A fork TastyTales (and Co's) Vore Quiz. I was bored one evening and was looking to learn how to use GitHub (fingers crossed that I'm doing everything right).
Some things I've changed (in order of visibility):
- JS
- Test framework should be more dynamic, allowing for different quiz sizes
- Added a back button to let users go back to previous question
- Commented and organized
- Moved some text from JS to HTML
- Ability to reset mid-quiz
- Share link button now copies link to clipboard
- Added variables to make color editing easier
- Redone aesthetic
- Gave the page a changeable "theme color"
- Rules should be able to accommodate the addition/removal of buttons
- Slightly commented
- Made the site more modular; Compartmentalized major states into their own div menus
I'm pretty sure I forgot to do something else, but as it stands the test still works fine.