diff --git a/presentation/finalpresentation.Rmd b/presentation/finalpresentation.Rmd index 5ee5ce2..c49ffa0 100644 --- a/presentation/finalpresentation.Rmd +++ b/presentation/finalpresentation.Rmd @@ -233,8 +233,6 @@ $$k(x,y) = \frac{C_{h,r}}{2\pi h^2} e^{-\frac{x^2 + y^2}{2h^2}} \times \text{I}_ * The prior family used is motivated from the observation that the distribution of image gradients have a **sharp peak near zero** and and relatively **heavier tails** than the Gaussian distribution and Laplace distribution. --- - ```{r ,warning=FALSE,echo=FALSE,out.width='75%',out.height='30%',fig.align='center',echo=FALSE,fig.cap="Figure: Eight sharp images and their density plot of horizontal gradients"} knitr::include_graphics("pimg/prior1.png") @@ -337,8 +335,6 @@ $$\hat{\theta} = \underset{\boldsymbol{\theta}}{\text{argmax}} \ \log L(\boldsym * Simulated experiments using disc kernel are conducted for this purpose. --- - * We consider a sequence of values for $r \in [1,4]$ with $\Delta{r} = 0.05$, and for $\sigma \in [0.01,0.4]$ with $\Delta{\sigma} = 0.01$, with $\eta = 0.001$ constant. -- @@ -375,8 +371,6 @@ knitr::include_graphics("pimg/exp2.png") * Poor estimation of blur kernel can lead to artifacts. --- - ```{r ,warning=FALSE,echo=FALSE,out.width='65%',fig.align='center',echo=FALSE,fig.cap="Figure: Effect of poor estimation of radius r in disc kernel (Using Richardson Lucy Algorithm)"} knitr::include_graphics("pimg/deconv_prob.png") diff --git a/presentation/finalpresentation.html b/presentation/finalpresentation.html index a225995..94a5501 100644 --- a/presentation/finalpresentation.html +++ b/presentation/finalpresentation.html @@ -243,8 +243,6 @@ * The prior family used is motivated from the observation that the distribution of image gradients have a **sharp peak near zero** and and relatively **heavier tails** than the Gaussian distribution and Laplace distribution. --- - <div class="figure" style="text-align: center"> <img src="pimg/prior1.png" alt="Figure: Eight sharp images and their density plot of horizontal gradients" width="75%" height="30%" /> <p class="caption">Figure: Eight sharp images and their density plot of horizontal gradients</p> @@ -347,8 +345,6 @@ * Simulated experiments using disc kernel are conducted for this purpose. --- - * We consider a sequence of values for `\(r \in [1,4]\)` with `\(\Delta{r} = 0.05\)`, and for `\(\sigma \in [0.01,0.4]\)` with `\(\Delta{\sigma} = 0.01\)`, with `\(\eta = 0.001\)` constant. -- @@ -385,8 +381,6 @@ * Poor estimation of blur kernel can lead to artifacts. --- - <div class="figure" style="text-align: center"> <img src="pimg/deconv_prob.png" alt="Figure: Effect of poor estimation of radius r in disc kernel (Using Richardson Lucy Algorithm)" width="65%" /> <p class="caption">Figure: Effect of poor estimation of radius r in disc kernel (Using Richardson Lucy Algorithm)</p>