이선좌 프로젝트의 자바 기반 스프링 부트를 활용한 백엔드 어플리케이션입니다. 자세한 내용은 WIKI를 참조해주세요. (WIKI는 추후에 추가 예정입니다.)
- JDK 17
- SpringBoot 3.2.x
- SpringBatch 5.1.x
- SpringSecurity 3.2.x
- SpringWebFlux 3.2.x
- ElasticSearch 8.11.x
- MongoDB 4.2.x
- MySQL 8.1.x
- Redis 7.0.x
- aws ECS
- aws ECR
- aws Route53
- aws EC2
- aws S3
- aws VPC
- aws SES
- aws RDS
- aws ElastiCache
- aws IAM
- aws ALB
- aws NLB
- aws AutoScailing
- docker 23.0.x
- docker-compose 2.17.x
- jenkins 2.426.x
- prometheus 2.51.x
- grafana 10.4.x
- Kibana 8.11.x
- aws cloudwatch
- Vue 3.4.x
- Vue Router 4.3.0
- Node 21.7.x
- Pinia 2.1.x
- Bootstrap 5.3.x
- axios 1.6.x
- thymeleaf 3.1.x
- Vegeta
- Jmeter
Credit to @Selected-Seat/selected-seat : @Dittttto, @gunnu3226, @RamuneOrch and @sonjh919