NooLite platform for Home Assistance
Note: Currently supported only MTRF adapters.
Note: version 0.1.+ supported only in HA 8.16.0 and above. It is related to changing of the custom component architecture.
Note: version 0.2.+ supported only in HA 2022.2.2 and above.
Note: version 0.3.+ supported only in HA 2025.2.4 and above.
- Copy custom_components folder from this repo into your Home Assistant config folder.
Add next rows to Configuration.yaml:
noolite: port: "port_name" baudrate: baudrate_value
where port_name is your NooLite adapter port:
- for Windows it is COM0, COM1, etc.
- fot Linux it is /dev/ttyUSB0, /dev/ttyUSB1, etc.
and baudrate_value is port baudrate:
- 9600 (default value)
- 115200 (requires upgrade MTRF adapter firmware)
Note: Modules should be already bind with your NooLite adapter. You can use official [nooLite One]( application for that.
Create file binary_sensors.yaml.
Add next line to Configuration.yaml:
binary_sensor: !include binary_sensors.yaml
For each binary sensor add configuration to binary_sensors.yaml:
- name: "sensor_name" platform: noolite channel: channel_number type: sensor_type
- sensor_name - name of sensor, e.g. "hall_motion"
- channel_number - channel number on which this sensor was binding
- sensor_type - type of sensor:
- door
- garage_door
- moisture
- opening
- window
- light
- motion
- battery (in noolite remotes)
- remote (for noolite remotes, support on, off and switch events)
You can see example in file binary_sensors.yaml
Create file sensors.yaml.
Add next line to Configuration.yaml:
sensor: !include sensors.yaml
For each sensor add configuration to sensors.yaml:
- name: "sensor_name" platform: noolite channel: channel_number type: sensor_type
- sensor_name - name of sensor, e.g. "hall_temp"
- channel_number - channel number on which this sensor was binding
- sensor_type - type of sensor:
- temp - temperature sensor
- humi - humidity sensor
- analog - analog input value (for more details see
- remote - noolite remotes
- rgb_remote - noolite rgb remotes
You can see example in file sensors.yaml
Possible states for remote sensor type:
- on
- off
- switch
- tune_up
- tune_down
- tune_back
- tune_stop
- load_preset
- save_preset
Possible states for rgb_remote sensor type:
- switch
- tune_back
- tune_stop
- roll_color
- switch_mode
- switch_color
- switch_speed
Each of these states match to appropriate command received from remote. For more details see manual for remotes.
Note: Each state stay active around 200ms, after this it reset to unknown value. It is related to that noolite remotes send commands not states.
Create file lights.yaml.
Add next line to Configuration.yaml:
light: !include lights.yaml
For each light add configuration to lights.yaml:
- name: "light_name" platform: noolite channel: channel_number type: light_type mode: module_mode scan_interval: scan_interval_value broadcast: broadcast_value
- light_name - name of light, e.g. "hall_light"
- channel_number - channel number on which this sensor was binding
- light_type - type of module:
- light - for module without dimmer, e.g. SRF, SLF, etc. Default.
- dimmer - for module with dimmer, e.g SU, SUF, etc. However, if module supports dimmer, but configured as switch, please use light type.
- rgb_led - for rgb module
- module_mode - module work mode:
- noolite - for noolite modules, e.g. SU.
- noolite-f - for noolite-f modules, e.g. SUF, SRF, SLF, etc. Default value.
- scan_interval_value - interval of the module state requests, in seconds. Default value 60 seconds.
- broadcast_value - mode of command sending (affects only noolite-f modules):
- true - send command to all modules in channel simultaneously.
- false - send command to all modules in channel in serial mode. Default value.
You can see example in lights.yaml
Create file switches.yaml.
Add next line to Configuration.yaml:
switch: !include switchs.yaml
For each switch add configuration to switches.yaml:
- name: "switch_name" platform: noolite channel: channel_number mode: module_mode scan_interval: scan_interval_value broadcast: broadcast_value
- light_name - name of light, e.g. "hall_light"
- channel_number - channel number on which this sensor was binding
- module_mode - module work mode:
- noolite - for noolite modules, e.g. SU.
- noolite-f - for noolite-f modules, e.g. SUF, SRF, SLF, etc. Default value.
- scan_interval_value - interval of the module state requests, in seconds. Default value 60 seconds.
- broadcast_value - mode of command sending (affects only noolite-f modules):
- true - send command to all modules in channel simultaneously.
