This applications is meant to showcase not only my web development fundamentals but also my ability to learn new technologies. Here I'm learning and utilizing the new feature of Rails 7, Hotwire and its two main components: Turbo and Stimulus.
Turbo helps to bring the Single Page Application feel to a project by intercepting requests and rendering only parts of the page.
Turbo Drive: accelerates links and form submissions by negating the need for full page reloads
Turbo Frames: decompose pages into independent contexts, which scope navigation and can be lazily loaded
Turbo Streams: deliver page changes over WebSocket SSE, or in response to form submissions using just HTML and CRUD like actions
Admin Dashboard: Have to figure out a way to easily create an admin, maybe through a mailer?
Admin Dashboard should have all the products, a list of users, a list of orders, and graphs for orders!
/////// Jan 8th Where are? Well routes aren't very restful at least for checkouts so will brush up on routing first And From there, the current issues for this project are: Fixing Routes for Checkout, will probably involve/include changes to the way orders, carts, line items, and order items interact Once that is straightened out, testing will be a lot easier .... Ok so fixing routes was actually pretty easy and things seem more streamlined Next up I'd like to crack open the admin dashboard so admins when they login should be sent to the admin dashboard first the dashboard will need to be modular
////////// Jan 9th Admin Dashboard -> so now we want to get more information out of our database
- find total times ordered and amounts per order
- find total profit, average order price
User + Orders:
- find total spent, top product, average order amount