Vocab is a dictionary and word quiz application. It is built using Dart and Flutter framework.
- Project has Clean Architecture as proposed by Bob Martin (Author of Clean Code).
- Test driven development was followed when building the project.
The following information is fetched from remote dictionaries:
- Definition
- Pronunciation
- Audio
- Phonetic notiations
- Examples
- Thesaurus
- Synonyms
- Antonyms
Word information is saved to local SQLite database.
Card information is generated automatically and saved to SQLite database.
- Flutter framework
- Dart programming language
Used RapidAPI services to integrate the API endpoints.
- Oxford Dictionary Online
- Entries API
- Words API
- Word API
Used SQL based database to store the word and quiz information.
- Library: Moor for flutter
- Testing: Not tested yet.
Handled using BLoC pattern.
- Library: Flutter Bloc
- Testing: Bloc test
- Bar and pie chart: fl_chart
- Activity heat map: heatmap_calender
- Dependency injection: Get it
- Comparison by value: Equatable
- Mock testing: Mockito
- Network status checking: Data Connection checker
- Thanks to Oxford, Merrium Webstar, Words for their API services.
- Thanks to all the amazing people who have developed the 3rd party libraries for flutter.
- Thanks to the poeple who have developed the useful extensions for VS Code.
- Special thanks to Reso Coder for his amazing tutorials on flutter and dart.