- false - send command to all modules in channel in serial mode. Default value.
You can see example in switches.yaml
Create file fans.yaml.
Add next line to Configuration.yaml:
fan: !include fans.yaml
For each fan add configuration to fans.yaml:
- name: "fan_name" platform: noolite channel: channel_number mode: module_mode speed_enabled: speed_enabled_value scan_interval: scan_interval_value broadcast: broadcast_value
- fan_name - name of fan, e.g. "hall_fan"
- channel_number - channel number on which this sensor was binding
- module_mode - module work mode:
- noolite - for noolite modules, e.g. SU.
- noolite-f - for noolite-f modules, e.g. SUF, SRF, SLF, etc. Default value.
- speed_enabled_value - allows speed management:
- true - speed management is enabled. Note: Works only for modules in dimmer mode.
- false - speed management is disabled. Default value.
- scan_interval_value - interval of the module state requests, in seconds. Default value 60 seconds.
- broadcast_value - mode of command sending (affects only noolite-f modules):
- true - send command to all modules in channel simultaneously.
- false - send command to all modules in channel in serial mode. Default value.
You can see example in fans.yaml
Noolite integration extends default services for lights, fans and switch.
IMPORTANT using some services with modules in noolite mode, can cause incorrect states. It is related that we don known finish state after service call. For example, service noolite.light_load_preset restores saved state, but we don't know which this state is: on or off, which brightness was saved.
Allowing following services:
- noolite.light_start_brightness_tune - start brightness changing in specific direction (only for dimmer type)
- noolite.light_stop_brightness_tune - stop brightness changing (only for dimmer type)
- noolite.light_load_preset - load and apply saved module tate (temporary only for dimmer type)
- noolite.light_save_preset - save current module state (temporary available only for dimmer type)
- noolite.rgb_start_brightness_tune - start brightness changing in specific direction (only available for rgb_led type)
- noolite.rgb_stop_tune - stop brightness changing (only for rgb_led type)
- noolite.rgb_start_roll_color - start color changing (only for rgb_led type)
- noolite.rgb_switch_color - switch color to next (only for rgb_led type)
- noolite.rgb_switch_mode - switch controller work mode: fixed color or change colors (only for rgb_led type)
- noolite.rgb_start_switch_speed - start speed changing of color switching (only for rgb_led type)
- noolite.rgb_load_preset - load and apply saved module tate (temporary available only for rgb_led type)
- noolite.rgb_save_preset - save current module state (temporary available only for rgb_led type)
Allowing following services:
- noolite.switch_load_preset - load and apply saved module tate
- noolite.switch_save_preset - save current module state
Allowing following services:
- noolite.fan_start_speed_tune - start speed changing in specific direction (only if fan uses noolite-f module and speed_enabled is set to true)
- noolite.fan_stop_speed_tune - stop speed changing (only if fan uses noolite-f module and speed_enabled is set to true)
- noolite.fan_load_preset - load and apply saved module tate (temporary available only if fan uses noolite-f module and speed_enabled is set to true)
- noolite.fan_save_preset - save current module state (temporary available only if fan uses noolite-f module and speed_enabled is set to true)
Create file automations.yaml.
Add next line to Configuration.yaml:
automation: !include automations.yaml
After this you can create automations using HA interface. Open HA in browser, go to Configurations -> Automations and scenes. Also you can create automations manually. Please see parameters required for services in examples in automations.yaml.
- added support of 2025.3
Breaking changes:
- can be don't working with version oldest then 2025.2.4
- return switch event handling for binary sensors
- add possibility to set port baudrate
- reworking binary_sensors and sensors for noolite remotes
- add rgb remote support
- update sensors to subclass of SensorEntity
- use attributes instead of override methods
- add noolite service that allows use native module command
Breaking changes:
- can be don't working with version oldest then 2022.2.2
- rename remote sensor states, so old sensor config can be broken
- fix work with rgb_led module
- refactor fan component
- update ReadMe
- added manifest.json to match new HomeAssistant requirements
- avoid of using deprecated Light, SwitchDevice and BinarySensorDevice
Breaking changes:
- can be don't working with version oldest then 0.108.0
- switch to NooLite-F v0.1.2
- added binary sensors for: door, garage_door, moisture, opening, window, light, motion, battery (in noolite remotes)
- added battery level information
Breaking changes: * platform and type names in config now is in lowercase * removed unused types * TempHumi sensor split to two separate sensors: temp and humi