Skirmish Game and prototypes with SharpDX and Directx 11 What is it? Skirmish is a collection of projects created for testing a simple game engine, that is being built tailor-made for a real game. What contains? There are several prototypes: 1 - SpriteDrawing Sprite tests 2 - ModelDrawing Particle drawing test 3 - SceneTest 3.0 - Scene navigation test 3.1 - Materials test 3.2 - Ocean shader test 3.3 - Stencil pass test 3.4 - Full scene test with all posible drawing components 4 - Collada Modular dungeon tests 5 - Skybox Little scene with skybox, particles, triangle picking and first person navigation 6 - Terrain Medium secen with skybox, instanced components, navigation and RTS style input capture 7 - Deferred Deferred rendering tests and crowd navigation test 8 - Heightmap Big scene with skyscattering component 9 - Animation Animation controller tests 10 - Instancing Skinned instancing test Game Logic Turn based RPG game logic tests Credits This project contains a full c# conversion of the Detour & Recast libraries of Mikko Mononen: copyright (c) 2009 Mikko Mononen Thanks a lot, Mikko. You are a genius!