sudo npm install -g @angular/cli
sudo npm install -g ionic@latest
sudo npm install
npm run ionic
npm run ionic:serveStatic
npm install -g ionic@1.4.0
(version number after ionic@_._._)
~ fetch latest npm
$ nvm install node
To download, compile, and install the latest release of node, do this:
$ nvm install node
And then in any new shell just use the installed version: nvm use node Or you can just run it:
List all of the node runtime installed locally
$ nvm ls
Use specific node version , end the numbers with the major version.
$ nvm use 10
You can set the default Node.js version by using alias: Anyone is fine.
$ nvm alias default system $ nvm alias default v9.3.0
nvm run node --version
Checking versions
$ node -v
angular cli can report its version when you run it with the version flag
$ ng --version $ IONIC versions $ Ionic info $ ionic --v
Set telemetry to false, No to collect analytics & data. ionic config set -g telemetry false
Normal Way
Proper way to run an Hybrid app. MeatPerson.
Install Node package dmg mac
Install Angular CLI
$ npm install -g @angular/cli
Cd to project folder
Install NPM dependencies via package json
$ npm install
Also give permission to folders for node installation
Finally run the static version of the project
$ npm run ionic:serveStatic
Build ios apps Static build json
$ npm run build-static ios
dev - is dynamic
To run locally on chrome
$ ionic serve
Package repository npmjs packages
Node Version Manager - POSIX-compliant bash script to manage multiple active node.js versions NVM github
# Download NVM
curl -o- | bash
# Verify Installation
command -v nvm
# Restart terminal or source your `.zhsrc` config
source ~/.zshrc
# Install Node
nvm install node