A library to easily make new entities, focused on items (and mounts), but works with any entity.
local celib = import("SereneRuby12/custom-entities-library")
--local celib = require "custom_entities" --You can use this one if you want to include the library in your mod rather than people having to download it, but might cause some issues with pickups, and would not be the most optimized way if the player uses more custom entities
local function custom_ent_set(entity)
local max_health = math.random(3, 6)
my_entity_data = {
max_health = max_health,
recover_health_timer = 5*60
} --store anything that you want in a table, optional
entity.color.g = 0.75
entity.color.b = 0.75
return my_entity_data --make sure to return the table if you use it
local function custom_ent_update(entity, custom_data) --custom_data is the table that you created on the set function
if entity.health < custom_data.max_health and entity.move_state ~= 6 then
if custom_data.recover_health_timer <= 0 then
local pickup_fx = get_entity(spawn_entity_over(ENT_TYPE.FX_PICKUPEFFECT, entity.uid, 0, 0))
pickup_fx.animation_frame = 63
entity.health = entity.health + 1
custom_data.recover_health_timer = 5*60
custom_data.recover_health_timer = custom_data.recover_health_timer - 1
local health_caveman_id = celib.new_custom_entity(custom_ent_set, custom_ent_update, nil, ENT_TYPE.MONS_CAVEMAN) -- the function can take more parameters, check documentation
celib.set_custom_entity(spawn_on_floor(ENT_TYPE.MONS_CAVEMAN, x, y, l), health_caveman_id)
celib.spawn_custom_entity(health_caveman_id, x, y, l, 0, 0)
celib.add_custom_container_chance(health_caveman_id, celib.CHANCE.LOW, ENT_TYPE.ITEM_CRATE)
There are two ways of spawning a custom entity, that are basically the same: using the spawn function from the lib, or spawning the entity and making it to be a custom entity.