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Example on how to support generic FLE tables in a DataMiner connector.


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Flow Engineering Connector Example

Example DataMiner connector that demonstrates how to support generic flow engineering (FLE) tables via InterApp messages.

The objective is to create a mediation layer using generic tables. This allows to track which incoming and outgoing flows are passing through an element in a standardized way. The tables are mostly populated with data that is coming from the device, but also extended with metadata from flow engineering itself. Flows can be multicast streams, SDI or ASI connections, and more. These tables are used by the MediaOps solution to show the as-is path, which represents the actual route a specific signal takes through the devices.



  • Copy tables 9991000, 9991100, 9991200 and 9991300
  • Copy relations
  • Copy QAction 9991000 (including code)

Skyline.DataMiner.FlowEngineering.Protocol namespace

The Skyline.DataMiner.FlowEngineering.Protocol namespace contains useful classes and methods that assist developers to fill in the FLE tables in an object oriented way.

Link to code

To get access to the main 'manager' object call the FlowEngineeringManager.GetInstance(protocol) method. The resulting object is the main entry point of the helper classes.

var flowEngineering = FlowEngineeringManager.GetInstance(protocol);

Use properties and lists to add/update/remove data in the object structure:

flowEngineering.Interfaces.Add(new Interface("...") { ... });
flowEngineering.Interfaces["10"].AdminStatus = InterfaceAdminStatus.Up;

flowEngineering.IncomingFlows.Add(new RxFlow("...") { ... });
flowEngineering.OutgoingFlows.Add(new TxFlow("...") { ... });

After adapting properties in the objects, the tables can be updates using the following methods:



Data is being cached in the SLScripting process. To ensure that all old data is cleared, it's recommended to call FlowEngineeringManagerInstances.CreateNewInstance(protocol) after startup.

FLE Interfaces table

The FLE Interfaces Overview Table lists all interfaces that are eligible for flow engineering.

Example code:

var flowEngineering = FlowEngineeringManager.GetInstance(protocol);
var dcfInterfaceHelper = DcfInterfaceHelper.Create(protocol);
var newInterfaces = new List<Interface>();

foreach (var ifConfig in interfacesConfig)
	var ifIndex = Convert.ToString(ifConfig.InterfaceNumber);

	if (!flowEngineering.Interfaces.TryGetValue(ifIndex, out var intf))
		intf = new Interface(ifIndex);

	intf.Description = $"Ethernet{ifIndex}";
	intf.DisplayKey = $"Ethernet{ifIndex}";
	intf.Type = InterfaceType.Ethernet;
	intf.AdminStatus = InterfaceAdminStatus.Down;
	intf.OperationalStatus = InterfaceOperationalStatus.Down;
	intf.DcfInterfaceId = dcfInterfaceHelper.TryFindInterface(1, ifIndex, out var dcfIntf) ? dcfIntf.ID : -1;




Some columns are automatically calculated and don't need to be filled in:

  • Rx/Tx Flows
  • Rx/Tx Expected Flows
  • Rx/Tx Expected Bitrate

The DCF Interface ID column is important in order to be able to follow the as-is path. To obtain the the DCF interface ID based on parameter group and index, the following helper method can be used. It's advised to cache the dcfInterfaceHelper variable when being called multiple times in a loop.

var dcfInterfaceHelper = DcfInterfaceHelper.Create(protocol);
dcfInterfaceHelper.TryFindInterface(1 /* parameter group */, interfaceIndex, out var dcfIntf);
var dcfInterfaceID = dcfIntf.ID;

Incoming and Outgoing Flows table

These tables contains information about incoming and outgoing flows on the device.

  • information about the signal itself (transport type, IP address, port, ...)
  • incoming/outgoing interface
  • expected bitrate and comparison with actual bitrate
  • indication if the signal is present or not
  • ownership (local system or flow engineering)
  • foreign keys which link incoming and outgoing flows
  • ...


The content of the rows in the flow tables should primarily originate from information retrieved from the device. This is crucial because the main objective is to accurately track the as-is path of flows.

Add as minimum:

  • IP
    • Transport Type
    • Destination IP
    • Destination Port (when available)
    • Source IP
    • Interface
    • Transport Type
    • Interface

Where possible also add FKs:

  • From incoming flow to outgoing flows (1-1 or 1-N relation)
  • From outgoing flow to incoming flows (N-1 relation)

Also see example connections.

