This application will give a user results of a music artist's songs personality traits based off of words used in said songs.
- Itunes
- Watson
- Clone this repository
- Open terminal and type 'git clone [git link]'
- Navigate to project directory using cd in terminal
- Open project in text editor (atom .)
- Type 'bundle install' in terminal to load Gems
- To run tests, open terminal and run 'rails s'
- Open your desired browser and type in "http://localhost:3000/"
No known bugs
_Please contact if you have any issues _
- Ruby
- Rails
- Javascript
- RubyGems
- Mechanize
- Atom
- GitHub
This project was made by Alex Sergejev, Ben Bennett-Cauchon, Jessica Doss, Sam Cook, and Shawna Duvall at Epicodus in Portland, OR. This project was created for purely educational purposes only. If you have any questions regarding fair use, please contact
- add text field for any text the user wants to explore the tone of
Copyright (c) 2019 Alex Sergejev, Ben Bennett-Cauchon,Jessica Doss, Sam Cook, and Shawna Duvall