[SBO] SkyblockOverhaul is a feature‐rich ChatTriggers module for Minecraft 1.8.9 designed primarily for the Diana event.
- Bobber Counter: Display an overlay tracking nearby bobbers.
- Legion Counter: Monitor nearby players to optimize legion buffs.
- GUI Mover: Quickly reposition in-game overlays via the “Move GUIs” menu.
- Diana Burrow Guess: Automatically guess the burrow location using particle effects.
- Burrow Guess Alternative: (WIP) An alternate guess method based on post-burrow arrow color.
- Diana Burrow Warp: Warp close to the guessed burrow (keybind configurable).
- Don’t Warp If Burrow Nearby: Prevents warping if a burrow is already detected.
- Diana Burrow Detect: Actively detects Diana burrows (reset via
). - Warp Block Difference: Adjust the sensitivity for warping differences.
- Warp Delay: Optionally delay warps to improve guess precision.
- Diana Tracker: Keep track of your loot and mob kills during the event.
- Mob & Loot Views: Toggle between Total, Event, or Session views for mob kills and loot.
- Inquis Loot Tracker: Monitor inquisitor loot (Shelmet, Plushie, Remedies).
- Four-Eyed Fish Toggle: Enable if you have a Four-Eyed Fish on your griffin pet.
- Diana Stats & Message: View event statistics and optionally send chat messages summarizing your progress.
- Avg Magic Find Tracker: Calculate your average magic find during the event.
- Bazaar Setting: Choose your preferred bazaar price setting (Instasell or Sell Offer).
- Reset Session: Reset your Diana event session data with a single button.
- Inquis Line, Burrow Line & Guess Line: Draw visual lines to inquisitors, burrows, or your guess.
- Line Width: Customize the thickness of drawn lines.
- Detect Inq Cords: Automatically create inquisitor waypoints.
- All Waypoints Are Inqs: In hub, treat all waypoints as inquisitor waypoints.
- Inq Warp Key: Enable a keybind to warp directly to an inquisitor.
- Remove Guess & Distance for Remove: Automatically remove guess markers when you’re within a set distance.
- Rare Drop Announcer: Announce rare drops in chat.
- Loot Screen Announcer & Price Title: Show on-screen notifications (with optional item price subtitles).
- Loot Party Announcer: Share loot events directly with your party.
- Mythos HP: Display the HP of mythological mobs.
- Inquis Party Message: Send inquisitor coordinates to your party.
- Custom Inq Spawn Text: Set custom messages (using placeholders like
) that trigger on inquisitor spawns. - Highlight Inquis: Customize a highlight color for inquisitors.
- Add Warps: Optionally add additional warps (e.g., Crypt, Wizard, Stonks, Dark Auction).
- Custom Chim Message: Personalize the chimera drop message with placeholders for Magic Find and drop counts.
- Attribute Value Overlay: Displays an overlay with estimated values and attribute breakdowns for Kuudra chests.
- Display Customization: Configure the number of displayed items, line settings, key pricing, pet rarity, and more.
- Key Discount Toggle: Enable a discount mode if you meet the reputation requirements.
- Fossil Solver & Overlay: Get hints on fossil locations and highlight all potential fossil slots.
- Speed Boost Title: Receive a title notification when you gain a speed boost.
- Mineshaft Exit Waypoint: Automatically create a waypoint at the mineshaft exit.
- !warp / !w: Warp to your party location.
- !allinv / !allinvite: Invite all party members.
- !ptme / !transfer: Transfer party leadership (to a specified player or yourself).
- !promote / !demote: Adjust party roles by promoting or demoting a player.
- !c / !carrot: Sends a fun "Carrot" response.
- !time: Displays the current local time.
- !tps: Shows the server’s TPS (ticks per second).
(Requires Diana Tracker and Diana Party Commands to be enabled)
- !chim, !chimera, !chims, !chimeras, !book, !books: Display chimera drop counts (including LS drops).
- !inqls, !inqsls, !inquisitorls, !inquisls, !lsinq, !lsinqs, !lsinquisitor, !lsinquis: Show Inquisitor LS (Loot Share) count.
- !inq, !inqs, !inquisitor, !inquis: Display Inquisitor drop counts.
- !burrows / !burrow: Show total burrows detected (with burrows per hour).
- !relic / !relics: Display relic drop counts.
- !chimls, !chimerals, !bookls, !lschim, !lsbook, !lootsharechim, !lschimera: Show chimera LS (Loot Share) count with percentage.
- !stick / !sticks: Display Daedalus stick drop counts with percentage.
- !feather / !feathers: Show the count of Griffin Feathers dropped.
- !mob / !mobs: Display total mob count (with mobs per hour).
- !mf / !magicfind: Display average magic find for chimeras and sticks.
- !since [type]: Display event stats since a specified type (chim, stick, relic, inq, or lootshare chim).
- !playtime: Display playtime during the event.
- !profit: Show profit statistics from the event.
- !stats [playername]: Display detailed event statistics (playtime, profit, burrows, mobs, inquisitors, sticks, relics) for you or the specified player.
- /sbopartyblacklist: Manage your party command blacklist.
- /sbopartyblacklist add : Add a player to the blacklist.
- /sbopartyblacklist remove : Remove a player from the blacklist.
- /sbopartyblacklist list: List all blacklisted players.
- /sbodropchance (alias: /sbodc): Calculate and display drop chances for chimera, stick, and relic based on magic find and looting values.
- /sbopartycommands (alias: /sbopcom): Display a list of available Diana party commands.
- Color Customizations: Personalize colors for burrows, waypoints, guesses, and slot highlights.
- Custom Sounds: Set custom sounds (with individual volume controls) for inquisitor spawns, burrow spawns, chimera drops, relic drops, and more.
- Bridge Bot Formatter: Automatically format bridge bot messages.
- Clipboard & Chat Enhancements: Copy rare drop messages, hide unwanted chat (Jacob messages, autopet, sacks, tipped players), and more.
- Clickable Party Invites: Invite players by simply clicking on chat messages.
- Pickup Log Overlay: View an overlay log of your pickups.
- Crown Tracker: Monitor your crown of avarice coins (with optional ghost mode and reset functionality).
- Partyfinder Auto-Invite: Automatically invite players via partyfinder requests.
- Debug Options: Enable test features or force SkyBlock state for troubleshooting.
- Credits & Infos: Direct links to our Discord, GitHub, Patreon, Website, and partner projects for support and further information.
- Download ChatTriggers for Minecraft 1.8.9.
- Place the SBO module folder into your ChatTriggers modules directory.
- or just do /ct import sbo. ingame
- Use
/ct load
after importing it for the first time!
- Use
For help, bug reports, or feature requests, please join our Discord.
This mod is actively maintained—your feedback and contributions are welcome!