The master
branch is the final product. Never write directly to it.
- Create a new branch from the development branch that starts with your initials and includes what the purpose of the branch is (what you are working on).
- ex)
- The development branch is to remain working and mostly bug-free. Do not try to pull any changes that break the system.
- ex)
- Write code, and only commit when you are finished with a feature. Do not commit just to save changes before stopping work the time being. Commits should only be features.
- Once you are done with the feature, push it to your branch on GitLab.
- Create a pull request that requests your feature to be added to the development branch.
- Include details such as what you changed and if anything is not working properly.
- Can include screenshots as well
- You can tag another team member to review it before they approve the pull request.
- The team will meet and review the development branch to decide if we want to pull it to the master branch.