A repository to create a docker container of ROS 2 Humble with NVIDIA GPU.
Please install the following applications on your host Linux in advance.
- Visual Studio Code
- Docker and Docker Compose
- NVIDIA driver
- NVIDIA container toolkit
Additionally, please the following VSCode extentions.
- Clone this repository and move to the root directory
$ git clone https://github.com/ShisatoYano/ros2_humble_docker_container.git
$ cd ros2_humble_docker_container
- Build an image, create and run a container by using the following scripts depend on your purpose.
When you build the image for the first time and run the container
$ . initial_build_run_container.sh
When you just run the container
$ . run_container.sh
When you change the Dockerfile or docker-compose.yml and recreate the container
$ . rebuild_run_container.sh
When you stop and remove the container
$ . remove_container.sh
After the container started running, you can enter and work in the container by using VSCode extentions, Dev Containers. Firstly, you can confirm the container was created on your VSCode.
Secondly, right click on the container's name and select "Attach in Current Window" or "Attach in New Window". After that, you can enter into the container and open a directory of ROS 2 workspace as follow.
Finally, you can see and work in the ROS 2 workspace like this.
If you just want to enter into the container and don't need to open your VSCode GUI, you can enter by using this script.