Example code:

var flowEngineering = FlowEngineeringManager.GetInstance(protocol);
var newFlows = new List<Flow>();

// handle current flows
foreach (var mrnh in multicastRouteNextHops)
	var instance = String.Join("/", mrnh.SourceAddress, mrnh.GroupAddress, mrnh.InterfaceIndex);

	if (!flowEngineering.OutgoingFlows.TryGetValue(instance, out var flow))
		// new flow
		flow = new TxFlow(instance)
			TransportType = FlowTransportType.IP,
			FlowOwner = FlowOwner.LocalSystem,
			Label = mrnh.Label,
			DestinationIP = mrnh.GroupAddress,
			DestinationPort = -1,
			SourceIP = mrnh.SourceAddress,
			Interface = mrnh.InterfaceIndex,
			ForeignKeyIncoming = String.Join("/", mrnh.GroupAddress, mrnh.SourceAddress),


	flow.Bitrate = mrnh.BitrateActual;
	flow.IsPresent = true;


// handle old flows
foreach (var flow in flowEngineering.OutgoingFlows.Values.Except(existingFlows).ToList())
	if (flow.FlowOwner == FlowOwner.FlowEngineering)
		flow.IsPresent = false;

// update tables

Process InterApp messages


The FlowInfoMessage is being used to update the flow IDs and owner in the flow tables and to configure the device. The other data in these tables should be based on data that was retrieved from the device through polling. Flow configuration data should not go immediately from the interapp message into the tables (in most cases). This is important because it could be that the device did not get configured correctly (same principle as when doing a set on the device).

Property Type Description
ProvisionedFlowId Guid The DOM instance ID of the provisioned flow.
SourceId Guid The DOM instance ID of the source flow.
DestinationId Guid The DOM instance ID of the destination flow.
IncomingDcfInterfaceID int The ID of the incoming DCF interface.
IncomingDcfDynamicLink string "ParameterGroupID;PrimaryKey" of the incoming DCF interface.
OutgoingDcfInterfaceID int The ID of the outgoing DCF interface.
IncomingDcfDynamicLink string "ParameterGroupID;PrimaryKey" of the outgoing DCF interface.
OptionalSourceIdentifier string An optional identifier of the source that can be used in addition to the DOM instance ID.
OptionalDestinationIdentifier string An optional identifier of the destination that can be used in addition to the DOM instance ID.
IsIncoming bool Indicates whether the stream should enter the current element.
IsOutgoing bool Indicates whether the stream should exit the current element.
IpConfiguration IpConfiguration The configuration for an IP-based media stream.
Is null for non IP-based media streams.
Metadata Dictionary<string, string> Extra metadata that can be used to configure the flow.

See QAction 9000000

var flowEngineering = FlowEngineeringManager.GetInstance(protocol);

switch (Message.ActionType)
	case ActionType.Create:
		var flowInstance = Message.OptionalDestinationIdentifier;
		var addedFlows = flowEngineering.RegisterFlowEngineeringFlowsFromInterAppMessage(protocol, Message, flowInstance);


	case ActionType.Delete:
		var removedFlows = flowEngineering.UnregisterFlowEngineeringFlowsFromInterAppMessage(protocol, Message);


		throw new InvalidOperationException($"Unknown action: {Message.ActionType}");


After processing the FlowInfoMessage and configuring the device, the connector must reply with a FlowInfoResponseMessage. The purpose of this message is to let flow-engineering know if the request was successful or not. When something goes wrong, a message should be provided that explains what exactly went wrong.

Property Type Description
ProvisionedFlowId Guid The DOM instance ID of the provisioned flow. This should be the same ID as in the request.
IsSuccess bool Indicates whether the flow was succesfully connected or disconnected.
Message string A message that describes what exactly went wrong in case the action was not successful.
Flow update tracker

Between receiving a FlowInfoMessage and being able to send a FlowInfoResponseMessage, typically data needs to be set and get from the device. This can make it challenging to reply to the correct request message. To make this easier the FlowUpdateTracker class was created.

