method] GetSwizzleB
- [Method] GetSwizzleA
- [Method] GetBlockSize
- [Method] GetBlockWidth
- [Method] GetBlockHeight
- [Method] ComputeMipmapSize
- [Assembly] Editor/Data/Managed/UnityEngine/UnityEngine.GameCenterModule.dll
- [Type] UnityEngine.SocialPlatforms.Local
- [Property] localUser
- [Type] UnityEngine.SocialPlatforms.Impl.LocalUser
- [Method] SetFriends
- [Method] SetAuthenticated
- [Method] SetUnderage
- [Property] friends
- [Property] authenticated
- [Property] underage
- [Type] UnityEngine.SocialPlatforms.Impl.UserProfile
- [Method] SetUserName
- [Method] SetUserID
- [Method] SetLegacyUserID
- [Method] SetUserGameID
- [Method] SetImage
- [Method] SetIsFriend
- [Method] SetState
- [Property] userName
- [Property] id
- [Property] gameId
- [Property] isFriend
- [Property] state
- [Property] image
- [Type] UnityEngine.SocialPlatforms.Impl.Achievement
- [Method] SetCompleted
- [Method] SetHidden
- [Method] SetLastReportedDate
- [Property] id
- [Property] percentCompleted
- [Property] completed
- [Property] hidden
- [Property] lastReportedDate
- [Type] UnityEngine.SocialPlatforms.Impl.AchievementDescription
- [Method] SetImage
- [Property] id
- [Property] title
- [Property] image
- [Property] achievedDescription
- [Property] unachievedDescription
- [Property] hidden
- [Property] points
- [Type] UnityEngine.SocialPlatforms.Impl.Score
- [Method] SetDate
- [Method] SetFormattedValue
- [Method] SetUserID
- [Method] SetRank
- [Property] leaderboardID
- [Property] value
- [Property] date
- [Property] formattedValue
- [Property] userID
- [Property] rank
- [Type] UnityEngine.SocialPlatforms.Impl.Leaderboard
- [Method] SetLocalUserScore
- [Method] SetMaxRange
- [Method] SetScores
- [Method] SetTitle
- [Method] GetUserFilter
- [Property] loading
- [Property] id
- [Property] userScope
- [Property] range
- [Property] timeScope
- [Property] localUserScore
- [Property] maxRange
- [Property] scores
- [Property] title
- [Type] UnityEngine.SocialPlatforms.GameCenter.GameCenterPlatform
- [Property] localUser
- [Type] UnityEngine.SocialPlatforms.Local
- [Assembly] Editor/Data/Managed/UnityEngine/UnityEngine.IMGUIModule.dll
- [Type] UnityEngine.Event
- [Property] rawType
- [Property] isScrollWheel
- [Type] UnityEngine.GUI
- [Method] Slider
- [Method] BeginClip
- [Method] EndClip
- [Method] ScrollTowards
- [Type] UnityEngine.GUISkin
- [Method] GetEnumerator
- [Type] UnityEngine.GUIStyle
- [Property] isHeightDependantOnWidth
- [Type] UnityEngine.TextEditor
- [Method] OnFocus
- [Method] OnLostFocus
- [Method] HandleKeyEvent
- [Method] DeleteLineBack
- [Method] DeleteWordBack
- [Method] DeleteWordForward
- [Method] Delete
- [Method] CanPaste
- [Method] Backspace
- [Method] SelectAll
- [Method] SelectNone
- [Method] DeleteSelection
- [Method] ReplaceSelection
- [Method] Insert
- [Method] MoveSelectionToAltCursor
- [Method] MoveRight
- [Method] MoveLeft
- [Method] MoveUp
- [Method] MoveDown
- [Method] MoveLineStart
- [Method] MoveLineEnd
- [Method] MoveGraphicalLineStart
- [Method] MoveGraphicalLineEnd
- [Method] MoveTextStart
- [Method] MoveTextEnd
- [Method] MoveParagraphForward
- [Method] MoveParagraphBackward
- [Method] MoveCursorToPosition
- [Method] MoveAltCursorToPosition
- [Method] IsOverSelection
- [Method] SelectToPosition
- [Method] SelectLeft
- [Method] SelectRight
- [Method] SelectUp
- [Method] SelectDown
- [Method] SelectTextEnd
- [Method] SelectTextStart
- [Method] MouseDragSelectsWholeWords
- [Method] DblClickSnap
- [Method] MoveWordRight
- [Method] MoveToStartOfNextWord
- [Method] MoveToEndOfPreviousWord
- [Method] SelectToStartOfNextWord
- [Method] SelectToEndOfPreviousWord
- [Method] FindStartOfNextWord
- [Method] MoveWordLeft
- [Method] SelectWordRight
- [Method] SelectWordLeft
- [Method] ExpandSelectGraphicalLineStart
- [Method] ExpandSelectGraphicalLineEnd
- [Method] SelectGraphicalLineStart
- [Method] SelectGraphicalLineEnd
- [Method] SelectParagraphForward
- [Method] SelectParagraphBackward
- [Method] SelectCurrentWord
- [Method] SelectCurrentParagraph
- [Method] UpdateScrollOffsetIfNeeded
- [Method] DrawCursor
- [Method] SaveBackup
- [Method] Undo
- [Method] Cut
- [Method] Copy
- [Method] Paste
- [Method] DetectFocusChange
- [Property] text
- [Property] position
- [Property] cursorIndex
- [Property] selectIndex
- [Property] doubleClickSnapping
- [Property] altCursorPosition
- [Property] hasSelection
- [Property] SelectedText
- [Field] keyboardOnScreen
- [Field] controlID
- [Field] style
- [Field] multiline
- [Field] hasHorizontalCursorPos
- [Field] isPasswordField
- [Field] scrollOffset
- [Field] graphicalCursorPos
- [Field] graphicalSelectCursorPos
- [Type] UnityEngine.Event
- [Assembly] Editor/Data/Managed/UnityEngine/UnityEngine.ParticleSystemModule.dll
- [Type] UnityEngine.ParticleSystemForceField
- [Method] FindAll
- [Type] UnityEngine.ParticleSystemJobs.IParticleSystemJobExtensions
- [Method] Schedule
- [Method] ScheduleBatch
- [Type] UnityEngine.ParticleSystemJobs.ParticleSystemNativeArray3
- [Property] Item
- [Type] UnityEngine.ParticleSystemJobs.ParticleSystemNativeArray4
- [Property] Item
- [Type] UnityEngine.ParticleSystemForceField
- [Assembly] Editor/Data/Managed/UnityEngine/UnityEngine.PhysicsModule.dll
- [Type] UnityEngine.ArticulationReducedSpace
- [Property] Item
- [Type] UnityEngine.ArticulationJacobian
- [Property] Item
- [Type] UnityEngine.Physics
- [Property] interCollisionSettingsToggle
- [Type] UnityEngine.ArticulationReducedSpace
- [Assembly] Editor/Data/Managed/UnityEngine/UnityEngine.Physics2DModule.dll
- [Type] UnityEngine.ContactFilter2D
- [Field] NormalAngleUpperLimit
- [Type] UnityEngine.RaycastHit2D
- [Method] CompareTo
- [Type] UnityEngine.ContactFilter2D
- [Assembly] Editor/Data/Managed/UnityEngine/UnityEngine.SubsystemsModule.dll
- [Type] UnityEngine.Subsystems.ExampleSubsystem
- [Method] PrintExample
- [Method] GetBool
- [Type] UnityEngine.Subsystems.ExampleSubsystemDescriptor
- [Property] supportsEditorMode
- [Property] disableBackbufferMSAA
- [Property] stereoscopicBackbuffer
- [Property] usePBufferEGL
- [Type] UnityEngine.SubsystemsImplementation.SubsystemDescriptorStore
- [Method] RegisterDescriptor
- [Type] UnityEngine.SubsystemsImplementation.Extensions.SubsystemDescriptorExtensions
- [Method] CreateProxy
- [Type] UnityEngine.SubsystemsImplementation.Extensions.SubsystemExtensions
- [Method] GetProvider
- [Type] UnityEngine.Subsystems.ExampleSubsystem
- [Assembly] Editor/Data/Managed/UnityEngine/UnityEngine.TerrainModule.dll
- [Type] UnityEngine.Terrain
- [Property] heightmapTextureFormat
- [Type] UnityEngine.SplatPrototype
- [Property] specular
- [Type] UnityEngine.Terrain
- [Assembly] Editor/Data/Managed/UnityEngine/UnityEngine.TextCoreModule.dll
- [Type] UnityEngine.TextCore.LowLevel.FontFeatureLookupFlags
- [Type] UnityEngine.TextCore.LowLevel.GlyphPairAdjustmentRecord
- [Property] featureLookupFlags
- [Assembly] Editor/Data/Managed/UnityEngine/UnityEngine.TextRenderingModule.dll
- [Type] UnityEngine.Font
- [Property] fontNames
- [Type] UnityEngine.Font
- [Assembly] Editor/Data/Managed/UnityEngine/UnityEngine.TilemapModule.dll
- [Type] UnityEngine.Tilemaps.TileData
- [Property] colliderType
- [Type] UnityEngine.Tilemaps.TileData
- [Assembly] Editor/Data/Managed/UnityEngine/UnityEngine.UIModule.dll
- [Type] UnityEngine.RectTransformUtility
- [Method] ScreenPointToRay
- [Method] WorldToScreenPoint
- [Method] CalculateRelativeRectTransformBounds
- [Type] UnityEngine.UISystemProfilerApi
- [Method] BeginSample
- [Method] EndSample
- [Method] AddMarker
- [Type] UnityEngine.RectTransformUtility
- [Assembly] Editor/Data/Managed/UnityEngine/UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll
- [Type] UnityEngine.UIElements.TemplateContainer
- [Property] templateId
- [Type] UnityEngine.UIElements.VisualElement
- [Method] ClearClassList
- [Method] AddToClassList
- [Method] RemoveFromClassList
- [Method] ClassListContains
- [Property] transform
- [Property] layout
- [Property] contentRect
- [Property] worldBound
- [Property] localBound
- [Property] worldTransform
- [Property] name
- [Property] visible
- [Property] parent
- [Property] panel
- [Property] Item
- [Type] UnityEngine.UIElements.VisualElementExtensions
- [Method] WorldToLocal
- [Method] LocalToWorld
- [Method] ChangeCoordinatesTo
- [Method] StretchToParentSize
- [Type] UnityEngine.UIElements.VisualElementStyleSheetSet
- [Property] Item
- [Type] UnityEngine.UIElements.Foldout
- [Property] text
- [Type] UnityEngine.UIElements.ListView
- [Method] OnKeyDown
- [Type] UnityEngine.UIElements.ScrollView
- [Field] horizontalVariantUssClassName
- [Field] verticalVariantUssClassName
- [Field] verticalHorizontalVariantUssClassName
- [Field] scrollVariantUssClassName
- [Type] UnityEngine.UIElements.TwoPaneSplitView
- [Method] CollapseChild
- [Method] UnCollapse
- [Property] fixedPane
- [Property] flexedPane
- [Property] fixedPaneIndex
- [Property] fixedPaneInitialDimension
- [Property] orientation
- [Type] UnityEngine.UIElements.TwoPaneSplitViewOrientation
- [Type] UnityEngine.UIElements.CreationContext
- [Property] target
- [Property] visualTreeAsset
- [Property] slotInsertionPoints
- [Field] Default
- [Type] UnityEngine.UIElements.Experimental.Easing
- [Method] Step
- [Method] Linear
- [Method] InSine
- [Method] OutSine
- [Method] InOutSine
- [Method] InQuad
- [Method] OutQuad
- [Method] InOutQuad
- [Method] InCubic
- [Method] OutCubic
- [Method] InOutCubic
- [Method] InPower
- [Method] OutPower
- [Method] InOutPower
- [Method] InBounce
- [Method] OutBounce
- [Method] InOutBounce
- [Method] InElastic
- [Method] OutElastic
- [Method] InOutElastic
- [Method] InBack
- [Method] OutBack
- [Method] InOutBack
- [Method] InCirc
- [Method] OutCirc
- [Method] InOutCirc
- [Type] UnityEngine.UIElements.TemplateContainer
- [Assembly] Editor/Data/Managed/UnityEngine/UnityEngine.UnityAnalyticsModule.dll
- [Type] UnityEngine.RemoteConfigSettings
- [Method] QueueConfig
- [Method] SendDeviceInfoInConfigRequest
- [Method] AddSessionTag
- [Method] ForceUpdate
- [Method] WasLastUpdatedFromServer
- [Method] GetInt
- [Method] GetLong
- [Method] GetFloat
- [Method] GetString
- [Method] GetBool
- [Method] HasKey
- [Method] GetCount
- [Method] GetKeys
- [Method] GetObject
- [Method] GetDictionary
- [Event] Updated
- [Type] UnityEngine.Analytics.ContinuousEvent
- [Method] RegisterCollector
- [Method] SetEventHistogramThresholds
- [Method] SetCustomEventHistogramThresholds
- [Method] ConfigureCustomEvent
- [Method] ConfigureEvent
- [Type] UnityEngine.RemoteConfigSettings
- [Assembly] Editor/Data/Managed/UnityEngine/UnityEngine.UnityAnalyticsCommonModule.dll
- [Type] UnityEngine.Analytics.AnalyticsCommon
- [Property] ugsAnalyticsEnabled
- [Type] UnityEngine.Analytics.UGSAnalyticsInternalTools
- [Method] SetPrivacyStatus
- [Type] UnityEngine.Analytics.AnalyticsCommon
- [Assembly] Editor/Data/Managed/UnityEngine/UnityEngine.UnityWebRequestWWWModule.dll
- [Type] UnityEngine.WWWAudioExtensions
- [Assembly] Editor/Data/Managed/UnityEngine/UnityEngine.VFXModule.dll
- [Type] UnityEngine.VFX.VFXManager
- [Method] GetComponents
- [Type] UnityEngine.VFX.VFXManager
- [Assembly] Editor/Data/Managed/UnityEngine/UnityEngine.VRModule.dll
- [Type] UnityEngineInternal.XR.WSA.RemoteSpeechAccess
- [Type] UnityEngine.XR.WSA.RemoteDeviceVersion
