Performs keyword search over RDF data, with classic IR techniques, upon triple-based documents using Elasticsearch (ES).
Models two different indexing perspectives in both of which each ES doc represents a triple.
baseline : only makes use of the information that exists in the triple’s three components (subject, predicate, object). In case the value of one of the components is a URI, the URI is tokenized into keywords.
extended : extends baseline document by including additional information for each triple component (if it is a resource - URI). Additional information corresponds to values of properties that can be given as input (e.g. rdfs:comment).
This project automates the indexing process and can be applied over any environment that runs Elasticsearch & Python 3.
Download an Elastic search package (e.g. v=elasticsearch-6.8.0). After extracting all contents, start an instance:
Next, install all requirements needed for our scripts as described in requirements.txt:
pip3 install -r requirements.txt
Start indexing process by running
with a single parameter, the configuration file (-cfile). This (.properties) file
contains all necessary configuration for the process. Options include:
- baseline & extended index<data_id> # a unique id for the dataset
index.base=<yes,no> # create baseline index (?)<baseline_name> # ES index name
index.base.include_uri=<yes,no> # index keywords derived from the URI part
index.base.include_namespace=<yes,no> # index keywords derived from the namespace part
index.ext=<yes,no> # create extended index (?)<extended_name> # ES index name
index.ext.fields=<name_1>;<URI_1> <name_2>;<URI_2> # specify the extended properties
index.ext.include_sub=<yes,no> # extend subject properties (?)
index.ext.include_pre=<yes,no> # extend predicate properties (if a resource) (?)
index.ext.include_obj=<yes,no> # extend object properties (if a resource) (?)
- elastic & other options:<RDF_dir> # input directory
elastic.address=<host_name> # defaults to 'localhost'
elastic.port=<port_number> # defaults to '9200'
Examples of .properties files are included in res/configuration
Note that RDF files (inside input directory) are expected to be of N-triples syntax (.nt).