To create such tracker the following code can be used. This creates a tracker based on the received request and stores this object in a dictionary so that it can be retrieved later (after polling the new data). The Tag property allows you to attach extra data to the tracker, to make it easier to retrieve it back.

var tracker = flowEngineering.FlowUpdateTrackers.CreateTracker(message);
tracker.Tag = $"SRC/{sourceKey}/DST/{destinationKey}";

The following code retrieves the tracker object back from the dictionary, based on a condition (tag in this case).

var tag = $"SRC/{sourceKey}/DST/{destinationKey}";
var tracker = fle.FlowUpdateTrackers.Values.FirstOrDefault(x => String.Equals(x.Tag, tag));

Calling the SetSuccess() or SetFailed() method will send the response message back to flow-engineering.

tracker.SetFailed(protocol, "my message");

Request SDP using InterApp message

For more information about requesting SDP file content for a specific sender using InterApp message, see Request SDP using InterApp.

Flow lifecycle

flowchart LR
A[No row]
B[Owner=Flow Engineering<br>Present=No]
C[Owner=Flow Engineering<br>Present=Yes]
D[Owner=Local System<br>Present=Yes]

A -->|Added by FLE| B
A -->|Detected| D
B -->|Removed by FLE| A
B -->|Detected| C
C -->|Not detected| B
C -->|Removed by FLE| D
D -->|Added by FLE| C
D -->|Not detected| A

detected = flow detected on the device by the connector


Reserved IDs

Parameter range [9 990 000 - 9 999 999] is reserved for FLE flow information.

PID Name
9990000 Standalone parameters (i.e. enable/disable state)
9990990 InterApp receiver
9990991 InterApp return
9991000 FLE Interfaces Overview Table
9991100 FLE Incoming Flows Table
9991200 FLE Outgoing Flows Table
9991300 FLE Provisioned Flows Table

FLE Interfaces Overview Table

PID: 9991000

List of interfaces that are eligible for flow engineering.

IDX PID Description Values Explanation
0 9991001 Index String Unique key of the table row.
1 9991002 Description String Description of the interface.
2 9991003 Type Ethernet/SDI/ASI Type of the interface.
3 9991004 Admin Status Up/Down/Testing Admin status.
4 9991005 Oper. Status Up/Down/Testing/... Operational status.
5 9991006 Display Key [IDX] String Display key.
6 9991007 Rx Bitrate Number (Mbps) Rx bitrate on this interface as reported by the device.
7 9991008 Rx Flows Number (Flows) Total number of flows in FLE Incoming Flows Table that are present.
8 9991009 Tx Bitrate Number (Mbps) Tx bitrate on this interface as reported by the device.
9 9991010 Tx Flows Number (Flows) Total number of flows in FLE Outgoing Flows Table that are present.
10 9991011 Rx Utilization Number (%) Utilization of the interface for Rx traffic.
11 9991012 Tx Utilization Number (%) Utilization of the interface for Tx traffic.
12 9991013 Expected Rx Bitrate Number (Mbps) Sum of all expected bitrates in FLE Incoming Flows Table.
13 9991014 Expected Rx Bitrate Status Normal/Low/High Status of 'Rx Bitrate' compared to 'Expected Rx Bitrate'.
14 9991015 Expected Rx Flows Number (Flows) Total number of flows in FLE Incoming Flows Table.
15 9991016 Expected Rx Flows Status Normal/Low/High Status of 'Rx Flows' compared to 'Expected Rx Flows'.
16 9991017 Expected Tx Bitrate Number (Mbps) Sum of all expected bitrates in FLE Outgoing Flows Table.
17 9991018 Expected Tx Bitrate Status Normal/Low/High Status of 'Tx Bitrate' compared to 'Expected Tx Bitrate'.
18 9991019 Expected Tx Flows Number (Flows) Total number of flows in FLE Outgoing Flows Table.
19 9991020 Expected Tx Flows Status Normal/Low/High Status of 'Tx Flows' compared to 'Expected Tx Flows'.
20 9991021 DCF Interface ID Number Link to the DCF interface in general table 65049

FLE Incoming Flows Table

PID: 9991100

List of all incoming flows on the device.