- [Assembly] Editor/Data/Managed/UnityEngine/UnityEngine.VideoModule.dll
- [Type] UnityEngine.Experimental.Video.VideoClipPlayable
- [Method] GetClip
- [Method] SetClip
- [Method] GetLooped
- [Method] SetLooped
- [Method] IsPlaying
- [Method] GetStartDelay
- [Method] GetPauseDelay
- [Method] Seek
- [Type] UnityEngine.Experimental.Video.VideoClipPlayable
- [Assembly] Editor/Data/Managed/UnityEngine/UnityEngine.VirtualTexturingModule.dll
- [Type] UnityEngine.Rendering.VirtualTexturing.EditorHelpers
- [Method] ValidateTextureStack
- [Method] QuerySupportedFormats
- [Type] UnityEngine.Rendering.VirtualTexturing.Debugging
- [Method] GetNumHandles
- [Method] GrabHandleInfo
- [Method] GetInfoDump
- [Property] debugTilesEnabled
- [Property] resolvingEnabled
- [Property] flushEveryTickEnabled
- [Type] UnityEngine.Rendering.VirtualTexturing.EditorHelpers
- [Assembly] Editor/Data/Managed/UnityEngine/UnityEngine.XRModule.dll
- [Type] UnityEngine.XR.XRDisplaySubsystem
- [Property] sRGB
- [Type] UnityEngine.XR.XRDisplaySubsystem
- [Assembly] Editor/Data/Managed/UnityEngine/UnityEditor.CoreModule.dll
- [Type] TreeEditor.TreeData
- [Method] GetGroup
- [Method] GetNode
- [Method] ValidateReferences
- [Method] ClearReferences
- [Method] AddGroup
- [Method] DuplicateGroup
- [Method] DeleteGroup
- [Method] SetGroupParent
- [Method] LockGroup
- [Method] UnlockGroup
- [Method] IsAncestor
- [Method] AddNode
- [Method] SetNodeParent
- [Method] DeleteNode
- [Method] DuplicateNode
- [Method] Initialize
- [Method] UpdateSeed
- [Method] UpdateFrequency
- [Method] UpdateDistribution
- [Method] GetAdaptiveHeightSegments
- [Method] GetAdaptiveRadialSegments
- [Method] GetAdaptiveSamples
- [Method] PreviewMesh
- [Method] UpdateMesh
- [Method] OptimizeMaterial
- [Method] CheckExternalChanges
- [Field] materialHash
- [Field] root
- [Field] branchGroups
- [Field] leafGroups
- [Field] nodes
- [Field] mesh
- [Field] optimizedSolidMaterial
- [Field] optimizedCutoutMaterial
- [Field] isInPreviewMode
- [Type] TreeEditor.TreeEditorHelper
- [Method] OnEnable
- [Method] AreShadersCorrect
- [Method] GetOptimizedShaderName
- [Method] IsTreeLeafShader
- [Method] IsTreeBarkShader
- [Method] GUITooManyShaders
- [Method] GUIWrongShader
- [Method] RefreshAllTreeShaders
- [Method] NodeHasWrongMaterial
- [Method] GetGUIContent
- [Method] ExtractLabel
- [Method] ExtractTooltip
- [Type] TreeEditor.SmoothRandom
- [Method] GetVector3
- [Method] Get
- [Type] TreeEditor.Perlin
- [Method] Noise
- [Method] SetSeed
- [Type] TreeEditor.FractalNoise
- [Method] HybridMultifractal
- [Method] RidgedMultifractal
- [Method] BrownianMotion
- [Type] TreeEditor.RingLoop
- [Method] SetNoiseSeed
- [Method] Clone
- [Method] Reset
- [Method] SetSurfaceAngle
- [Method] SetAnimationProperties
- [Method] SetSpread
- [Method] SetNoise
- [Method] SetFlares
- [Method] BuildVertices
- [Method] Cap
- [Method] Connect
- [Field] radius
- [Field] baseOffset
- [Type] TreeEditor.SplineNode
- [Field] point
- [Field] rot
- [Field] normal
- [Field] tangent
- [Field] time
- [Type] TreeEditor.TextureAtlas
- [Method] AddTexture
- [Method] GetTexTiling
- [Method] GetUVRect
- [Method] Pack
- [Field] atlasWidth
- [Field] atlasHeight
- [Field] atlasPadding
- [Field] nodes
- [Type] TreeEditor.TreeAOSphere
- [Method] PointOcclusion
- [Field] flag
- [Field] area
- [Field] radius
- [Field] density
- [Field] position
- [Type] TreeEditor.TreeAttribute
- [Field] uiLabel
- [Field] uiGadget
- [Field] uiCurve
- [Field] uiRequirement
- [Field] uiOptions
- [Field] uiCurveMin
- [Field] uiCurveMax
- [Field] uiMin
- [Field] uiMax
- [Type] TreeEditor.TreeGroup
- [Method] Lock
- [Method] Unlock
- [Method] CheckExternalChanges
- [Method] UpdateFrequency
- [Method] UpdateSeed
- [Method] ComputeWindFactor
- [Method] GetRootSpread
- [Method] GetRootMatrix
- [Method] UpdateDistribution
- [Property] uniqueID
- [Field] seed
- [Field] distributionFrequency
- [Field] distributionMode
- [Field] distributionCurve
- [Field] distributionNodes
- [Field] distributionTwirl
- [Field] distributionPitch
- [Field] distributionPitchCurve
- [Field] distributionScale
- [Field] distributionScaleCurve
- [Field] showAnimationProps
- [Field] animationPrimary
- [Field] animationSecondary
- [Field] animationEdge
- [Field] visible
- [Field] lockFlags
- [Field] nodeIDs
- [Field] parentGroupID
- [Field] childGroupIDs
- [Type] TreeEditor.TreeGroupBranch
- [Method] UpdateSplines
- [Method] UpdateSpline
- [Field] lodQualityMultiplier
- [Field] geometryMode
- [Field] materialBranch
- [Field] materialBreak
- [Field] materialFrond
- [Field] height
- [Field] radius
- [Field] radiusCurve
- [Field] radiusMode
- [Field] capSmoothing
- [Field] crinklyness
- [Field] crinkCurve
- [Field] seekBlend
- [Field] seekCurve
- [Field] noise
- [Field] noiseCurve
- [Field] noiseScaleU
- [Field] noiseScaleV
- [Field] flareSize
- [Field] flareHeight
- [Field] flareNoise
- [Field] weldHeight
- [Field] weldSpreadTop
- [Field] weldSpreadBottom
- [Field] breakingChance
- [Field] breakingSpot
- [Field] frondCount
- [Field] frondWidth
- [Field] frondCurve
- [Field] frondRange
- [Field] frondRotation
- [Field] frondCrease
- [Type] TreeEditor.TreeGroupLeaf
- [Field] geometryMode
- [Field] materialLeaf
- [Field] instanceMesh
- [Field] size
- [Field] perpendicularAlign
- [Field] horizontalAlign
- [Type] TreeEditor.TreeGroupRoot
- [Method] SetRootMatrix
- [Field] adaptiveLODQuality
- [Field] shadowTextureQuality
- [Field] enableWelding
- [Field] enableAmbientOcclusion
- [Field] enableMaterialOptimize
- [Field] aoDensity
- [Field] rootSpread
- [Field] groundOffset
- [Field] rootMatrix
- [Type] TreeEditor.TreeMaterial
- [Field] material
- [Field] tileV
- [Type] TreeEditor.TreeNode
- [Method] GetScale
- [Method] GetSurfaceAngleAtTime
- [Method] GetRadiusAtTime
- [Method] GetPropertiesAtTime
- [Method] GetLocalMatrixAtTime
- [Property] uniqueID
- [Field] spline
- [Field] seed
- [Field] animSeed
- [Field] visible
- [Field] triStart
- [Field] triEnd
- [Field] vertStart
- [Field] vertEnd
- [Field] capRange
- [Field] breakOffset
- [Field] size
- [Field] scale
- [Field] offset
- [Field] baseAngle
- [Field] angle
- [Field] pitch
- [Field] rotation
- [Field] matrix
- [Field] parentID
- [Field] groupID
- [Type] TreeEditor.TreeSpline
- [Method] Reset
- [Method] GetNodeCount
- [Method] SetNodeCount
- [Method] RemoveNode
- [Method] GetNodes
- [Method] AddPoint
- [Method] GetApproximateLength
- [Method] UpdateTime
- [Method] UpdateRotations
- [Method] GetRotationAtTime
- [Method] GetPositionAtTime
- [Field] nodes
- [Field] tension
- [Type] TreeEditor.TreeTriangle
- [Method] flip
- [Field] tileV
- [Field] isBillboard
- [Field] isCutout
- [Field] materialIndex
- [Field] v
- [Type] TreeEditor.TreeVertex
- [Method] SetAnimationProperties
- [Method] SetAmbientOcclusion
- [Method] Lerp4
- [Field] pos
- [Field] nor
- [Field] tangent
- [Field] uv0
- [Field] uv1
- [Field] color
- [Field] flag
- [Type] UnityEditorInternal.AssetStore
- [Method] Open
- [Type] UnityEditorInternal.AssetStoreToolUtils
- [Method] BuildAssetStoreAssetBundle
- [Type] UnityEditorInternal.BlendTreePreviewUtility
- [Method] GetRootBlendTreeChildWeights
- [Method] CalculateRootBlendTreeChildWeights
- [Method] CalculateBlendTexture
- [Type] UnityEditorInternal.ComponentUtility
- [Method] MoveComponentUp
- [Method] MoveComponentDown
- [Method] CopyComponent
- [Method] PasteComponentValues
- [Method] PasteComponentAsNew
- [Method] DestroyComponentsMatching
- [Method] ReplaceComponentsIfDifferent
- [Type] UnityEditorInternal.GenerateIconsWithMipLevels
- [Method] GenerateAllIconsWithMipLevels
- [Method] VerifyIconPath
- [Method] GenerateSelectedIconsWithMips
- [Method] GenerateIconWithMipLevels
- [Method] MipLevelForAssetPath
- [Type] UnityEditorInternal.DllType
- [Type] UnityEditorInternal.LoadFileAndForgetOperation
- [Property] Result
- [Type] UnityEditorInternal.InternalEditorUtility
- [Method] BumpMapSettingsFixingWindowReportResult
- [Method] PerformUnmarkedBumpMapTexturesFixing
- [Method] BumpMapTextureNeedsFixingInternal
- [Method] FixNormalmapTextureInternal
- [Method] GetEditorAssemblyPath
- [Method] GetEngineAssemblyPath
- [Method] GetEngineCoreModuleAssemblyPath
- [Method] CalculateHashForObjectsAndDependencies
- [Method] ExecuteCommandOnKeyWindow
- [Method] InstantiateMaterialsInEditMode
- [Method] SwitchSkinAndRepaintAllViews
- [Method] RepaintAllViews
- [Method] GetIsInspectorExpanded
- [Method] SetIsInspectorExpanded
- [Method] LoadAssemblyWrapper
- [Method] SaveToSerializedFileAndForget
- [Method] LoadSerializedFileAndForget
- [Method] LoadSerializedFileAndForgetAsync
- [Method] ProjectWindowDrag
- [Method] HierarchyWindowDrag
- [Method] HierarchyWindowDragByID
- [Method] SceneViewDrag
- [Method] SetRectTransformTemporaryRect
- [Method] HasPro
- [Method] HasFreeLicense
- [Method] HasEduLicense
- [Method] HasAdvancedLicenseOnBuildTarget
- [Method] IsMobilePlatform
- [Method] GetBoundsOfDesktopAtPoint
- [Method] RemoveTag
- [Method] AddTag
- [Method] ConcatenatedLayersMaskToLayerMask
- [Method] TryOpenErrorFileFromConsole
- [Method] LayerMaskToConcatenatedLayersMask
- [Method] GetSpriteOuterUV
- [Method] GetObjectFromInstanceID
- [Method] GetTypeWithoutLoadingObject
- [Method] GetLoadedObjectFromInstanceID
- [Method] GetLayerName
- [Method] GetAssetsFolder
- [Method] GetEditorFolder
- [Method] IsInEditorFolder
- [Method] ReloadWindowLayoutMenu
- [Method] RevertFactoryLayoutSettings
- [Method] LoadDefaultLayout
- [Method] GetFullUnityVersion
- [Method] GetUnityVersion
- [Method] GetUnityVersionDigits
- [Method] GetUnityBuildBranch
- [Method] GetUnityBuildHash
- [Method] GetUnityDisplayVersion
- [Method] GetUnityDisplayVersionVerbose
- [Method] GetUnityVersionDate
- [Method] GetUnityRevision
- [Method] IsUnityBeta
- [Method] GetUnityCopyright
- [Method] GetLicenseInfo
- [Method] GetLicenseFlags
- [Method] GetAuthToken
- [Method] OpenEditorConsole
- [Method] GetGameObjectInstanceIDFromComponent
- [Method] ReadScreenPixel
- [Method] ReadScreenPixelUnderCursor
- [Method] SetGpuDeviceAndRecreateGraphics
- [Method] IsGpuDeviceSelectionSupported
- [Method] GetGpuDevices
- [Method] OpenPlayerConsole
- [Method] TextifyEvent
- [Method] GetAvailableDiffTools
- [Method] GetNoDiffToolsDetectedMessage
- [Method] TransformBounds
- [Method] SetCustomLightingInternal
- [Method] SetCustomLighting
- [Method] RemoveCustomLighting
- [Method] HasFullscreenCamera
- [Method] CalculateSelectionBounds
- [Method] OnGameViewFocus
- [Method] OpenFileAtLineExternal
- [Method] CanConnectToCacheServer
- [Method] DetectDotNetDll
- [Method] IsDotNet4Dll
- [Method] CurrentThreadIsMainThread
- [Method] GetCrashReportFolder
- [Method] GetCrashHandlerProcessID
- [Method] ResetCursor
- [Method] VerifyCacheServerIntegrity
- [Method] FixCacheServerIntegrityErrors
- [Method] DetermineDepthOrder
- [Method] PassAndReturnVector2
- [Method] PassAndReturnColor32
- [Method] SaveCursorToFile
- [Method] CountToString
- [Method] FindIconForFile
- [Method] GetIconForFile
- [Method] GetEditorSettingsList
- [Method] SaveEditorSettingsList
- [Method] TextAreaForDocBrowser
- [Method] GetSceneViewCameras
- [Method] ShowGameView
- [Method] GetNewSelection
- [Method] IsValidFileName
- [Method] RemoveInvalidCharsFromFileName
