Shamanth K M - PES1UG19CS444
Sahana B Manjunath - PES1UG19CS411
Sanjiv Sridhar - PES1UG19CS432
III Semester,
G Section,
Download the code and go to house-website folder.
npm i
to install all dependencies used. -
Go to backend folder and run
npm i
to install all dependencies. -
Open a terminal in backend folder and run
nodemon server
to run backend server at localhost 5000 port. -
Open another terminal in house-website folder and run
npm start
to run frontend at localhost 3000 port.
Install Node.js and npm.
Go to the folder of project and run below command
npx create-react-app house-price-predicter
this installs all react dependencies and creates a basic react server.
Install react-router-dom for Router
npm install react-router-dom
Install axios
npm install axios
axios is used to get information from database to express.
Go to house-price-predicter folder and create a "backend" folder. Inside backend run below command.
npm init -Y
used to build database backend software application package.json file.
Install express, cors, mongoose and dotenv
npm install express cors mongoose dotenv
express - LIGHT AND FAST web frame work for Node.js cors - cross origin resource sharing. mongoose - to intaract with mongodb. dotenv - loads a environment variable from a dotenv to process dotenv
Install nodemon for easier development.
npm -install nodemon
It automatically restarts node application whenever code changes.
create a server.js file in backend folder.
- To run backend server
nodemon server
- To run react
npm start