AWS Helper for manage file on AWS S3 bucket, available methods:
AWS S3 bucket with valid credentials, access key using profile stored in .aws/credentials or using key from .env file
Using npm:
$ npm i -g npm
$ npm i snce-aws-utils
Require module:
// Load aws-s3-utils.
const snceS3Utils = require('snce-aws-utils');
Two different authentication method available for S3:
file- AWS
Sample of .env file
Set profile name and ensure that you already set valid credentials on AWS
Upload function to be used: upload()
Parameter explanation:
* Upload files from given folder on AWS S3 bucket
* @param {string} buildFolder folder to be uploaded.
* @param {string} destinationFolder destination folder on S3 bucket
* @param {string} releaseName name of the release to be used (optional) fallback is the string into MANIFEST file.
* @param {string[]} compressedFileExt list of file extension gzipped in order to set right content encoding value (optional)
* @param {boolean} noReleaseName flag for not using any release name: file will be uploaded directly on root of the bucket (optional)
* @param {string} acl to be used during uploading file (optional: public-read as default)
Upload function to be used: delete()
Parameter explanation:
* Delete single file from given AWS S3 bucket
* @param {string} filePath path for the file to be downloaded.
Upload function to be used: download()
Parameter explanation:
* Download single file from given AWS S3 bucket
* @param {string} filePath path for the file to be downloaded.