- [Method] GetDisplayStringOfInvalidCharsOfFileName
- [Method] SetShowGizmos
- [Property] isHumanControllingUs
- [Property] isApplicationActive
- [Property] inBatchMode
- [Property] expandedProjectWindowItems
- [Property] tags
- [Property] layers
- [Property] unityPreferencesFolder
- [Property] defaultScreenWidth
- [Property] defaultScreenHeight
- [Property] defaultWebScreenWidth
- [Property] defaultWebScreenHeight
- [Property] remoteScreenWidth
- [Property] remoteScreenHeight
- [Type] UnityEditorInternal.RegistryView
- [Type] UnityEditorInternal.RegistryUtil
- [Method] GetRegistryUInt32Value
- [Method] GetRegistryStringValue
- [Type] UnityEditorInternal.ScriptEditorUtility
- [Method] GetExternalScriptEditor
- [Method] GetExternalScriptEditorArgs
- [Type] UnityEditorInternal.InternalSpriteUtility
- [Method] GenerateAutomaticSpriteRectangles
- [Method] GenerateGridSpriteRectangles
- [Type] UnityEditorInternal.AssemblyDefinitionImporter
- [Type] UnityEditorInternal.AssemblyDefinitionAsset
- [Type] UnityEditorInternal.AssemblyDefinitionReferenceImporter
- [Type] UnityEditorInternal.AssemblyDefinitionReferenceAsset
- [Type] UnityEditorInternal.Il2CppNativeCodeBuilderUtils
- [Method] AddBuilderArguments
- [Method] ClearAndPrepareCacheDirectory
- [Method] ClearCacheIfEditorVersionDiffers
- [Method] PrepareCacheDirectory
- [Method] ObjectFilePathInCacheDirectoryFor
- [Type] UnityEditorInternal.ReorderableList
- [Method] DoLayoutList
- [Method] DoList
- [Method] GetHeight
- [Method] GrabKeyboardFocus
- [Method] ReleaseKeyboardFocus
- [Method] HasKeyboardControl
- [Property] defaultBehaviours
- [Property] serializedProperty
- [Property] list
- [Property] index
- [Property] draggable
- [Property] count
- [Field] drawHeaderCallback
- [Field] drawFooterCallback
- [Field] drawElementCallback
- [Field] drawElementBackgroundCallback
- [Field] drawNoneElementCallback
- [Field] elementHeightCallback
- [Field] onReorderCallbackWithDetails
- [Field] onReorderCallback
- [Field] onSelectCallback
- [Field] onAddCallback
- [Field] onAddDropdownCallback
- [Field] onRemoveCallback
- [Field] onMouseDragCallback
- [Field] onMouseUpCallback
- [Field] onCanRemoveCallback
- [Field] onCanAddCallback
- [Field] onChangedCallback
- [Field] displayAdd
- [Field] displayRemove
- [Field] elementHeight
- [Field] headerHeight
- [Field] footerHeight
- [Field] showDefaultBackground
- [Type] UnityEditorInternal.EditMode
- [Method] IsOwner
- [Method] OnSelectionChange
- [Method] QuitEditMode
- [Method] DoEditModeInspectorModeButton
- [Method] DoInspectorToolbar
- [Method] ChangeEditMode
- [Property] editMode
- [Field] onEditModeEndDelegate
- [Field] onEditModeStartDelegate
- [Type] UnityEditorInternal.MinMaxCurvePropertyDrawer
- [Type] UnityEditorInternal.MinMaxGradientPropertyDrawer
- [Type] UnityEditorInternal.UnityEventDrawer
- [Method] OnGUI
- [Method] IsPersistantListenerValid
- [Type] UnityEditorInternal.MonoScripts
- [Method] CreateMonoScript
- [Type] UnityEditorInternal.RenderDoc
- [Method] IsInstalled
- [Method] IsLoaded
- [Method] IsSupported
- [Method] Load
- [Method] BeginCaptureRenderDoc
- [Method] EndCaptureRenderDoc
- [Type] UnityEditorInternal.ProfilerFrameDataMultiColumnHeader
- [Method] GetMultiColumnHeaderIndex
- [Method] GetProfilerColumn
- [Property] columns
- [Property] sortedProfilerColumn
- [Property] sortedProfilerColumnAscending
- [Type] UnityEditorInternal.ObjectMemoryInfo
- [Field] instanceId
- [Field] memorySize
- [Field] count
- [Field] reason
- [Field] name
- [Field] className
- [Type] UnityEditorInternal.ObjectMemoryStackInfo
- [Field] expanded
- [Field] sorted
- [Field] allocated
- [Field] ownedAllocated
- [Field] callerSites
- [Field] name
- [Type] UnityEditorInternal.ProfilerColorDescriptor
- [Field] color
- [Field] isBright
- [Type] UnityEditorInternal.NativeProfilerTimeline_InitializeArgs
- [Method] Reset
- [Field] ghostAlpha
- [Field] nonSelectedAlpha
- [Field] lineHeight
- [Field] textFadeOutWidth
- [Field] textFadeStartWidth
- [Field] guiStyle
- [Field] profilerColorDescriptors
- [Field] showFullScriptingMethodNames
- [Type] UnityEditorInternal.NativeProfilerTimeline_DrawArgs
- [Method] Reset
- [Field] frameIndex
- [Field] threadIndex
- [Field] timeOffset
- [Field] threadRect
- [Field] shownAreaRect
- [Field] selectedEntryIndex
- [Field] mousedOverEntryIndex
- [Type] UnityEditorInternal.NativeProfilerTimeline_GetEntryAtPositionArgs
- [Method] Reset
- [Field] frameIndex
- [Field] threadIndex
- [Field] timeOffset
- [Field] threadRect
- [Field] shownAreaRect
- [Field] position
- [Field] out_EntryIndex
- [Field] out_EntryYMaxPos
- [Field] out_EntryName
- [Type] UnityEditorInternal.NativeProfilerTimeline_GetEntryInstanceInfoArgs
- [Method] Reset
- [Field] frameIndex
- [Field] threadIndex
- [Field] entryIndex
- [Field] out_Id
- [Field] out_Path
- [Field] out_CallstackInfo
- [Field] out_MetaData
- [Type] UnityEditorInternal.NativeProfilerTimeline_GetEntryTimingInfoArgs
- [Method] Reset
- [Field] frameIndex
- [Field] threadIndex
- [Field] entryIndex
- [Field] calculateFrameData
- [Field] out_LocalStartTime
- [Field] out_Duration
- [Field] out_TotalDurationForFrame
- [Field] out_InstanceCountForFrame
- [Type] UnityEditorInternal.NativeProfilerTimeline_GetEntryPositionInfoArgs
- [Method] Reset
- [Field] frameIndex
- [Field] threadIndex
- [Field] sampleIndex
- [Field] timeOffset
- [Field] threadRect
- [Field] shownAreaRect
- [Field] out_Position
- [Field] out_Size
- [Field] out_Depth
- [Type] UnityEditorInternal.NativeProfilerTimeline
- [Method] Initialize
- [Method] Draw
- [Method] GetEntryAtPosition
- [Method] GetEntryInstanceInfo
- [Method] GetEntryTimingInfo
- [Method] GetEntryPositionInfo
- [Type] UnityEditorInternal.MemoryInfoGCReason
- [Type] UnityEditorInternal.ProfilerMemoryRecordMode
- [Type] UnityEditorInternal.InstrumentedAssemblyTypes
- [Type] UnityEditorInternal.ProfilerMemoryView
- [Type] UnityEditorInternal.ProfilerAudioView
- [Type] UnityEditorInternal.ProfilerCaptureFlags
- [Type] UnityEditorInternal.GpuProfilingStatisticsAvailabilityStates
- [Type] UnityEditorInternal.EventMarker
- [Field] objectInstanceId
- [Field] nameOffset
- [Field] frame
- [Type] UnityEditorInternal.ProfilerDriver
- [Method] ClearAllFrames
- [Method] GetNextFrameIndex
- [Method] GetPreviousFrameIndex
- [Method] SetAreaEnabled
- [Method] IsAreaEnabled
- [Method] SetMarkerFiltering
- [Method] GetUISystemEventMarkersCount
- [Method] GetUISystemEventMarkersBatch
- [Method] GetFormattedCounterValue
- [Method] GetCounterValuesBatch
- [Method] GetGpuStatisticsAvailabilityStates
- [Method] GetGpuStatisticsAvailabilityState
- [Method] GetHierarchyFrameDataView
- [Method] GetRawFrameDataView
- [Method] SaveProfile
- [Method] LoadProfile
- [Method] GetAllStatisticsProperties
- [Method] GetGraphStatisticsPropertiesForArea
- [Method] GetStatisticsAvailable
- [Method] GetStatisticsIdentifierForArea
- [Method] GetConnectionIdentifier
- [Method] IsIdentifierConnectable
- [Method] DirectIPConnect
- [Method] DirectURLConnect
- [Method] GetAvailableProfilers
- [Method] GetOverviewText
- [Method] RequestMemorySnapshot
- [Method] RequestObjectMemoryInfo
- [Method] QueryInstrumentableFunctions
- [Method] QueryFunctionCallees
- [Method] SetAutoInstrumentedAssemblies
- [Method] SetAudioCaptureFlags
- [Method] BeginInstrumentFunction
- [Method] EndInstrumentFunction
- [Property] firstFrameIndex
- [Property] lastFrameIndex
- [Property] selectedPropertyPath
- [Property] enabled
- [Property] profileGPU
- [Property] profileEditor
- [Property] deepProfiling
- [Property] memoryRecordMode
- [Property] directConnectionUrl
- [Property] connectedProfiler
- [Property] miniMemoryOverview
- [Property] usedHeapSize
- [Property] objectCount
- [Event] NewProfilerFrameRecorded
- [Event] profileLoaded
- [Field] directConnectionPort
- [Type] UnityEditorInternal.ProfilerFrameDataIterator
- [Method] Next
- [Method] GetThreadCount
- [Method] GetFrameStartS
- [Method] GetGroupCount
- [Method] GetGroupName
- [Method] GetThreadName
- [Method] SetRoot
- [Property] group
- [Property] depth
- [Property] maxDepth
- [Property] path
- [Property] name
- [Property] sampleId
- [Property] instanceId
- [Property] frameTimeMS
- [Property] frameGpuTimeMS
- [Property] startTimeMS
- [Property] durationMS
- [Property] extraTooltipInfo
- [Type] UnityEditorInternal.AudioProfilerGroupInfo
- [Field] assetInstanceId
- [Field] objectInstanceId
- [Field] assetNameOffset
- [Field] objectNameOffset
- [Field] parentId
- [Field] uniqueId
- [Field] flags
- [Field] playCount
- [Field] distanceToListener
- [Field] volume
- [Field] audibility
- [Field] minDist
- [Field] maxDist
- [Field] time
- [Field] duration
- [Field] frequency
- [Type] UnityEditorInternal.AudioProfilerDSPInfo
- [Field] id
- [Field] target
- [Field] targetPort
- [Field] numChannels
- [Field] nameOffset
- [Field] weight
- [Field] cpuLoad
- [Field] level1
- [Field] level2
- [Field] numLevels
- [Field] flags
- [Type] UnityEditorInternal.AudioProfilerClipInfo
- [Field] assetInstanceId
- [Field] assetNameOffset
- [Field] loadState
- [Field] internalLoadState
- [Field] age
- [Field] disposed
- [Field] numChannelInstances
- [Field] numClones
- [Field] refCount
- [Field] instancePtr
- [Type] UnityEditorInternal.BatchBreakingReason
- [Type] UnityEditorInternal.UISystemProfilerInfo
- [Field] objectInstanceId
- [Field] objectNameOffset
- [Field] parentId
- [Field] batchCount
- [Field] totalBatchCount
- [Field] vertexCount
- [Field] totalVertexCount
- [Field] isBatch
- [Field] batchBreakingReason
- [Field] instanceIDsIndex
- [Field] instanceIDsCount
- [Field] renderDataIndex
- [Field] renderDataCount
- [Type] UnityEditorInternal.ProfilerProperty
- [Method] Cleanup
- [Method] Next
- [Method] SetRoot
- [Method] ResetToRoot
- [Method] InitializeDetailProperty
- [Method] GetTooltip
- [Method] GetColumn
- [Method] GetColumnAsSingle
- [Method] GetAudioProfilerGroupInfo
- [Method] GetAudioProfilerDSPInfo
- [Method] GetAudioProfilerClipInfo
- [Method] GetAudioProfilerNameByOffset
- [Method] GetUISystemProfilerInfo
- [Method] GetUISystemProfilerNameByOffset
- [Method] GetUISystemEventMarkers
- [Method] GetUISystemEventMarkerNameByOffset
- [Method] GetUISystemBatchInstanceIDs
- [Method] ReleaseUISystemProfilerRender
- [Method] UISystemProfilerRender
- [Property] propertyName
- [Property] HasChildren
- [Property] onlyShowGPUSamples
- [Property] instanceIDs
- [Property] depth
- [Property] propertyPath
- [Property] frameFPS
- [Property] frameTime
- [Property] frameGpuTime
- [Property] frameDataReady
- [Type] UnityEditorInternal.VR.VREditor
- [Method] GetVREnabledOnTargetGroup
- [Method] SetVREnabledOnTargetGroup
- [Method] NativeSetVREnabledDevicesOnTargetGroup
- [Method] SetVREnabledDevicesOnTargetGroup
- [Type] UnityEditorInternal.Profiling.Memory.Experimental.MemorySnapshotFileReader
- [Method] Dispose
- [Method] GetFilePath
- [Method] Open
- [Method] Close
- [Method] GetDataArray
- [Method] GetDataSingle
- [Method] GetNumEntries
- [Type] UnityEditorInternal.Profiling.Memory.Experimental.MemorySnapshotFileWriter
- [Method] Open
- [Method] Close
- [Method] WriteEntry
- [Method] WriteEntryArray
- [Type] UnityEditorInternal.Profiling.Memory.Experimental.FileFormat.EntryType
- [Type] UnityEditorInternal.VersionControl.AssetModificationHook
