Cryptocurrencies daily stats and news tracking App.
- Filter cryptocurrencies using the filters.
- Changes in percentage of price hour,day and week are displayed in each card.
- Clicking on any cryptocurrency item will display its ohlc chart.
- Scrolling through the graph the price of crypto will change in realtime.
- For responsive UI tickerview has been used for price .
- The OHLC Chart shows the full lifetime change of price in the crypto.
- All the recent news feed related to cryptocurrency is fetch and displayed here.
- Clicking a news item will open the full article in chrome custom tab.
- Crptocurrencies real time prices , Market cap and changes in percentage of price over time.
- Clicking cryptocurrency will lead to OHLC chart for the particular crypto.
- Scrolling feature on the chart with a price ticker view for clear UI.
- Navigation drawer has options to toggle between home screen and News screen.
- Latest Cryptocurrency related news can be accessed.
- Clicking on news will lead to opening the full news article on chrome custom tabs.
- CryptoCompare API
- Volley - For Network requests
- Robinhood Sparkview - For OHLC chart
- Robinhood Tickerview - For cool price change design
- Glide - For loading Images
- Working and coordinating with multiple API requests.
- Smooth UI design.
- Parsing nested json requests.
- Interaction between fragments and activity.