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Watzlowik et al paper

This repository contains supplementary code for the Plasmodium Snf2L Paper. The subdirectories have a more specific readme file for installation, usage, etc.


The RNA-Seq folder contains code used in the analysis of RNA-Seq data in the paper. It has the following content:

  • Snakemake pipeline for RNA-Seq preprocessing and mapping.
  • Test data and preperation script to test the pipeline
  • R Script for analyzing RNA-Seq data with DESeq2 (Sample metadata file required and not provided) and basic GO enrichment analysis.
  • Non comprehensive R Script with code for mimicking plots shown in the publication.
  • environment files for conda to use within the snakemake pipeline (--use-conda).


The MNase-Seq folder contains code used in the analysis of RNA-Seq data in the paper. It has the following content:

  • Snakemake pipeline for MNase-Seq preprocessing, mapping, filtering and nucleosome position calling
  • Test data and preperation script to test the pipeline
  • environment files for conda to use within the snakemake pipeline (--use-conda)
  • shell script to run the nucleosome dynamics package from a docker instance
  • zipped docker file for nucleosome dynamics - test data removed for size reasons
  • AdjustFDR Script to adjust DANPOS FDRs
  • find_dynamic_nucleosomes.R a script to extract nucleosomes which show big differences in occupancy, fuzziness or shifts from DANPOS results.
  • Non comprehensive R Script with code for mimicking plots shown in the publication.


Code repository for the Plasmodium Snf2L Paper







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