NBi.CosmosDb is an extension to the NBi testing framework (add-on to NUnit) for Business Intelligence and Data centric applications. This extension lets you run tests defined within NBi on an Azure CosmosDb database. At the moment only the graph/gremlin API is supported.
Binaries for the different releases are hosted on www.nbi.io or GitHub or Nuget
NBi's documentation is available on-line and is hosted on www.nbi.io. The page dedicated to CosmosDb extension is hosted there
NBi and this extension are available on the terms of Apache 2.0. NBi is also using several OSS projects as librairies. All these projects and their licenses are available in the folder "License".
The list of bugs and feature's requests for NBi.CosmosDb is hosted on GitHub
A continuous integration service is available on AppVeyor at [https://ci.appveyor.com/project/Seddryck/nbi.cosmosdb] Note that all the tests are not executed on this environment due to limitations in the availability of some components.
Artefact provided by this CI:
- NBi.CosmosDb.zip contains the dll needed to extend NBi and run the tests on a CosmosDb platform.
NBi is using Git as DCVS and the code is hosted on Github.
This OSS project is tracked by Ohloh