- [Method] FileModeChanged
- [Method] OnWillMoveAsset
- [Method] OnWillDeleteAsset
- [Method] OnWillDeleteAssets
- [Method] IsOpenForEdit
- [Type] UnityEditorInternal.VersionControl.ListControl
- [Method] FromID
- [Method] FindItemWithIdentifier
- [Method] Add
- [Method] Clear
- [Method] Refresh
- [Method] Sync
- [Method] OnGUI
- [Method] SelectedSet
- [Method] SelectedAll
- [Method] SelectedAdd
- [Property] listState
- [Property] ExpandEvent
- [Property] DragEvent
- [Property] ActionEvent
- [Property] Root
- [Property] SelectedAssets
- [Property] SelectedChangeSets
- [Property] EmptyChangeSets
- [Property] ReadOnly
- [Property] MenuFolder
- [Property] MenuDefault
- [Property] DragAcceptOnly
- [Property] Size
- [Type] UnityEditorInternal.VersionControl.ListItem
- [Method] HasPath
- [Method] IsChildOf
- [Method] Clear
- [Method] Add
- [Method] Remove
- [Method] RemoveAll
- [Method] FindWithIdentifierRecurse
- [Property] Icon
- [Property] Identifier
- [Property] Name
- [Property] Indent
- [Property] Item
- [Property] Asset
- [Property] Change
- [Property] Expanded
- [Property] Exclusive
- [Property] Dummy
- [Property] Hidden
- [Property] HasChildren
- [Property] HasActions
- [Property] Actions
- [Property] CanExpand
- [Property] CanAccept
- [Property] OpenCount
- [Property] ChildCount
- [Property] Parent
- [Property] FirstChild
- [Property] LastChild
- [Property] Prev
- [Property] Next
- [Property] PrevOpen
- [Property] NextOpen
- [Property] PrevOpenSkip
- [Property] NextOpenSkip
- [Property] PrevOpenVisible
- [Property] NextOpenVisible
- [Type] UnityEditorInternal.VersionControl.Overlay
- [Method] GetOverlayRect
- [Method] DrawOverlay
- [Type] UnityEditor.ActiveEditorTracker
- [Method] Destroy
- [Method] GetVisible
- [Method] SetVisible
- [Method] ClearDirty
- [Method] RebuildIfNecessary
- [Method] ForceRebuild
- [Method] VerifyModifiedMonoBehaviours
- [Method] HasCustomEditor
- [Property] activeEditors
- [Property] isDirty
- [Property] isLocked
- [Property] inspectorMode
- [Property] hasComponentsWhichCannotBeMultiEdited
- [Property] sharedTracker
- [Type] UnityEditor.ArrayUtility
- [Method] FindAll
- [Method] Find
- [Type] UnityEditor.BuildPipeline
- [Method] GetBuildTargetGroup
- [Type] UnityEditor.BuildPlayerWindow
- [Method] GetPlaybackEngineDownloadURL
- [Type] UnityEditor.DrawGizmo
- [Field] drawnType
- [Field] drawOptions
- [Type] UnityEditor.EditorApplication
- [Method] RepaintAnimationWindow
- [Type] UnityEditor.EditorBuildSettingsScene
- [Method] GetActiveSceneList
- [Property] guid
- [Type] UnityEditor.EditorGUI
- [Method] IndentedRect
- [Method] DrawTextureTransparent
- [Type] UnityEditor.EditorGUILayout
- [Method] Separator
- [Method] Knob
- [Type] UnityEditor.EditorGUIUtility
- [Method] SerializeMainMenuToString
- [Method] SetMenuLocalizationTestMode
- [Method] SetWantsMouseJumping
- [Method] TrTextContent
- [Method] TrTextContentWithIcon
- [Method] TrIconContent
- [Method] TrTempContent
- [Type] UnityEditor.SerializationMode
- [Type] UnityEditor.EditorBehaviorMode
- [Type] UnityEditor.LineEndingsMode
- [Type] UnityEditor.EditorSettings
- [Property] serializationMode
- [Property] lineEndingsForNewScripts
- [Property] defaultBehaviorMode
- [Property] spritePackerMode
- [Property] etcTextureCompressorBehavior
- [Property] etcTextureFastCompressor
- [Property] etcTextureNormalCompressor
- [Property] etcTextureBestCompressor
- [Type] UnityEditor.PS4HardwareTarget
- [Type] UnityEditor.XboxOneDeployMethod
- [Type] UnityEditor.XboxOneDeployDrive
- [Type] UnityEditor.WSASDK
- [Type] UnityEditor.SwitchRomCompressionType
- [Type] UnityEditor.EditorUserBuildSettings
- [Property] xboxOneAdditionalDebugPorts
- [Property] androidBuildSystem
- [Property] androidBuildType
- [Property] wsaMinUWPSDK
- [Property] wsaArchitecture
- [Property] switchCreateRomFile
- [Property] switchEnableRomCompression
- [Property] switchSaveADF
- [Property] switchRomCompressionType
- [Property] switchRomCompressionLevel
- [Property] switchRomCompressionConfig
- [Property] switchNVNGraphicsDebugger
- [Property] generateNintendoSwitchShaderInfo
- [Property] switchNVNShaderDebugging
- [Property] switchNVNDrawValidation_Light
- [Property] switchNVNDrawValidation_Heavy
- [Property] switchEnableHeapInspector
- [Property] switchEnableDebugPad
- [Property] switchRedirectWritesToHostMount
- [Property] switchHTCSScriptDebugging
- [Property] switchUseLegacyNvnPoolAllocator
- [Type] UnityEditor.EditorUserSettings
- [Method] GetConfigValue
- [Method] SetConfigValue
- [Property] AutomaticAdd
- [Property] WorkOffline
- [Property] showFailedCheckout
- [Property] overwriteFailedCheckoutAssets
- [Property] overlayIcons
- [Property] allowAsyncStatusUpdate
- [Property] semanticMergeMode
- [Type] UnityEditor.EditorUtility
- [Method] RevealInFinder
- [Method] WarnPrefab
- [Method] InvokeDiffTool
- [Method] OpenWithDefaultApp
- [Method] LoadWindowLayout
- [Method] DisplayCustomMenu
- [Method] CompileCSharp
- [Method] DisplayCustomMenuWithSeparators
- [Property] audioMasterMute
- [Type] UnityEditor.EditorWindow
- [Method] ShowTab
- [Property] depthBufferBits
- [Type] UnityEditor.FileUtil
- [Method] GetProjectRelativePath
- [Type] UnityEditor.GUID
- [Method] Empty
- [Method] TryParse
- [Method] Generate
- [Type] UnityEditor.Handles
- [Method] SelectionFrame
- [Method] DoPositionHandle
- [Method] DoRotationHandle
- [Method] DoScaleHandle
- [Type] UnityEditor.HandleUtility
- [Property] nearestControl
- [Property] handleMaterial
- [Type] UnityEditor.InspectorMode
- [Type] UnityEditor.HierarchyType
- [Type] UnityEditor.IconDrawStyle
- [Type] UnityEditor.HierarchyProperty
- [Method] SetCustomScenes
- [Method] SetSubScenes
- [Method] GetScene
- [Method] SetSearchFilter
- [Method] ClearSceneObjectsFilter
- [Method] FilterSingleSceneObject
- [Property] instanceID
- [Property] pptrValue
- [Property] name
- [Property] hasChildren
- [Property] depth
- [Property] ancestors
- [Property] row
- [Property] colorCode
- [Property] guid
- [Property] alphaSorted
- [Property] showSceneHeaders
- [Property] isSceneHeader
- [Property] isValid
- [Property] isMainRepresentation
- [Property] hasFullPreviewImage
- [Property] iconDrawStyle
- [Property] isFolder
- [Property] dynamicDependencies
- [Property] icon
- [Type] UnityEditor.MaterialProperty
- [Method] ReadFromMaterialPropertyBlock
- [Method] WriteToMaterialPropertyBlock
- [Property] applyPropertyCallback
- [Property] textureScaleAndOffset
- [Type] UnityEditor.MenuItem
- [Field] menuItem
- [Field] validate
- [Field] priority
- [Type] UnityEditor.PackageInfo
- [Field] packagePath
- [Field] jsonInfo
- [Field] iconURL
- [Type] UnityEditor.PlayerSettings
- [Method] GetWsaHolographicRemotingEnabled
- [Method] SetWsaHolographicRemotingEnabled
- [Property] productGUID
- [Property] defaultIsNativeResolution
- [Property] xboxPIXTextureCapture
- [Property] xboxEnableAvatar
- [Property] xboxOneResolution
- [Type] UnityEditor.XboxOneEncryptionLevel
- [Type] UnityEditor.XboxOnePackageUpdateGranularity
- [Type] UnityEditor.XboxOneLoggingLevel
- [Type] UnityEditor.SerializedProperty
- [Property] isAnimated
- [Property] objectReferenceInstanceIDValue
- [Type] UnityEditor.StaticOcclusionCulling
- [Method] SetDefaultOcclusionBakeSettings
- [Property] smallestOccluder
- [Property] smallestHole
- [Property] backfaceThreshold
- [Type] UnityEditor.StaticOcclusionCullingVisualization
- [Property] showDynamicObjectBounds
- [Property] isPreviewOcclusionCullingCameraInPVS
- [Property] previewOcclusionCamera
- [Property] previewOcclucionCamera
- [Type] UnityEditor.UnityStats
- [Property] batches
- [Property] drawCalls
- [Property] dynamicBatchedDrawCalls
- [Property] staticBatchedDrawCalls
- [Property] instancedBatchedDrawCalls
- [Property] dynamicBatches
- [Property] staticBatches
- [Property] instancedBatches
- [Property] setPassCalls
- [Property] triangles
- [Property] vertices
- [Property] shadowCasters
- [Property] renderTextureChanges
- [Property] frameTime
- [Property] renderTime
- [Property] audioLevel
- [Property] audioClippingAmount
- [Property] audioDSPLoad
- [Property] audioStreamLoad
- [Property] renderTextureCount
- [Property] renderTextureBytes
- [Property] usedTextureMemorySize
- [Property] usedTextureCount
- [Property] screenRes
- [Property] screenBytes
- [Property] vboTotal
- [Property] vboTotalBytes
- [Property] vboUploads
- [Property] vboUploadBytes
- [Property] ibUploads
- [Property] ibUploadBytes
- [Property] visibleSkinnedMeshes
- [Property] animationComponentsPlaying
- [Property] animatorComponentsPlaying
- [Type] UnityEditor.Unsupported
- [Method] CaptureScreenshotImmediate
- [Method] GetSubmenusCommands
- [Method] GetTypeFromFullName
- [Method] GetSubmenus
- [Method] GetSubmenusIncludingSeparators
- [Method] PrepareObjectContextMenu
- [Method] IsDeveloperBuild
- [Method] IsDeveloperMode
- [Method] IsSourceBuild
- [Method] IsBleedingEdgeBuild
- [Method] IsDestroyScriptableObject
- [Method] IsNativeCodeBuiltInReleaseMode
- [Method] GetBaseUnityDeveloperFolder
- [Method] StopPlayingImmediately
- [Method] SceneTrackerFlushDirty
- [Method] SetAllowCursorHide
- [Method] SetOverrideLightingSettings
- [Method] RestoreOverrideLightingSettings
- [Method] SetRenderSettingsUseFogNoDirty
- [Method] SetSceneViewDebugModeExposureNoDirty
- [Method] SetQualitySettingsShadowDistanceTemporarily
- [Method] DeleteGameObjectSelection
- [Method] CopyGameObjectsToPasteboard
- [Method] PasteGameObjectsFromPasteboard
- [Method] GetSerializedAssetInterfaceSingleton
- [Method] DuplicateGameObjectsUsingPasteboard
- [Method] CopyComponentToPasteboard
- [Method] PasteComponentFromPasteboard
- [Method] PasteComponentValuesFromPasteboard
- [Method] HasStateMachineTransitionDataInPasteboard
- [Method] AreAllParametersInDestination
- [Method] DestinationHasCompatibleParameterTypes
- [Method] CanPasteParametersToTransition
- [Method] CopyStateMachineTransitionParametersToPasteboard
- [Method] PasteToStateMachineTransitionParametersFromPasteboard
- [Method] CopyStateMachineDataToPasteboard
- [Method] PasteToStateMachineFromPasteboard
- [Method] HasStateMachineDataInPasteboard
- [Method] SmartReset
- [Method] ResolveSymlinks
- [Method] ResolveRedirectedPath
- [Method] SetApplicationSettingCompressAssetsOnImport
- [Method] GetApplicationSettingCompressAssetsOnImport
- [Method] GetLocalIdentifierInFileForPersistentObject
- [Method] IsHiddenFile
- [Method] ClearSkinCache
- [Method] GetRenderSettings
- [Property] useScriptableRenderPipeline
- [Type] UnityEditor.ExternalVersionControl
- [Field] Disabled
- [Field] AutoDetect
- [Field] Generic
- [Type] UnityEditor.VersionControlSettings
- [Property] mode
- [Type] UnityEditor.AnimationClipSettings
- [Field] additiveReferencePoseClip
- [Field] additiveReferencePoseTime
- [Field] startTime
- [Field] stopTime
- [Field] orientationOffsetY
- [Field] level
- [Field] cycleOffset
- [Field] hasAdditiveReferencePose
- [Field] loopTime
- [Field] loopBlend
- [Field] loopBlendOrientation
- [Field] loopBlendPositionY
- [Field] loopBlendPositionXZ
- [Field] keepOriginalOrientation
- [Field] keepOriginalPositionY
- [Field] keepOriginalPositionXZ
- [Field] heightFromFeet
- [Field] mirror
- [Type] UnityEditor.ObjectReferenceKeyframe
- [Field] time
- [Field] value
- [Type] UnityEditor.AnimationUtility
