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rslaqui edited this page Sep 26, 2011 · 7 revisions


SimplON is a web framework based on the concept of embedding meta-data into PHP objects to automate CRUD tasks and rendering them (ie. in HTML format). The framework uses two core objects:

  • Datas: replaces regular object's attributes, contains informations about value's type and where to display it.
  • Elements: replaces regular objects, using Datas as attributes and offers a standard interface to Data Storages (MySQL, MongoDB, ...) and Renderers (HTML, XML, JSON, ...).


This is still an alpha project. Mayor changes may occur to all its parts.

Code Road Map

  1. ElementContainer
  2. ComplexDatas
  3. Actions
  4. Search
  5. JavaScript - frametools
  6. Collections
  7. Collections extends Elements, which extends Datas themself
  8. Renderers (overwrite templates or just create/update templates)
  9. Unit tests

Project Road Map

  1. Tutorial for alpha version
  2. Release of a beta version
  3. Tutorial for beta version
  4. Documentation for beta version
  5. Adding some sample plugins and DB drivers
  6. Documentation in English and Spanish
  7. Release of the first version
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