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Adam Johnson edited this page Jan 9, 2024 · 4 revisions

The mass flow application (Sensit.App.MassFlow) controls an Alicat MC-Series Mass Flow Controller.

User Manual


Cole-Parmer mass flow controllers use a standard serial port to communicate. No other hardware is required.

Connecting to the Mass Flow Controller

After starting the app, the Serial Port section will auto-populate with known serial ports on the PC. Select one, then click the Open radio button. The app will attempt to communicate with the mass flow controller, and will show an error if a mass flow controller is not found, or will enable the mass flow controls if connection succeeds. Clicking the Close radio button will close the serial port.

Reading from the Mass Flow Controller

After successful connection to a mass flow controller, click the Read All button to fetch the current pressure, temperature, volumetric flow, and mass flow from the instrument. Units of measure are not checked. If communication fails, an error message will appear.

Writing to the Mass Flow Controller

After successful connection, select the desired gas that will be used with the instrument. Click Write Gas to send the setting to the instrument. After setting the gas, type a setpoint, then click Write SP to send the setpoint to the instrument. If communication fails, an error message will appear.

Closing the App

Use the File --> Close menu item or the app's close button to close the serial port (if it is still open) and exit the application.