Replicating the video game pong in Python, except with a one-control interface, like flappy bird. the user's paddle will automatically move down, and the user can press control+c to move it up. Works very well, inculding automated computer paddle moving. Autoplay mode is now active! For entertainment, type autoplay as the name and watch the computer play against itself. Original pong game can be played at
- ball bouncing off sides of arena
- Algorithms that move the ball in one of the following directions
- right
- left
- rightup
- leftup
- rightdown
- leftdown
- printing arena with ball
- paddle controls
- paddles + paddle moving
- ball bouncing off of wall on other side
- make computer play against you with a moving paddle
- scoring
- Computer automated paddle moving works super well, and it never misses. I should make it so that it sometimes misses.
- Autoplay mode: Enter the name as autoplay, and the computer will play for you. You need to do nothing. the computer will play aginst itself. It never misses, so the game will never end. (lol)
- scoreboard text file storage
- make ball movements a little more randomized
- make it so that computer sometimes misses the ball