A chess graphical game with a basic engine, written in C++
gcc, g++
At the moment, the graphical part of the project is broken. It will be re-written later as there are comptability issues between OSX
and Linux
distributions. The required setup will be updated when the graphical part will be up again.
cd engine_src/ && make
then you can run the engine
executable. It takes a FEN text file as an argument. If no file is passed, it will defaults to the basic chess starting position.
./engine path_to_fen
It will print the current position followed by the castling rights following this noting convention
K: king side, white
Q: queen side, white
k: king side, black
q: queen side, black
and then the player turn white
or black
In the future, an evaluation of the position will be displayed followed by two moves suggested by the engine.
Do not run for now, broken
malomo42 for some SFML help.