setRemovalState |
Change the removal state of an element. |
setRenderingState |
Change the rendering state of an element. |
clearSelection |
Removes any active selection in the editor content |
focus |
Move the focus to the content child into the editor |
reset |
Reset the content child into the editor to its initial value |
checkValidity |
Check whether the editor content is valid |
formatAction |
Formats the specified tag for the selection or insertion point |
fontNameAction |
Change the font name for the selection or at the insertion point |
fontSizeAction |
Change the font size for the selection or at the insertion point |
fontColorAction |
Change the font color for the selection or at the insertion point |
lineHeightAction |
Change line height for the selection or at the insertion point |
undoAction |
Undoes the last executed command |
redoAction |
Redoes the previous undo command |
boldAction |
Toggles bold on/off for the selection or at the insertion point |
italicAction |
Toggles italics on/off for the selection or at the insertion point |
underlineAction |
Toggles underline on/off for the selection or at the insertion point |
strikeThroughAction |
Toggles strikeThrough on/off for the selection or at the insertion point |
unorderedListAction |
Creates a bulleted unordered list for the selection or at the insertion point |
orderedListAction |
Creates a numbered ordered list for the selection or at the insertion point |
alignLeftAction |
Justifies the selection or insertion point to the left |
alignCenterAction |
Justifies the selection or insertion point to the center |
alignRightAction |
Justifies the selection or insertion point to the right |
alignJustifyAction |
Justifies the selection or insertion point |
outdentAction |
Outdents the line containing the selection or insertion point |
indentAction |
Indents the line containing the selection or insertion point |
cutAction |
Removes the current selection and copies it to the clipboard |
copyAction |
Copies the current selection to the clipboard |
pasteAction |
Pastes the clipboard contents at the insertion point |