- [Method] GetEditorCurveValueType
- [Method] GetObjectReferenceValue
- [Method] PropertyModificationToEditorCurveBinding
- [Method] GetAnimationClipSettings
- [Method] SetAnimationClipSettings
- [Method] ConstrainToPolynomialCurve
- [Type] UnityEditor.EditorCurveBinding
- [Property] isPPtrCurve
- [Property] isDiscreteCurve
- [Type] UnityEditor.AssetDatabase
- [Method] GetAllAssetPaths
- [Method] GetBuiltinExtraResource
- [Method] IsDirectoryMonitoringEnabled
- [Method] IsAssetImportWorkerProcess
- [Event] cacheServerConnectionChanged
- [Type] UnityEditor.AssetImporter
- [Property] assetTimeStamp
- [Type] UnityEditor.SpeedTreeImporter
- [Property] reflectionProbeUsages
- [Type] UnityEditor.TextureImporterSettings
- [Property] seamlessCubemap
- [Type] UnityEditor.AssetStoreAsset
- [Method] Dispose
- [Property] Preview
- [Property] HasLivePreview
- [Field] id
- [Field] name
- [Field] displayName
- [Field] staticPreviewURL
- [Field] dynamicPreviewURL
- [Field] className
- [Field] price
- [Field] packageID
- [Field] previewImage
- [Type] UnityEditor.AudioCurveRendering
- [Method] BeginCurveFrame
- [Method] EndCurveFrame
- [Method] DrawCurveFrame
- [Method] DrawCurveBackground
- [Method] DrawGradientRect
- [Field] kAudioOrange
- [Type] UnityEditor.CommandHandlerAttribute
- [Property] id
- [Property] label
- [Property] hint
- [Type] UnityEditor.CommandHint
- [Type] UnityEditor.CommandExecuteContext
- [Method] GetArgument
- [Property] data
- [Field] args
- [Field] result
- [Field] hint
- [Type] UnityEditor.CommandService
- [Method] GetCommandLabel
- [Method] RegisterCommand
- [Method] UnregisterCommand
- [Method] Exists
- [Method] Execute
- [Type] UnityEditor.ModeService
- [Method] ChangeModeById
- [Method] Update
- [Method] HasContextMenu
- [Method] PopupContextMenu
- [Property] modeNames
- [Property] modeCount
- [Property] currentId
- [Property] currentIndex
- [Event] modeChanged
- [Type] UnityEditor.GameViewSizeGroupType
- [Type] UnityEditor.EditorMaterialUtility
- [Method] ResetDefaultTextures
- [Method] IsBackgroundMaterial
- [Method] SetShaderDefaults
- [Method] SetShaderNonModifiableDefaults
- [Type] UnityEditor.EditorStyles
- [Method] FromUSS
- [Method] ApplyUSS
- [Type] UnityEditor.Tools
- [Property] lockedLayers
- [Type] UnityEditor.MaterialEditor
- [Method] PrepareMaterialPropertiesForAnimationMode
- [Type] UnityEditor.PreviewRenderUtility
- [Method] Cleanup
- [Method] BeginPreview
- [Method] BeginStaticPreview
- [Method] GetScaleFactor
- [Method] EndPreview
- [Method] EndAndDrawPreview
- [Method] EndStaticPreview
- [Method] AddSingleGO
- [Method] InstantiatePrefabInScene
- [Method] DrawMesh
- [Method] Render
- [Property] camera
- [Property] cameraFieldOfView
- [Property] ambientColor
- [Property] lights
- [Type] UnityEditor.RootEditorAttribute
- [Field] supportsAddComponent
- [Type] UnityEditor.BodyPart
- [Type] UnityEditor.BoneState
- [Type] UnityEditor.SaveType
- [Type] UnityEditor.ProjectWindowUtil
- [Method] CreateNewGUISkin
- [Method] CreateAsset
- [Method] CreateFolder
- [Method] CreateScene
- [Method] CreateAssetWithContent
- [Method] CreateScriptAssetFromTemplateFile
- [Method] ShowCreatedAsset
- [Method] StartNameEditingIfProjectWindowExists
- [Method] GetAncestors
- [Method] IsFolder
- [Method] GetContainingFolder
- [Method] GetBaseFolders
- [Type] UnityEditor.SearchableEditorWindow
- [Type] UnityEditor.PhysicsDebugWindow
- [Method] ShowWindow
- [Method] OnEnable
- [Method] OnDisable
- [Type] UnityEditor.SceneModeUtility
- [Method] GetSelectedObjectsOfType
- [Method] SearchForType
- [Method] SearchBar
- [Method] StaticFlagField
- [Method] SetStaticFlags
- [Method] GetObjects
- [Type] UnityEditor.SceneView
- [Method] FrameLastActiveSceneViewWithLock
- [Method] OnDestroy
- [Method] FixNegativeSize
- [Event] onValidateCameraMode
- [Type] UnityEditor.SettingsProvider
- [Method] PopulateSearchKeywordsFromGUIContentProperties
- [Type] UnityEditor.CloudProjectSettings
- [Method] RefreshAccessToken
- [Property] accessToken
- [Type] UnityEditor.MathUtils
- [Method] GetQuatLength
- [Method] GetQuatConjugate
- [Method] OrthogonalizeMatrix
- [Method] QuaternionNormalize
- [Method] QuaternionFromMatrix
- [Method] GetQuatLog
- [Method] GetQuatExp
- [Method] GetQuatSquad
- [Method] GetSquadIntermediate
- [Method] Ease
- [Method] Slerp
- [Method] IntersectRayTriangle
- [Method] ClosestPtSegmentRay
- [Method] IntersectRaySphere
- [Method] ClosestPtRaySphere
- [Type] UnityEditor.CacheServerConnectionChangedParameters
- [Type] UnityEditor.AudioImporterSampleSettings
- [Field] conversionMode
- [Type] UnityEditor.MonoImporter
- [Method] SetDefaultReferences
- [Method] GetAllRuntimeMonoScripts
- [Method] SetExecutionOrder
- [Method] GetExecutionOrder
- [Method] GetScript
- [Method] GetDefaultReference
- [Type] UnityEditor.HumanTemplate
- [Method] Insert
- [Method] Find
- [Method] ClearTemplate
- [Type] UnityEditor.L10n
- [Method] TrPath
- [Method] TextContent
- [Method] TextContentWithIcon
- [Method] IconContent
- [Method] TempContent
- [Type] UnityEditor.PhysicsVisualizationSettings
- [Method] PickClosestGameObject
- [Property] dotAlpha
- [Property] forceDot
- [Type] UnityEditor.XR.BootOptions
- [Method] SetXRSDKPreInitLibrary
- [Type] UnityEditor.MPE.ChannelInfo
- [Field] invalidChannel
- [Type] UnityEditor.MPE.ChannelClientInfo
- [Field] invalidClient
- [Type] UnityEditor.MPE.ProcessService
- [Method] ApplyPropertyModifications
- [Method] SerializeObject
- [Method] DeserializeObject
- [Type] UnityEditor.Analytics.AnalyticsSettings
- [Property] packageRequiringCoreStatsPresent
- [Type] UnityEditor.VersionControl.Asset
- [Method] Dispose
- [Method] IsChildOf
- [Property] prettyPath
- [Type] UnityEditor.VersionControl.ChangeSet
- [Method] Dispose
- [Type] UnityEditor.VersionControl.Message
- [Method] Dispose
- [Type] UnityEditor.VersionControl.ConfigField
- [Method] Dispose
- [Type] UnityEditor.VersionControl.Plugin
- [Method] Dispose
- [Property] availablePlugins
- [Type] UnityEditor.VersionControl.Provider
- [Method] Internal_WarningTask
- [Method] Internal_ErrorTask
- [Property] hasChangelistSupport
- [Property] isVersioningFolders
- [Type] UnityEditor.VersionControl.Task
- [Method] Dispose
- [Property] userIdentifier
- [Property] progressMessage
- [Type] UnityEditor.Connect.UnityOAuth
- [Method] GetAuthorizationCodeAsync
- [Event] UserLoggedIn
- [Event] UserLoggedOut
- [Type] UnityEditor.Macros.MacroEvaluator
- [Method] Eval
- [Type] UnityEditor.Macros.MethodEvaluator
- [Method] Eval
- [Method] ExecuteExternalCode
- [Type] UnityEditor.AI.NavMeshEditorHelpers
- [Method] OpenAgentSettings
- [Method] OpenAreaSettings
- [Method] DrawAgentDiagram
- [Type] UnityEditor.AI.NavMeshBuilder
- [Property] navMeshSettingsObject
- [Type] UnityEditor.VisualStudioIntegration.SolutionGuidGenerator
- [Method] GuidForProject
- [Method] GuidForSolution
- [Type] UnityEditor.Build.Player.PlayerBuildInterface
- [Field] ExtraTypesProvider
- [Type] UnityEditor.Build.Player.TypeDbHelper
- [Method] TryGet
- [Type] UnityEditor.Audio.AudioMixerEffectPlugin
- [Type] UnityEditor.Hardware.UsbDevice
- [Field] vendorId
- [Field] productId
- [Field] revision
- [Field] udid
- [Field] name
- [Type] UnityEditor.Hardware.Usb
- [Method] OnDevicesChanged
- [Event] DevicesChanged
- [Type] UnityEditor.Hardware.DevDeviceState
- [Type] UnityEditor.Hardware.DevDeviceFeatures
- [Type] UnityEditor.Hardware.DevDevice
- [Property] isConnected
- [Property] none
- [Field] id
- [Field] name
- [Field] type
- [Field] module
- [Field] state
- [Field] features
- [Type] UnityEditor.Hardware.DevDeviceList
- [Method] OnChanged
- [Method] FindDevice
- [Method] GetDevices
- [Event] Changed
- [Type] UnityEditor.UIElements.UIElementsEntryPoint
- [Method] SetAntiAliasing
- [Method] GetAntiAliasing
- [Type] UnityEditor.SceneManagement.EditorSceneManager
- [Method] IsReloading
- [Property] loadedRootSceneCount
- [Type] UnityEditor.SceneManagement.SceneHierarchyHooks
- [Method] ReloadAllSceneHierarchies
- [Method] CanSetNewParent
- [Method] CanMoveTransformToScene
- [Event] addItemsToGameObjectContextMenu
- [Event] addItemsToSceneHeaderContextMenu
- [Event] addItemsToSubSceneHeaderContextMenu
- [Event] addItemsToCreateMenu
- [Field] provideSubScenes
- [Field] provideSubSceneName
- [Type] UnityEditor.SceneManagement.SceneSetup
- [Property] isSubScene
- [Type] UnityEditor.AssetImporters.FBXMaterialDescriptionPreprocessor
- [Method] OnPreprocessMaterialDescription
- [Type] UnityEditor.AssetImporters.SketchupMaterialDescriptionPreprocessor
- [Method] OnPreprocessMaterialDescription
- [Type] UnityEditor.AssetImporters.ThreeDSMaterialDescriptionPreprocessor
- [Method] OnPreprocessMaterialDescription
- [Type] UnityEditor.Experimental.BuildPipelineExperimental
- [Method] GetSessionIdForBuildTarget
- [Type] UnityEditor.Experimental.EditorResources
- [Method] Load
- [Method] GetAssetPath
- [Method] ExpandPath
- [Method] GetFullPath
- [Method] Exists
- [Property] normalSkinIndex
- [Property] darkSkinIndex
- [Property] lightSkinSourcePath
- [Property] darkSkinSourcePath
- [Property] fontsPath
- [Property] brushesPath
- [Property] iconsPath
- [Property] generatedIconsPath
- [Property] folderIconName
- [Property] emptyFolderIconName
- [Property] editorDefaultResourcesPath
- [Property] libraryBundlePath
- [Property] dataPath
- [Type] UnityEditor.Experimental.AssetDatabaseExperimental
- [Method] LookupArtifact
- [Method] ProduceArtifact
- [Method] ProduceArtifactAsync
- [Method] ProduceArtifactsAsync
- [Method] ForceProduceArtifact
- [Method] GetArtifactPaths
- [Method] GetOnDemandArtifactProgress
- [Property] counters
- [Property] ActiveOnDemandMode
- [Type] UnityEditor.Experimental.AssetMoveInfo
- [Property] sourceAssetPath
- [Property] destinationAssetPath
- [Type] UnityEditor.Experimental.OnDemandState
- [Type] UnityEditor.Experimental.OnDemandProgress
- [Field] state
- [Field] progress
- [Type] UnityEditor.Animations.AnimatorController
- [Method] SetAnimatorController
- [Method] AllocateAnimatorClip
- [Type] UnityEditor.Animations.AnimatorTransitionBase
- [Method] GetDisplayName
- [Type] TreeEditor.TreeData
- [Assembly] Editor/Data/Managed/UnityEngine/UnityEditor.GraphViewModule.dll
- [Type] UnityEditor.Experimental.GraphView.TypeAdapter
- [Type] UnityEditor.Experimental.GraphView.NodeAdapter
- [Method] CanAdapt
- [Method] Connect
- [Method] GetAdapter
- [Method] GetTypeAdapter
- [Assembly] Editor/Data/Managed/UnityEngine/UnityEditor.PackageManagerUIModule.dll
- [Type] UnityEditorInternal.PackageManifestImporter
- [Type] UnityEditorInternal.PackageManifest
- [Type] UnityEditor.PackageManager.UI.Window
- [Method] Open
- [Assembly] Editor/Data/Managed/UnityEngine/UnityEditor.UIElementsModule.dll
- [Type] UnityEditor.UIElements.PropertyField
- [Property] binding
- [Property] bindingPath
- [Type] UnityEditor.UIElements.PropertyField
- [Assembly] Editor/Data/Managed/UnityEditor.Graphs.dll
- [Type] UnityEditor.Graphs.Edge
- [Property] fromSlot
- [Property] toSlot
- [Property] fromSlotName
- [Property] toSlotName
- [Field] color
- [Type] UnityEditor.Graphs.Graph
- [Method] GetNodeByName
- [Method] WakeUp
- [Method] WakeUpEdges
- [Method] RevalidateInputDataEdges
- [Method] RevalidateOutputDataEdges
- [Method] FlattenedCopy
