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This module will embed a Solana NFT storefront into an existing application. Listings are powered by the native Solana programs of the McSwap Trustless Escrow Protocol. This module makes use of the mcswap-sdk to directly integrate with the protocol.

mcswap shop

powered by solana


npm i mcswap-shop


<div id="my-market"></div>


import shop from "mcswap-shop";
import "mcswap-shop/src/colors/green-shop.css";
const myshop = new shop(process.env.RPC);
  id: "my-market",
  name: "McSwap Shop",
  logo: "",
  logo_link: "",
  priority: "Low",
  default_sort: "Newest First",
  default_display: "All Listings",
  text_intro: "Initializing Demo",
  text_buy: "Buy Me",
  master_settings: true,
  enable_new_listings: true,
  enable_edit_sort: true,
  enable_edit_display: true,
  fee_create: 0,
  fee_execute: 0,
  treasury: "",
  enable_edit_core: true,
  enable_edit_nft: true,
  enable_edit_pnft: true,
  enable_edit_cnft: true,
  core_display: true,
  nft_display: true,
  pnft_display: true,
  cnft_display: true,
  collections_display: true,
  enable_edit_collections: true,
  collections: "6Gfz6beNCcP8P7vrMyN2AFtsuv8rkVszSJ8xoP4zQyaR,ACy3ZVXcch8mZXUtRVqsJfa2DhFHxnUJpBb4oeN9tZsX,BL8ocmGmaEiM73JYjAAhgAmHPbtuY3CThYem9g4N5PqQ,BTJPWLW7DLQWpm2TNNEByAM5a1E1AGJp4h43czo9YBLc,Cq2BNRoE5RqyqSmACDQLx4ivp3MgmePwd2mdroZ5hmom,H3mnaqNFFNwqRfEiWFsRTgprCvG4tYFfmNezGEVnaMuQ",
  sellers_display: true,
  enable_edit_sellers: true,
  sellers: "7Z3LJB2rxV4LiRBwgwTcufAWxnFTVJpcoCMiCo8Z5Ere,2jcih7dUFmEQfMUXQQnL2Fkq9zMqj4jwpHqvRVe3gGLL",
  shop_styler: {
      "background": "#1a1a1a",
      "background-repeat": "no-repeat",
      "background-size": "cover",
      "background-position": "center"
      // "background": "#000000eb"
      "color": "#fff"
      "color": "#fff"
      "color": "#1367d4",
      "color": "#1367d4",


If you're using a wallet connector other than mcswap-connector...

To allow your shop to update it's display to include the "Delist" button on assets listed by the connected wallet, and disabling the Buy button for those assets be sure to set:

window.mcswap = provider; // after your wallet connects
window.mcswap = false; // after your wallet disconnects

If you're already using the mcswap-connector then window.mcswap is set for you. And you can also access the current provider object from any scope with:

const provider = window.mcswap;

config options

Parameter Type Default Description
id string false id of the html element that will be your shop
name string McSwap Shop the display name for this shop
logo url false relative or full path to your logo
logo_link url # url to open when the logo is clicked
priority string Low default priority fee level for transactions
default_sort string Newest First default ordering for listings
default_display string All Listings default listings filter
text_intro string Initializing Shop displayed when the shop element is loading
text_buy string Buy Me the text of the "Buy Me" buttons for listings
master_settings bool true show the settings gear icon button (recommended)
enable_new_listings bool true allow users to create new listings (recommended)
enable_edit_sort bool true allow users to sort listings (recommended)
enable_edit_display bool true allow users to filter listings (recommended)
fee_create float 0 optional sol fee for creating listings here
fee_execute float 0 optional sol fee for buying listings here
treasury string false wallet address for optional fee collection
enable_edit_core bool true allow user to use core asset checkbox
enable_edit_nft bool true allow user to use nft asset checkbox
enable_edit_pnft bool true allow user to use pnft asset checkbox
enable_edit_cnft bool true allow user to use cnft asset checkbox
core_display bool true default state of core checkbox
nft_display bool true default state of nft checkbox
pnft_display bool true default state of pnft checkbox
cnft_display bool true default state of cnft checkbox
collections_display bool true display "Collections" module in the settings
enable_edit_collections bool true allow users to add collection addresses
collections csv "" comma seperated collection addresses to support
sellers_display bool true display "Sellers" module in the settings
enable_edit_sellers bool true allow users to add seller wallets
sellers csv "" comma seperated seller wallets support
shop_styler obj false see below


The shop_styler object lets you add css to fine tune your shop's color scheme

      "background": "#1a1a1a",
      "background-repeat": "no-repeat",
      "background-size": "cover",
      "background-position": "center", // add css style to your shop background
      // "background": "#000000eb" // optional layer between background and shop content
      "color": "#fff", // page name color
      "color": "#fff", // listing title color
      "color": "#1367d4", // listing price color 
      "color": "#1367d4", // settings page label color