IDX PID Description Value Explanation
0 9991101 Instance [IDX] String Unique key of the table row.
1 9991102 Destination IP String Multicast destination IP address. Empty for SDI and ASI.
2 9991103 Destination Port Number Multicast destination port. Empty for SDI and ASI.
3 9991104 Source IP String Multicast source IP address. Empty for SDI and ASI.
4 9991105 Incoming Interface String Foreign key to FLE Interfaces Overview Table.
5 9991106 Transport Type IP/SDI/ASI/Other Transport type of the signal.
6 9991107 Rx Bitrate Number (Mbps) Actual received bitrate of the flow (as reported by the device).
7 9991108 Expected Rx Bitrate Number (Mbps) Expected received bitrate of the flow (from FLE).
8 9991109 Expected Rx Bitrate Status Normal/Low/High Status of 'Rx Bitrate' compared to 'Expected Rx Bitrate'.
9 9991110 Label String Custom label.
10 9991111 FK Outgoing String Foreign key to FLE Outgoing Flows Table. Only use this in case of N-1 mapping between incoming and outgoing, otherwise keep empty.
11 9991112 Linked Flow String (GUID) GUID of the provisioned flow. Empty for 'Local System' flows. Foreign key to FLE Provisioned Flows Table.
12 9991113 Flow Owner Local System/Flow Engineering Local System: Flows that exist on the device, but not provisioned by FLE.
Flow Engineering: Flows that are provisioned by FLE.
13 9991114 Present No/Yes Indicates if the flow is present on the system or not.

FLE Outgoing Flows Table

PID: 9991200

List of all outgoing flows on the device.

IDX PID Description Value Explanation
0 9991201 Instance [IDX] String Unique key of the table row.
1 9991202 Destination IP String Multicast destination IP address. Empty for SDI and ASI.
2 9991203 Destination Port Number Multicast destination port. Empty for SDI and ASI.
3 9991204 Source IP String Multicast source IP address. Empty for SDI and ASI.
4 9991205 Incoming Interface String Foreign key to FLE Interfaces Overview Table.
5 9991206 Transport Type IP/SDI/ASI/Other Transport type of the signal.
6 9991207 Tx Bitrate Number (Mbps) Actual transmitted bitrate of the flow (as reported by the device).
7 9991208 Expected Tx Bitrate Number (Mbps) Expected transmitted bitrate of the flow (from FLE).
8 9991209 Expected Tx Bitrate Status Normal/Low/High Status of 'Tx Bitrate' compared to 'Expected Tx Bitrate'.
9 9991210 Label String Custom label.
10 9991211 FK Incomming String Foreign key to FLE Incoming Flows Table. Only use this in case of 1-N mapping between incoming and outgoing, otherwise keep empty.
11 9991212 Linked Flow String (GUID) GUID of the provisioned flow. Empty for 'Local System' flows. Foreign key to FLE Provisioned Flows Table.
12 9991213 Flow Owner Local System/Flow Engineering Local System: Flows that exist on the device, but not provisioned by FLE.
Flow Engineering: Flows that are provisioned by FLE.
13 9991214 Present No/Yes Indicates if the flow is present on the system or not.

FLE Provisioned Flows Table

PID: 9991300

List of all provisioned flow engineering flows for this element.

IDX PID Description Value Explanation
0 9991301 ID [IDX] String (GUID) ID of the provisioned flow.
1 9991302 Source ID String (GUID) ID of the source flow.
2 9991303 Destination ID String (GUID) ID of the destination flow.
3 9991304 Incoming DCF Interface Number ID of the incoming DCF interface.
4 9991305 Incoming DCF Dynamic Link String Dynamic link of the incoming DCF interface.
5 9991306 Outgoing DCF Interface Number ID of the outgoing DCF interface.
6 9991307 Outgoing DCF Dynamic Link String Dynamic link of the outgoing DCF interface.
7 9991308 Optional Source Identifier String Optional source identifier that can be used in addition to the source ID.
8 9991309 Optional Destination Identifier String Optional destination identifier that can be used in addition to the destination ID.
9 9991310 Destination IP String Destination IP address.
10 9991311 Destination Port Number Destination port.
11 9991312 Source IP String Source IP address.
12 9991313 Metadata String Extra metadata.

Example connections

IP to IP


Instance Destination IP Source IP Interface Transport Type FK to Out
X Eth1 IP


Instance Destination IP Source IP Interface Transport Type FK to In
Y Eth2 IP X



Instance Destination IP Source IP Interface Transport Type FK to Out
X Eth1 IP


Instance Destination IP Source IP Interface Transport Type FK to In



Instance Destination IP Source IP Interface Transport Type FK to Out


Instance Destination IP Source IP Interface Transport Type FK to In



Instance Destination IP Source IP Interface Transport Type FK to Out


Instance Destination IP Source IP Interface Transport Type FK to In
Y Eth2 IP X


Example on how to support generic FLE tables in a DataMiner connector.








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