- [Method] RedirectSlotEdges
- [Method] RemoveInvalidEdgesForSlot
- [Property] Item
- [Field] nodes
- [Field] edges
- [Type] UnityEditor.Graphs.GroupNode
- [Method] AddChildNode
- [Method] DestroyChildNode
- [Method] FromNodes
- [Method] UnGroup
- [Property] subGraph
- [Type] UnityEditor.Graphs.Node
- [Method] Instance
- [Method] AddInputSlot
- [Method] AddOutputSlot
- [Method] AddSlot
- [Method] ConstructAndAddProperty
- [Method] AddOrModifyProperty
- [Method] AddOrModifyPropertyForSlot
- [Method] AddProperty
- [Method] GetSettingPropertyTitle
- [Method] RemoveProperty
- [Method] SetPropertyValueOrCreateAndAddProperty
- [Method] SetPropertyValue
- [Method] GetPropertyValue
- [Method] GetSlotValue
- [Method] TryGetSlotPropertyValue
- [Method] GetProperty
- [Method] TryGetProperty
- [Method] GetOrCreateAndAddProperty
- [Property] nodeIsInvalid
- [Property] nodeInvalidError
- [Property] graph
- [Property] genericType
- [Property] isGeneric
- [Property] isDragging
- [Property] title
- [Property] hasTitle
- [Property] windowTitle
- [Property] slots
- [Property] inputSlots
- [Property] outputSlots
- [Property] inputDataSlots
- [Property] outputDataSlots
- [Property] inputFlowSlots
- [Property] outputFlowSlots
- [Property] properties
- [Property] settingProperties
- [Property] outputEdges
- [Property] inputEdges
- [Property] outputFlowEdges
- [Property] inputFlowEdges
- [Property] outputDataEdges
- [Property] inputDataEdges
- [Property] Item
- [Field] color
- [Field] style
- [Field] position
- [Type] UnityEditor.Graphs.Property
- [Method] IsSceneReferenceType
- [Method] SetGenericArgumentType
- [Method] ResetGenericArgumentType
- [Method] ValidPropertyType
- [Method] ConvertFromString
- [Method] ChangeDataType
- [Method] ConvertActualValueIfPossible
- [Method] ConvertableUnityObjects
- [Property] type
- [Property] typeString
- [Property] isGeneric
- [Property] hasValue
- [Property] hasDefaultValue
- [Property] name
- [Property] isIList
- [Property] isSceneReferenceType
- [Property] elementCount
- [Property] elementType
- [Property] stringValue
- [Property] codeExpression
- [Property] value
- [Type] UnityEditor.Graphs.SerializedType
- [Method] GenericType
- [Method] IsListType
- [Method] GetFullName
- [Method] FromString
- [Method] IsGeneric
- [Method] IsBaseTypeGeneric
- [Method] SetGenericArgumentType
- [Method] ResetGenericArgumentType
- [Method] CanAssignFromGenericType
- [Type] UnityEditor.Graphs.SlotType
- [Type] UnityEditor.Graphs.Slot
- [Method] SetGenericArgumentType
- [Method] ResetGenericArgumentType
- [Method] RemoveEdge
- [Method] AddEdge
- [Method] GetProperty
- [Property] name
- [Property] title
- [Property] node
- [Property] dataType
- [Property] dataTypeString
- [Property] isFlowSlot
- [Property] isDataSlot
- [Property] isInputDataSlot
- [Property] isOutputDataSlot
- [Property] isInputSlot
- [Property] isOutputSlot
- [Property] isGeneric
- [Property] isTarget
- [Field] type
- [Field] edges
- [Type] UnityEditor.Graphs.SpecialNames
- [Field] kTargetSlotName
- [Field] kFunctionOutSlotName
- [Field] kVarInSlotName
- [Field] kVarOutSlotName
- [Field] kFunctionInSlotName
- [Type] UnityEditor.Graphs.DummyCachedNullType
- [Type] UnityEditor.Graphs.DummyNullType
- [Type] UnityEditor.Graphs.GraphsTypeConverter
- [Type] UnityEditor.Graphs.GenericFloatVarsTypeConverter
- [Type] UnityEditor.Graphs.EnumTypeConverter
- [Type] UnityEditor.Graphs.AnimationCurveTypeConverter
- [Type] UnityEditor.Graphs.Explore
- [Method] Traverse
- [Event] OnDiscoverNode
- [Event] OnDiscoverEdge
- [Type] UnityEditor.Graphs.TopologicalSort
- [Method] Sort
- [Property] SortedNodes
- [Property] deadNodes
- [Type] UnityEditor.Graphs.EdgeGUI
- [Property] edgeSelection
- [Property] host
- [Field] edgeStyle
- [Field] kFunctionEdgeColor
- [Field] kObjectTypeEdgeColor
- [Field] kSimpleTypeEdgeColor
- [Type] UnityEditor.Graphs.Styles
- [Method] GetNodeStyle
- [Field] graphBackground
- [Field] connectionTexture
- [Field] selectedConnectionTexture
- [Field] varPinIn
- [Field] varPinOut
- [Field] varPinTooltip
- [Field] targetPinIn
- [Field] triggerPinIn
- [Field] triggerPinOut
- [Field] selectionRect
- [Field] nodeGroupButton
- [Field] nodeTitlebar
- [Field] nodeAddButton
- [Type] UnityEditor.Graphs.TypeSelector
- [Method] DoGUI
- [Method] DoTypeKindGUI
- [Method] GetFinalType
- [Method] GetBaseType
- [Method] GetTypeKind
- [Method] DotNetTypeNiceName
- [Field] selectedType
- [Field] selectedTypeKind
- [Type] UnityEditor.Graphs.AnimationBlendTree.Node
- [Method] CreateParameters
- [Method] UpdateAnimator
- [Property] controllerDirty
- [Property] blendTree
- [Property] animator
- [Property] parent
- [Property] childIndex
- [Property] isLeaf
- [Property] weightColor
- [Property] weightEdgeColor
- [Field] children
- [Field] motion
- [Field] weight
- [Type] UnityEditor.Graphs.Edge
- [Assembly] Editor/Data/Managed/Unity.Cecil.dll
- [Type] Mono.Cecil.ArrayDimension
- [Property] LowerBound
- [Property] UpperBound
- [Property] IsSized
- [Type] Mono.Cecil.ArrayType
- [Property] Dimensions
- [Property] Rank
- [Property] IsVector
- [Type] Mono.Cecil.AssemblyDefinition
- [Method] CreateAssembly
- [Method] ReadAssembly
- [Method] Write
- [Property] Name
- [Property] FullName
- [Property] MetadataToken
- [Property] Modules
- [Property] MainModule
- [Property] EntryPoint
- [Property] HasCustomAttributes
- [Property] CustomAttributes
- [Property] HasSecurityDeclarations
- [Property] SecurityDeclarations
- [Type] Mono.Cecil.AssemblyAttributes
- [Type] Mono.Cecil.AssemblyHashAlgorithm
- [Type] Mono.Cecil.AssemblyLinkedResource
- [Property] Assembly
- [Type] Mono.Cecil.AssemblyNameDefinition
- [Type] Mono.Cecil.AssemblyNameReference
- [Method] Parse
- [Property] Name
- [Property] Culture
- [Property] Version
- [Property] Attributes
- [Property] HasPublicKey
- [Property] IsSideBySideCompatible
- [Property] IsRetargetable
- [Property] IsWindowsRuntime
- [Property] PublicKey
- [Property] PublicKeyToken
- [Property] MetadataScopeType
- [Property] FullName
- [Property] HashAlgorithm
- [Property] Hash
- [Property] MetadataToken
- [Type] Mono.Cecil.AssemblyResolveEventArgs
- [Property] AssemblyReference
- [Type] Mono.Cecil.AssemblyResolutionException
- [Property] AssemblyReference
- [Type] Mono.Cecil.CallSite
- [Property] HasThis
- [Property] ExplicitThis
- [Property] CallingConvention
- [Property] HasParameters
- [Property] Parameters
- [Property] ReturnType
- [Property] MethodReturnType
- [Property] Name
- [Property] Namespace
- [Property] Module
- [Property] Scope
- [Property] MetadataToken
- [Property] FullName
- [Type] Mono.Cecil.CustomAttributeArgument
- [Property] Type
- [Property] Value
- [Type] Mono.Cecil.CustomAttributeNamedArgument
- [Property] Name
- [Property] Argument
- [Type] Mono.Cecil.CustomAttribute
- [Method] GetBlob
- [Property] Constructor
- [Property] AttributeType
- [Property] IsResolved
- [Property] HasConstructorArguments
- [Property] ConstructorArguments
- [Property] HasFields
- [Property] Fields
- [Property] HasProperties
- [Property] Properties
- [Type] Mono.Cecil.DefaultAssemblyResolver
- [Type] Mono.Cecil.EmbeddedResource
- [Method] GetResourceStream
- [Method] GetResourceData
- [Type] Mono.Cecil.EventAttributes
- [Type] Mono.Cecil.EventDefinition
- [Property] Attributes
- [Property] AddMethod
- [Property] InvokeMethod
- [Property] RemoveMethod
- [Property] HasOtherMethods
- [Property] OtherMethods
- [Property] HasCustomAttributes
- [Property] CustomAttributes
- [Property] IsSpecialName
- [Property] IsRuntimeSpecialName
- [Property] DeclaringType
- [Type] Mono.Cecil.ExportedType
- [Method] Resolve
- [Property] Namespace
- [Property] Name
- [Property] Attributes
- [Property] Scope
- [Property] DeclaringType
- [Property] MetadataToken
- [Property] Identifier
- [Property] IsNotPublic
- [Property] IsPublic
- [Property] IsNestedPublic
- [Property] IsNestedPrivate
- [Property] IsNestedFamily
- [Property] IsNestedAssembly
- [Property] IsNestedFamilyAndAssembly
- [Property] IsNestedFamilyOrAssembly
- [Property] IsAutoLayout
- [Property] IsSequentialLayout
- [Property] IsExplicitLayout
- [Property] IsClass
- [Property] IsInterface
- [Property] IsAbstract
- [Property] IsSealed
- [Property] IsSpecialName
- [Property] IsImport
- [Property] IsSerializable
- [Property] IsAnsiClass
- [Property] IsUnicodeClass
- [Property] IsAutoClass
- [Property] IsBeforeFieldInit
- [Property] IsRuntimeSpecialName
- [Property] HasSecurity
- [Property] IsForwarder
- [Property] FullName
- [Type] Mono.Cecil.FieldAttributes
- [Type] Mono.Cecil.FieldDefinition
- [Property] HasLayoutInfo
- [Property] Offset
- [Property] RVA
- [Property] InitialValue
- [Property] Attributes
- [Property] HasConstant
- [Property] Constant
- [Property] HasCustomAttributes
- [Property] CustomAttributes
- [Property] HasMarshalInfo
- [Property] MarshalInfo
- [Property] IsCompilerControlled
- [Property] IsPrivate
- [Property] IsFamilyAndAssembly
- [Property] IsAssembly
- [Property] IsFamily
- [Property] IsFamilyOrAssembly
- [Property] IsPublic
- [Property] IsStatic
- [Property] IsInitOnly
- [Property] IsLiteral
- [Property] IsNotSerialized
- [Property] IsSpecialName
- [Property] IsPInvokeImpl
- [Property] IsRuntimeSpecialName
- [Property] HasDefault
- [Property] DeclaringType
- [Type] Mono.Cecil.FieldReference
- [Property] FieldType
- [Type] Mono.Cecil.FunctionPointerType
- [Property] HasThis
- [Property] ExplicitThis
- [Property] CallingConvention
- [Property] HasParameters
- [Property] Parameters
- [Property] ReturnType
- [Property] MethodReturnType
- [Type] Mono.Cecil.GenericInstanceMethod
- [Property] HasGenericArguments
- [Property] GenericArguments
- [Type] Mono.Cecil.GenericInstanceType
- [Property] HasGenericArguments
- [Property] GenericArguments
- [Type] Mono.Cecil.GenericParameter
- [Property] Attributes
- [Property] Position
- [Property] Type
- [Property] Owner
- [Property] HasConstraints
- [Property] Constraints
- [Property] HasCustomAttributes
- [Property] CustomAttributes
- [Property] DeclaringMethod
- [Property] IsNonVariant
- [Property] IsCovariant
- [Property] IsContravariant
- [Property] HasReferenceTypeConstraint
- [Property] HasNotNullableValueTypeConstraint
- [Property] HasDefaultConstructorConstraint
- [Type] Mono.Cecil.GenericParameterConstraint
- [Property] ConstraintType
- [Property] HasCustomAttributes
- [Property] CustomAttributes
- [Property] MetadataToken
- [Type] Mono.Cecil.GenericParameterAttributes
- [Type] Mono.Cecil.GenericParameterType
- [Type] Mono.Cecil.MetadataScopeType
- [Type] Mono.Cecil.ReflectionImporter
- [Type] Mono.Cecil.MetadataImporter
- [Type] Mono.Cecil.LinkedResource
- [Property] Hash
- [Property] File
- [Type] Mono.Cecil.ManifestResourceAttributes
- [Type] Mono.Cecil.MarshalInfo
- [Property] NativeType
- [Type] Mono.Cecil.ArrayMarshalInfo
- [Property] ElementType
- [Property] SizeParameterIndex
- [Property] Size
- [Property] SizeParameterMultiplier
- [Type] Mono.Cecil.CustomMarshalInfo
- [Property] Guid
- [Property] UnmanagedType
- [Property] ManagedType
- [Property] Cookie
- [Type] Mono.Cecil.SafeArrayMarshalInfo
- [Property] ElementType
- [Type] Mono.Cecil.FixedArrayMarshalInfo
- [Property] ElementType
- [Property] Size
- [Type] Mono.Cecil.FixedSysStringMarshalInfo
- [Property] Size
- [Type] Mono.Cecil.ResolutionException
