Explore and showcase artworks in a vibrant online gallery.
- User Authentication with social login options and email/password login & register.
- Private Routes for authenticated users.
- Logout functionality.
- Users must login to view art details, update their profile, or manage their artworks.
- Art Management: Add, update, and delete artworks.
- View personal artworks and all available artworks in the shop.
- Category-based filtering and routing.
- Customization filters for user artworks.
- React Tooltip
- SwiperJS
- React Hot Toast
- react-icons
- axios
- React Helmet
- React-simple-typewriter
Problem: Implementing secure user authentication and authorization for managing artworks and profiles.
Solution: Utilized Firebase Authentication for robust user authentication, enabling both social login options and email/password-based login and registration. Implemented private routes in React to ensure that only authenticated users can access specific pages like managing artworks or updating profiles. This approach ensured security and user privacy while maintaining a seamless user experience.
npm instal
Dev Mode:
npm run dev
Build Mode:
npm run build