This project as a course work was created to show pairwise distances between protein structures. The information about protein is taken from PDB(Protein Data Bank). This project provides basic visual perception of known protein structures throught website
First and foremost, you should install
git + node JS + IDE for project
Clone this repository:
git clone
Install dependencies :
npm install
Run this project :
npm start
You can choose some protein structures, for instance :
- Beta hairpin
- Trp-cage
- Deoxyhemoglobin
Thus, you will see aminoacid structure of the particular protein. For example, for Beta hairpin it can be : Serine, Tryptophan, Threonine... etc
As I've mentioned this project takes the information about the structure from PDB
There are some links that were used in this coursework :
- The information about
Identifiers in PDB
: The ATOM records
present the atomic coordinates for standard amino acids and nucleotides : (page 187)A typical PDB file describing a protein
from Wiki :
You can also look for information about mentioned proteins :
- Beta hairpin -
- Trp-cage -
- Deoxyhemoglobin -
You can see an example of ATOM Record Format
(Page 189)
If you find any mistake, problem or bug in this project, please contact me :
In my course work I used MIT License