- [Property] Member
- [Property] Scope
- [Type] Mono.Cecil.MetadataResolver
- [Method] GetMethod
- [Property] AssemblyResolver
- [Type] Mono.Cecil.MethodAttributes
- [Type] Mono.Cecil.MethodCallingConvention
- [Type] Mono.Cecil.MethodDefinition
- [Property] Attributes
- [Property] ImplAttributes
- [Property] SemanticsAttributes
- [Property] HasSecurityDeclarations
- [Property] SecurityDeclarations
- [Property] HasCustomAttributes
- [Property] CustomAttributes
- [Property] RVA
- [Property] HasBody
- [Property] Body
- [Property] DebugInformation
- [Property] HasPInvokeInfo
- [Property] PInvokeInfo
- [Property] HasOverrides
- [Property] Overrides
- [Property] HasCustomDebugInformations
- [Property] CustomDebugInformations
- [Property] IsCompilerControlled
- [Property] IsPrivate
- [Property] IsFamilyAndAssembly
- [Property] IsAssembly
- [Property] IsFamily
- [Property] IsFamilyOrAssembly
- [Property] IsPublic
- [Property] IsStatic
- [Property] IsFinal
- [Property] IsVirtual
- [Property] IsHideBySig
- [Property] IsReuseSlot
- [Property] IsNewSlot
- [Property] IsCheckAccessOnOverride
- [Property] IsAbstract
- [Property] IsSpecialName
- [Property] IsPInvokeImpl
- [Property] IsUnmanagedExport
- [Property] IsRuntimeSpecialName
- [Property] HasSecurity
- [Property] IsIL
- [Property] IsNative
- [Property] IsRuntime
- [Property] IsUnmanaged
- [Property] IsManaged
- [Property] IsForwardRef
- [Property] IsPreserveSig
- [Property] IsInternalCall
- [Property] IsSynchronized
- [Property] NoInlining
- [Property] NoOptimization
- [Property] AggressiveInlining
- [Property] IsSetter
- [Property] IsGetter
- [Property] IsOther
- [Property] IsAddOn
- [Property] IsRemoveOn
- [Property] IsFire
- [Property] DeclaringType
- [Property] IsConstructor
- [Type] Mono.Cecil.MethodImplAttributes
- [Type] Mono.Cecil.MethodReference
- [Property] HasThis
- [Property] ExplicitThis
- [Property] CallingConvention
- [Property] HasParameters
- [Property] Parameters
- [Property] HasGenericParameters
- [Property] GenericParameters
- [Property] ReturnType
- [Property] MethodReturnType
- [Property] IsGenericInstance
- [Type] Mono.Cecil.MethodReturnType
- [Property] Method
- [Property] ReturnType
- [Property] MetadataToken
- [Property] Attributes
- [Property] Name
- [Property] HasCustomAttributes
- [Property] CustomAttributes
- [Property] HasDefault
- [Property] HasConstant
- [Property] Constant
- [Property] HasFieldMarshal
- [Property] HasMarshalInfo
- [Property] MarshalInfo
- [Type] Mono.Cecil.MethodSemanticsAttributes
- [Type] Mono.Cecil.OptionalModifierType
- [Property] ModifierType
- [Type] Mono.Cecil.RequiredModifierType
- [Property] ModifierType
- [Type] Mono.Cecil.ReadingMode
- [Type] Mono.Cecil.ReaderParameters
- [Property] ReadingMode
- [Property] InMemory
- [Property] AssemblyResolver
- [Property] MetadataResolver
- [Property] MetadataImporterProvider
- [Property] ReflectionImporterProvider
- [Property] SymbolStream
- [Property] SymbolReaderProvider
- [Property] ReadSymbols
- [Property] ReadWrite
- [Property] ApplyWindowsRuntimeProjections
- [Type] Mono.Cecil.ModuleParameters
- [Property] Kind
- [Property] Runtime
- [Property] Timestamp
- [Property] Architecture
- [Property] AssemblyResolver
- [Property] MetadataResolver
- [Property] MetadataImporterProvider
- [Property] ReflectionImporterProvider
- [Type] Mono.Cecil.WriterParameters
- [Property] Timestamp
- [Property] SymbolStream
- [Property] SymbolWriterProvider
- [Property] WriteSymbols
- [Property] StrongNameKeyPair
- [Property] DeterministicMvid
- [Type] Mono.Cecil.ModuleDefinition
- [Method] HasTypeReference
- [Method] TryGetTypeReference
- [Method] GetTypeReferences
- [Method] GetMemberReferences
- [Method] GetCustomAttributes
- [Method] GetType
- [Method] GetTypes
- [Method] ImportReference
- [Method] LookupToken
- [Method] GetDebugHeader
- [Method] CreateModule
- [Method] ReadSymbols
- [Method] ReadModule
- [Method] Write
- [Property] IsMain
- [Property] Kind
- [Property] MetadataKind
- [Property] Runtime
- [Property] RuntimeVersion
- [Property] Architecture
- [Property] Attributes
- [Property] Characteristics
- [Property] FileName
- [Property] Mvid
- [Property] HasSymbols
- [Property] SymbolReader
- [Property] Assembly
- [Property] AssemblyResolver
- [Property] MetadataResolver
- [Property] TypeSystem
- [Property] HasAssemblyReferences
- [Property] AssemblyReferences
- [Property] HasModuleReferences
- [Property] ModuleReferences
- [Property] HasResources
- [Property] Resources
- [Property] HasCustomAttributes
- [Property] CustomAttributes
- [Property] HasTypes
- [Property] Types
- [Property] HasExportedTypes
- [Property] ExportedTypes
- [Property] EntryPoint
- [Property] HasCustomDebugInformations
- [Property] CustomDebugInformations
- [Property] HasDebugHeader
- [Type] Mono.Cecil.ModuleKind
- [Type] Mono.Cecil.MetadataKind
- [Type] Mono.Cecil.TargetArchitecture
- [Type] Mono.Cecil.ModuleAttributes
- [Type] Mono.Cecil.ModuleCharacteristics
- [Type] Mono.Cecil.ModuleReference
- [Property] Name
- [Property] MetadataScopeType
- [Property] MetadataToken
- [Type] Mono.Cecil.NativeType
- [Type] Mono.Cecil.ParameterAttributes
- [Type] Mono.Cecil.ParameterDefinition
- [Property] Attributes
- [Property] Method
- [Property] Sequence
- [Property] HasConstant
- [Property] Constant
- [Property] HasCustomAttributes
- [Property] CustomAttributes
- [Property] HasMarshalInfo
- [Property] MarshalInfo
- [Property] IsIn
- [Property] IsOut
- [Property] IsLcid
- [Property] IsReturnValue
- [Property] IsOptional
- [Property] HasDefault
- [Property] HasFieldMarshal
- [Type] Mono.Cecil.PinnedType
- [Type] Mono.Cecil.PInvokeAttributes
- [Type] Mono.Cecil.PInvokeInfo
- [Property] Attributes
- [Property] EntryPoint
- [Property] Module
- [Property] IsNoMangle
- [Property] IsCharSetNotSpec
- [Property] IsCharSetAnsi
- [Property] IsCharSetUnicode
- [Property] IsCharSetAuto
- [Property] SupportsLastError
- [Property] IsCallConvWinapi
- [Property] IsCallConvCdecl
- [Property] IsCallConvStdCall
- [Property] IsCallConvThiscall
- [Property] IsCallConvFastcall
- [Property] IsBestFitEnabled
- [Property] IsBestFitDisabled
- [Property] IsThrowOnUnmappableCharEnabled
- [Property] IsThrowOnUnmappableCharDisabled
- [Type] Mono.Cecil.PointerType
- [Type] Mono.Cecil.PropertyAttributes
- [Type] Mono.Cecil.PropertyDefinition
- [Property] Attributes
- [Property] HasThis
- [Property] HasCustomAttributes
- [Property] CustomAttributes
- [Property] GetMethod
- [Property] SetMethod
- [Property] HasOtherMethods
- [Property] OtherMethods
- [Property] HasParameters
- [Property] HasConstant
- [Property] Constant
- [Property] IsSpecialName
- [Property] IsRuntimeSpecialName
- [Property] HasDefault
- [Property] DeclaringType
- [Type] Mono.Cecil.ByReferenceType
- [Type] Mono.Cecil.ResourceType
- [Type] Mono.Cecil.SecurityAction
- [Type] Mono.Cecil.SecurityAttribute
- [Property] AttributeType
- [Property] HasFields
- [Property] Fields
- [Property] HasProperties
- [Property] Properties
- [Type] Mono.Cecil.SecurityDeclaration
- [Method] GetBlob
- [Property] Action
- [Property] HasSecurityAttributes
- [Property] SecurityAttributes
- [Type] Mono.Cecil.SentinelType
- [Type] Mono.Cecil.TargetRuntime
- [Type] Mono.Cecil.TypeAttributes
- [Type] Mono.Cecil.TypeDefinition
- [Property] Attributes
- [Property] BaseType
- [Property] HasLayoutInfo
- [Property] PackingSize
- [Property] ClassSize
- [Property] HasInterfaces
- [Property] Interfaces
- [Property] HasNestedTypes
- [Property] NestedTypes
- [Property] HasMethods
- [Property] Methods
- [Property] HasFields
- [Property] Fields
- [Property] HasEvents
- [Property] Events
- [Property] HasProperties
- [Property] Properties
- [Property] HasSecurityDeclarations
- [Property] SecurityDeclarations
- [Property] HasCustomAttributes
- [Property] CustomAttributes
- [Property] IsNotPublic
- [Property] IsPublic
- [Property] IsNestedPublic
- [Property] IsNestedPrivate
- [Property] IsNestedFamily
- [Property] IsNestedAssembly
- [Property] IsNestedFamilyAndAssembly
- [Property] IsNestedFamilyOrAssembly
- [Property] IsAutoLayout
- [Property] IsSequentialLayout
- [Property] IsExplicitLayout
- [Property] IsClass
- [Property] IsInterface
- [Property] IsAbstract
- [Property] IsSealed
- [Property] IsSpecialName
- [Property] IsImport
- [Property] IsSerializable
- [Property] IsWindowsRuntime
- [Property] IsAnsiClass
- [Property] IsUnicodeClass
- [Property] IsAutoClass
- [Property] IsBeforeFieldInit
- [Property] IsRuntimeSpecialName
- [Property] HasSecurity
- [Property] IsEnum
- [Property] DeclaringType
- [Type] Mono.Cecil.InterfaceImplementation
- [Property] InterfaceType
- [Property] HasCustomAttributes
- [Property] CustomAttributes
- [Property] MetadataToken
- [Type] Mono.Cecil.MetadataType
- [Type] Mono.Cecil.TypeReference
- [Property] Namespace
- [Property] IsValueType
- [Property] HasGenericParameters
- [Property] GenericParameters
- [Property] Scope
- [Property] IsNested
- [Property] IsByReference
- [Property] IsPointer
- [Property] IsSentinel
- [Property] IsArray
- [Property] IsGenericParameter
- [Property] IsGenericInstance
- [Property] IsRequiredModifier
- [Property] IsOptionalModifier
- [Property] IsPinned
- [Property] IsFunctionPointer
- [Property] IsPrimitive
- [Property] MetadataType
- [Type] Mono.Cecil.VariantType
- [Type] Mono.Cecil.MetadataToken
- [Method] ToInt32
- [Method] ToUInt32
- [Property] RID
- [Property] TokenType
- [Field] Zero
- [Type] Mono.Cecil.TokenType
- [Type] Mono.Cecil.Cil.Code
- [Type] Mono.Cecil.Cil.DocumentType
- [Type] Mono.Cecil.Cil.DocumentHashAlgorithm
- [Type] Mono.Cecil.Cil.DocumentLanguage
- [Type] Mono.Cecil.Cil.DocumentLanguageVendor
- [Type] Mono.Cecil.Cil.Document
- [Property] Url
- [Property] Type
- [Property] HashAlgorithm
- [Property] Language
- [Property] LanguageVendor
- [Property] Hash
- [Type] Mono.Cecil.Cil.ExceptionHandlerType
- [Type] Mono.Cecil.Cil.ExceptionHandler
- [Property] TryStart
- [Property] TryEnd
- [Property] FilterStart
- [Property] HandlerStart
- [Property] HandlerEnd
- [Property] CatchType
- [Property] HandlerType
- [Type] Mono.Cecil.Cil.ILProcessor
- [Method] Create
- [Method] Emit
- [Method] InsertBefore
- [Method] InsertAfter
- [Method] Append
- [Method] Replace
- [Method] Remove
- [Method] RemoveAt
- [Property] Body
- [Type] Mono.Cecil.Cil.Instruction
- [Method] GetSize
- [Method] Create
- [Property] Offset
- [Property] OpCode
- [Property] Operand
- [Property] Previous
- [Property] Next
- [Type] Mono.Cecil.Cil.MethodBody
- [Method] GetILProcessor
- [Method] GetInstructionToken
- [Property] Method
- [Property] MaxStackSize
- [Property] CodeSize
- [Property] InitLocals
- [Property] LocalVarToken
- [Property] Instructions
- [Property] HasExceptionHandlers
- [Property] ExceptionHandlers
- [Property] HasVariables
- [Property] Variables
- [Property] Scope
- [Property] ThisParameter
- [Type] Mono.Cecil.Cil.FlowControl
- [Type] Mono.Cecil.Cil.OpCodeType
- [Type] Mono.Cecil.Cil.OperandType
- [Type] Mono.Cecil.Cil.StackBehaviour
- [Type] Mono.Cecil.Cil.OpCode
- [Property] Name
- [Property] Size
- [Property] Op1
- [Property] Op2
- [Property] Value
- [Property] Code
- [Property] FlowControl
- [Property] OpCodeType
- [Property] OperandType
- [Property] StackBehaviourPop
- [Property] StackBehaviourPush
- [Type] Mono.Cecil.Cil.OpCodes
