- This library is a sync and async wrapper for https://api.starlist.pro (BrawlAPI) and the official Brawl Stars API.
- Python 3.5.3 or later is required.
- Covers all of the endpoints of both APIs.
- Use the same client for sync and async usage.
- Choose which API you want to use!
- Access game constants such as maps, brawlers, and images.
- Easy to use with an object oriented design.
Install the latest stable build:
pip install brawlstats
Install the development build:
pip install git+https://github.com/SharpBit/brawlstats
Documentation is being hosted on Read the Docs.
Examples are in the examples folder. Within each folder, you will find:
shows you basic sync usageasync.py
shows you basic async usagediscord_cog.py
shows an example Discord Bot cog using discord.py
- If you are currently using this wrapper, please star this repository :)
- If you come across an issue in the wrapper, please create an issue. Do not PM me on Discord for help.
- If you need an API Key for BrawlAPI, create one using the dashboard. If you need one for the official API, visit https://developer.brawlstars.com
- To receive help for using the BrawlAPI, I recommend you join BrawlAPI's discord server.
Special thanks to this project's contributors ❤️
If you want to contribute, whether it be a bug fix or new feature, make sure to follow the contributing guidelines.