This is an assignment project from SoftBd
package name | reason to use |
get | for simple state management |
percent_indicator | to create a rounded view of calculated passed days (1st screen) |
dio | for http network request handling |
flutter_screenutil | responsive design size management |
logger | show log in a compact view |
intl | date-time management |
flutter_svg | showing svg in apps |
scrollable_positioned_list | to use jump to today's date in scrollable listview (2nd screen ) |
Coding desgin pattern are used to separate all the business logic from UI and divide their works. for simplicity, I followed MVC ( Model-View-Controller) pattern. It's too easy and fun to work with it. It divide all the logic into 3 parts
Model -> it works as middle man between database and UI. database could be a remote server or local server.
View -> It holds only application user interface part.
Controller -> it holds all the functionality and the logic. It makes a surrounding connection with UI and Model. all functional works done here.
This is functional interface of home screen.
Note: I didn't use any Localization or pub packages to convert the Date and Time into Bengali Language. I made some custom function to convert ->
- english number to bengali number ( ১,২,৩,..)
- english month to bengali month (জানুয়ারি, ফেব্রুয়ারি..)
- english week-day to bengali week-day ( শনি, রবি, সোম ..)
- get actual Day-break time ( সকাল, বিকাল, রাত)
please, have a look on this custom bengali lang. converter function code ,
Calculated Total time passed from 01 January,2024 to Today:
String getPassedDaysString() {
final firstDate = DateTime(2024, 1, 1);
final today =;
String data = '';
int passedDays = today.difference(firstDate).inDays; // get total passed days from
int passedYear = (passedDays / 365).floor();
if (passedYear > 0) {
data += "${convertNumsToBengali(passedYear.toString())} বছর ";
passedDays = passedDays - (passedYear * 365);
int passedMonth = (passedDays / 30).floor();
if (passedMonth > 0) {
data += "${convertNumsToBengali(passedMonth.toString())} মাস ";
passedDays = passedDays - (passedMonth * 30);
data += "${convertNumsToBengali(passedDays.toString())} দিন";
return data;
//it will return => ৬ মাস ১৪ দিন
Calculated Total time remains from Today to 31 January, 2030:
for acquirate remaining days calculation we have consider the leap year, day count of a year = 365 days but a leap year = 366 days, and this year comes after every 4 years. So, the approximate days of every year is = 365 + ( 1 / 4 ) = 365.25
String getRemainingDays() {
final now =;
final targetDate = DateTime(2030, 1, 31);
final difference = targetDate.difference(now);
int totalDays = difference.inDays;
int years = 0;
// checking leap year and removes the day of according to that year
while (totalDays >= 365 + (isLeapYear(now.year + years) ? 1 : 0)) {
totalDays -= 365 + (isLeapYear(now.year + years) ? 1 : 0);
// Approximate average days per month
const averageDaysPerMonth = 365.25 / 12;
int months = (totalDays / averageDaysPerMonth).floor();
int days = totalDays - (months * averageDaysPerMonth).round();
print('Years: $years');
print('Months: $months');
print('Days: $days');
// converting to them into bengali language
String data = '';
if (years > 0) {
if (years > 9) {
data += "${convertNumsToBengali(years.toString())}";
} else {
data += "০${convertNumsToBengali(years.toString())}";
if (months > 0) {
if (months > 9) {
data += "${convertNumsToBengali(months.toString())}";
} else {
data += "০${convertNumsToBengali(months.toString())}";
if (days > 9) {
data += "${convertNumsToBengali(days.toString())}";
} else {
data += "০${convertNumsToBengali(days.toString())}";
return data;
} // ০৫০৬১৭ --> this is how it will return ( 5 year 6 month 17 days)
bool isLeapYear(int year) {
return (year % 4 == 0) && ((year % 100 != 0) || (year % 400 == 0));
At first talking about this scrollable list of date
To make this happen, I simply jump to index number 4 of List allWeekDays.
That's why the list assume it first index is equal to 4th index of allWeekDays list. So, the current date will stay in the center of that list
generate previous 7 days and future 7 days function
List<DateTime> getAllWeekends() {
List<DateTime> lists = [];
DateTime curDateTime =;
// get the previous 7 days from today
for (var i = 0; i < 7; i++) {
curDateTime = curDateTime.subtract(Duration(days: 1));
lists.insert(0, curDateTime);
curDateTime =;
// add the future 7 days
for (var i = 0; i < 7; i++) {
curDateTime = curDateTime.add(Duration(days: 1));
return lists;
using custom function for converting the date-time in bengali helps me show the date-time related stuff in bengali language.
I created a template form many coders which really helps me to call http server. here it is.
Future<void> getAllQuotes() async {
await BaseClient.safeApiCall(AppUrl.api_endpoint, RequestType.get,
onLoading: () {
isDataLoading = true;
}, onSuccess: (response) {
allQuotes = quotesModelFromJson(response.toString());
// sorting the list data according to most neighbor date
data.sort((a, b) =>;
}, onError: (error) {
CustomSnackBar.showCustomErrorToast(message: error.message);
isDataLoading = false;
This is how Qoutes image list look like
- change word count when user type
- show the date-time in bengali
- language Handle Error Validation TextField & DropDown button