- [Field] Nop
- [Field] Break
- [Field] Ldarg_0
- [Field] Ldarg_1
- [Field] Ldarg_2
- [Field] Ldarg_3
- [Field] Ldloc_0
- [Field] Ldloc_1
- [Field] Ldloc_2
- [Field] Ldloc_3
- [Field] Stloc_0
- [Field] Stloc_1
- [Field] Stloc_2
- [Field] Stloc_3
- [Field] Ldarg_S
- [Field] Ldarga_S
- [Field] Starg_S
- [Field] Ldloc_S
- [Field] Ldloca_S
- [Field] Stloc_S
- [Field] Ldnull
- [Field] Ldc_I4_M1
- [Field] Ldc_I4_0
- [Field] Ldc_I4_1
- [Field] Ldc_I4_2
- [Field] Ldc_I4_3
- [Field] Ldc_I4_4
- [Field] Ldc_I4_5
- [Field] Ldc_I4_6
- [Field] Ldc_I4_7
- [Field] Ldc_I4_8
- [Field] Ldc_I4_S
- [Field] Ldc_I4
- [Field] Ldc_I8
- [Field] Ldc_R4
- [Field] Ldc_R8
- [Field] Dup
- [Field] Pop
- [Field] Jmp
- [Field] Call
- [Field] Calli
- [Field] Ret
- [Field] Br_S
- [Field] Brfalse_S
- [Field] Brtrue_S
- [Field] Beq_S
- [Field] Bge_S
- [Field] Bgt_S
- [Field] Ble_S
- [Field] Blt_S
- [Field] Bne_Un_S
- [Field] Bge_Un_S
- [Field] Bgt_Un_S
- [Field] Ble_Un_S
- [Field] Blt_Un_S
- [Field] Br
- [Field] Brfalse
- [Field] Brtrue
- [Field] Beq
- [Field] Bge
- [Field] Bgt
- [Field] Ble
- [Field] Blt
- [Field] Bne_Un
- [Field] Bge_Un
- [Field] Bgt_Un
- [Field] Ble_Un
- [Field] Blt_Un
- [Field] Switch
- [Field] Ldind_I1
- [Field] Ldind_U1
- [Field] Ldind_I2
- [Field] Ldind_U2
- [Field] Ldind_I4
- [Field] Ldind_U4
- [Field] Ldind_I8
- [Field] Ldind_I
- [Field] Ldind_R4
- [Field] Ldind_R8
- [Field] Ldind_Ref
- [Field] Stind_Ref
- [Field] Stind_I1
- [Field] Stind_I2
- [Field] Stind_I4
- [Field] Stind_I8
- [Field] Stind_R4
- [Field] Stind_R8
- [Field] Add
- [Field] Sub
- [Field] Mul
- [Field] Div
- [Field] Div_Un
- [Field] Rem
- [Field] Rem_Un
- [Field] And
- [Field] Or
- [Field] Xor
- [Field] Shl
- [Field] Shr
- [Field] Shr_Un
- [Field] Neg
- [Field] Not
- [Field] Conv_I1
- [Field] Conv_I2
- [Field] Conv_I4
- [Field] Conv_I8
- [Field] Conv_R4
- [Field] Conv_R8
- [Field] Conv_U4
- [Field] Conv_U8
- [Field] Callvirt
- [Field] Cpobj
- [Field] Ldobj
- [Field] Ldstr
- [Field] Newobj
- [Field] Castclass
- [Field] Isinst
- [Field] Conv_R_Un
- [Field] Unbox
- [Field] Throw
- [Field] Ldfld
- [Field] Ldflda
- [Field] Stfld
- [Field] Ldsfld
- [Field] Ldsflda
- [Field] Stsfld
- [Field] Stobj
- [Field] Conv_Ovf_I1_Un
- [Field] Conv_Ovf_I2_Un
- [Field] Conv_Ovf_I4_Un
- [Field] Conv_Ovf_I8_Un
- [Field] Conv_Ovf_U1_Un
- [Field] Conv_Ovf_U2_Un
- [Field] Conv_Ovf_U4_Un
- [Field] Conv_Ovf_U8_Un
- [Field] Conv_Ovf_I_Un
- [Field] Conv_Ovf_U_Un
- [Field] Box
- [Field] Newarr
- [Field] Ldlen
- [Field] Ldelema
- [Field] Ldelem_I1
- [Field] Ldelem_U1
- [Field] Ldelem_I2
- [Field] Ldelem_U2
- [Field] Ldelem_I4
- [Field] Ldelem_U4
- [Field] Ldelem_I8
- [Field] Ldelem_I
- [Field] Ldelem_R4
- [Field] Ldelem_R8
- [Field] Ldelem_Ref
- [Field] Stelem_I
- [Field] Stelem_I1
- [Field] Stelem_I2
- [Field] Stelem_I4
- [Field] Stelem_I8
- [Field] Stelem_R4
- [Field] Stelem_R8
- [Field] Stelem_Ref
- [Field] Ldelem_Any
- [Field] Stelem_Any
- [Field] Unbox_Any
- [Field] Conv_Ovf_I1
- [Field] Conv_Ovf_U1
- [Field] Conv_Ovf_I2
- [Field] Conv_Ovf_U2
- [Field] Conv_Ovf_I4
- [Field] Conv_Ovf_U4
- [Field] Conv_Ovf_I8
- [Field] Conv_Ovf_U8
- [Field] Refanyval
- [Field] Ckfinite
- [Field] Mkrefany
- [Field] Ldtoken
- [Field] Conv_U2
- [Field] Conv_U1
- [Field] Conv_I
- [Field] Conv_Ovf_I
- [Field] Conv_Ovf_U
- [Field] Add_Ovf
- [Field] Add_Ovf_Un
- [Field] Mul_Ovf
- [Field] Mul_Ovf_Un
- [Field] Sub_Ovf
- [Field] Sub_Ovf_Un
- [Field] Endfinally
- [Field] Leave
- [Field] Leave_S
- [Field] Stind_I
- [Field] Conv_U
- [Field] Arglist
- [Field] Ceq
- [Field] Cgt
- [Field] Cgt_Un
- [Field] Clt
- [Field] Clt_Un
- [Field] Ldftn
- [Field] Ldvirtftn
- [Field] Ldarg
- [Field] Ldarga
- [Field] Starg
- [Field] Ldloc
- [Field] Ldloca
- [Field] Stloc
- [Field] Localloc
- [Field] Endfilter
- [Field] Unaligned
- [Field] Volatile
- [Field] Tail
- [Field] Initobj
- [Field] Constrained
- [Field] Cpblk
- [Field] Initblk
- [Field] No
- [Field] Rethrow
- [Field] Sizeof
- [Field] Refanytype
- [Field] Readonly
- [Type] Mono.Cecil.Cil.PortablePdbReaderProvider
- [Type] Mono.Cecil.Cil.PortablePdbReader
- [Type] Mono.Cecil.Cil.EmbeddedPortablePdbReaderProvider
- [Type] Mono.Cecil.Cil.EmbeddedPortablePdbReader
- [Type] Mono.Cecil.Cil.PortablePdbWriterProvider
- [Type] Mono.Cecil.Cil.PortablePdbWriter
- [Type] Mono.Cecil.Cil.EmbeddedPortablePdbWriterProvider
- [Type] Mono.Cecil.Cil.EmbeddedPortablePdbWriter
- [Type] Mono.Cecil.Cil.SequencePoint
- [Property] Offset
- [Property] StartLine
- [Property] StartColumn
- [Property] EndLine
- [Property] EndColumn
- [Property] IsHidden
- [Property] Document
- [Type] Mono.Cecil.Cil.ImageDebugDirectory
- [Field] Size
- [Field] Characteristics
- [Field] TimeDateStamp
- [Field] MajorVersion
- [Field] MinorVersion
- [Field] Type
- [Field] SizeOfData
- [Field] AddressOfRawData
- [Field] PointerToRawData
- [Type] Mono.Cecil.Cil.ImageDebugType
- [Type] Mono.Cecil.Cil.ImageDebugHeader
- [Property] HasEntries
- [Property] Entries
- [Type] Mono.Cecil.Cil.ImageDebugHeaderEntry
- [Property] Directory
- [Property] Data
- [Type] Mono.Cecil.Cil.ScopeDebugInformation
- [Method] TryGetName
- [Property] Start
- [Property] End
- [Property] Import
- [Property] HasScopes
- [Property] Scopes
- [Property] HasVariables
- [Property] Variables
- [Property] HasConstants
- [Property] Constants
- [Type] Mono.Cecil.Cil.InstructionOffset
- [Property] Offset
- [Property] IsEndOfMethod
- [Type] Mono.Cecil.Cil.VariableAttributes
- [Type] Mono.Cecil.Cil.VariableIndex
- [Property] Index
- [Type] Mono.Cecil.Cil.VariableDebugInformation
- [Property] Index
- [Property] Name
- [Property] Attributes
- [Property] IsDebuggerHidden
- [Type] Mono.Cecil.Cil.ConstantDebugInformation
- [Property] Name
- [Property] ConstantType
- [Property] Value
- [Type] Mono.Cecil.Cil.ImportTargetKind
- [Type] Mono.Cecil.Cil.ImportTarget
- [Property] Namespace
- [Property] Type
- [Property] AssemblyReference
- [Property] Alias
- [Property] Kind
- [Type] Mono.Cecil.Cil.ImportDebugInformation
- [Property] HasTargets
- [Property] Targets
- [Property] Parent
- [Type] Mono.Cecil.Cil.CustomDebugInformationKind
- [Type] Mono.Cecil.Cil.BinaryCustomDebugInformation
- [Property] Data
- [Type] Mono.Cecil.Cil.AsyncMethodBodyDebugInformation
- [Property] CatchHandler
- [Property] Yields
- [Property] Resumes
- [Property] MoveNextMethod
- [Field] KindIdentifier
- [Type] Mono.Cecil.Cil.StateMachineScopeDebugInformation
- [Property] Start
- [Property] End
- [Field] KindIdentifier
- [Type] Mono.Cecil.Cil.EmbeddedSourceDebugInformation
- [Property] Content
- [Property] Compress
- [Field] KindIdentifier
- [Type] Mono.Cecil.Cil.SourceLinkDebugInformation
- [Property] Content
- [Field] KindIdentifier
- [Type] Mono.Cecil.Cil.MethodDebugInformation
- [Method] GetSequencePoint
- [Method] GetSequencePointMapping
- [Method] GetScopes
- [Method] TryGetName
- [Property] Method
- [Property] HasSequencePoints
- [Property] SequencePoints
- [Property] Scope
- [Property] StateMachineKickOffMethod
- [Type] Mono.Cecil.Cil.SymbolReaderKind
- [Type] Mono.Cecil.Cil.DefaultSymbolReaderProvider
- [Method] GetSymbolReaderKind
- [Type] Mono.Cecil.Cil.DefaultSymbolWriterProvider
- [Type] Mono.Cecil.Cil.VariableDefinition
- [Property] IsPinned
- [Type] Mono.Cecil.ArrayDimension
- [Assembly] Editor/Data/Managed/ExCSS.Unity.dll
- [Type] ExCSS.Combinator
- [Type] ExCSS.RuleType
- [Type] ExCSS.UnitType
- [Type] ExCSS.DocumentFunction
- [Type] ExCSS.DirectionMode
- [Type] ExCSS.ParserError
- [Type] ExCSS.Comma
- [Type] ExCSS.EqualSign
- [Type] ExCSS.Whitespace
- [Type] System.Tuple
- [Method] Create
- [Type] System.StringBuilderExt
- [Method] Clear
- [Type] ExCSS.StylesheetParseError
- [Property] ParserError
- [Property] Line
- [Property] Column
- [Property] Message
- [Type] ExCSS.StyleSheet
- [Method] RemoveRule
- [Method] InsertRule
- [Property] Rules
- [Property] StyleRules
- [Property] CharsetDirectives
- [Property] ImportDirectives
- [Property] FontFaceDirectives
- [Property] KeyframeDirectives
- [Property] MediaDirectives
- [Property] PageDirectives
- [Property] SupportsDirectives
- [Property] NamespaceDirectives
- [Property] Errors
- [Type] ExCSS.Model.Extensions.StringExtensions
- [Method] Indent
- [Method] NewLineIndent
- [Method] TrimFirstLine
- [Method] TrimLastLine
- [Type] ExCSS.MediaTypeList
- [Property] Item
- [Property] Count
- [Property] MediaType
- [Type] ExCSS.Parser
- [Method] Parse
- [Type] ExCSS.DocumentRule
- [Property] ConditionText
- [Type] ExCSS.CharacterSetRule
- [Property] Encoding
- [Type] ExCSS.FontFaceRule
- [Property] Declarations
- [Property] FontFamily
- [Property] Src
- [Property] FontStyle
- [Property] FontWeight
- [Property] Stretch
- [Property] UnicodeRange
- [Property] FontVariant
- [Property] FeatureSettings
- [Type] ExCSS.GenericRule
- [Property] Declarations
- [Type] ExCSS.ImportRule
- [Property] Href
- [Property] Media
- [Type] ExCSS.KeyframeRule
- [Method] AddValue
- [Property] Declarations
- [Type] ExCSS.KeyframesRule
- [Property] Identifier
- [Property] Declarations
- [Type] ExCSS.MediaRule
- [Property] Media
- [Type] ExCSS.NamespaceRule
- [Property] Uri
- [Property] Prefix
- [Type] ExCSS.PageRule
- [Property] Selector
- [Property] Declarations
- [Type] ExCSS.StyleDeclaration
- [Property] Value
- [Property] ParentRule
- [Property] Item
- [Property] Properties
- [Property] Count
- [Property] IsReadOnly
- [Type] ExCSS.StyleRule
- [Property] Selector
- [Property] Value
- [Property] Declarations
- [Property] Line
- [Type] ExCSS.SupportsRule
- [Property] IsSupported
- [Type] ExCSS.AggregateSelectorList
- [Field] Delimiter
- [Type] ExCSS.CombinatorSelector
- [Property] Character
- [Field] Selector
- [Field] Delimiter
- [Type] ExCSS.ComplexSelector
- [Method] AppendSelector
- [Property] Length
- [Type] ExCSS.MultipleSelectorList
- [Type] ExCSS.SimpleSelector
- [Type] ExCSS.PrimitiveTerm
- [Method] GetFloatValue
- [Property] Value
- [Property] PrimitiveType
- [Type] ExCSS.Property
- [Property] Name
- [Property] Term
- [Property] Important
- [Property] Line
- [Type] ExCSS.TermList
- [Method] AddTerm
- [Method] AddSeparator
- [Method] Item
- [Property] Length
- [Property] ListItems
- [Type] ExCSS.GenericFunction
- [Property] Name
- [Property] Arguments
- [Type] ExCSS.HtmlColor
- [Method] FromRgba
- [Method] FromRgb
- [Method] FromHsl
- [Method] FromHex
- [Method] TryFromHex
- [Property] Alpha
- [Field] A
- [Field] R
- [Field] G
- [Field] B
- [Type] ExCSS.InheritTerm
- [Assembly] Editor/Data/Managed/Unity.CompilationPipeline.Common.dll
- [Type] Unity.CompilationPipeline.Common.CodeOptimization
- [Type] Unity.CompilationPipeline.Common.AssemblyInfo
- [Property] Name
- [Property] OutputDirectory
- [Property] References
- [Property] Defines
- [Property] Files
- [Property] AllowUnsafeCode
- [Property] CodeOptimization
- [Type] Unity.CompilationPipeline.Common.Diagnostics.DiagnosticMessage
- [Property] File
- [Property] DiagnosticType
- [Property] MessageData
- [Property] Line
- [Property] Column
- [Type] Unity.CompilationPipeline.Common.Diagnostics.DiagnosticType
- [Type] Unity.CompilationPipeline.Common.ILPostProcessing.InMemoryAssembly
- [Property] PeData
- [Property] PdbData
- [Type] Unity.CompilationPipeline.Common.ILPostProcessing.ILPostProcessResult
- [Property] InMemoryAssembly
- [Property] Diagnostics