This blog is developed from and open-sourced as rust-blog-template.
Using this blog template you can create a static blog website with style. Not cool enough? but very Rust! Right?
You can see a demo at rust-blog-template or my blog.
Click Use this template
button and click Create a new repository
Then create a new repo with your GitHub Page name like
Then the Github Action will help you to deploy your blog to Github Page automatically.
To build the site locally:
> git clone
> cd rust-blog-template
> cargo run
You could do it in release mode if you'd like, but it's pretty fast in debug.
From there, the generated HTML will be in a site
Open site/index.html
in your web browser to view the site.
> firefox site/index.html
You can also run a server, if you need to preview your changes on a different machine:
> cargo run -p serve
Serving on:
You can noticed that there is a blog.yml
in the ./posts
just modify it according your case, and the content is like this:
# blog title
title: Shuocheng's Blog
# The title of the index page
index-title: Shuocheng Wang's Blog With Rust-Blog Style
# blog description
description: Just a blog to record something.
# The raw-html showed in the top of the index page
index-html: This is the <b>Shuocheng Wang's Blog</b>.
And you can call me <b>Stuart</b>.
This blog is developed from
<a href="">Rust Blog</a>
because I'm a fan of Rust!
# blog author
maintained-by: Shuocheng Wang
# GitHub address of this blog repo or yours
# blog domain
- Configure social links:
go to
and modify the corresponding<a></a>
link. - Configure Twitter card:
go to
and modify the Twitter card part. - Configure Facebook OpenGraph:
go to
and modify the Facebook OpenGraph part. - Configure the github action:
Modify the
and modify the./CNAME
You can write your posts in ./posts
directory, and name your post as
, for example:
For each post, you should add a yaml header. The standard of the yaml header is as following:
Post with single tag:
--- layout: post title: "Getting started" tags: - blog description: "Getting started" ---
Post with multiple tags:
--- layout: post title: "Getting started" tags: - blog - test-tag1 - test-tag2 - test-tag3 description: "Getting started" ---
Post without tag:
--- layout: post title: "Getting started" description: "Getting started" ---
After configure the yaml header, you can write your post content directly with markdown syntax!
If you want to insert image in your post, you can add the image into ./static/images
directory and create a directory with the same name of your post file, and put your image there.
For example, I want to insert an image in my
just create a directory named 2023-12-16-Getting-started
and put the image into this new directory.
Then I can use markdown syntax to insert this image into my post:

There is a "About Me" page in the navigation bar of this blog.
And you can configure this page by modifying the ./posts/
(create one if not exist).
The format of
is like following:
layout: aboutme
title: "About Me"
description: "About Me"
## About Me
About me
You can modify the title and fill your own introduction in the content.