NOTICE: pma-voice 6.1.0+ requires you to use server build 4837+ as it includes a maximum voice target increase, if you use a older version you will only be able to target 16 nearby players.
A voice system designed around the use if FiveM's internal mumble server.
Please report any issues you have in the GitHub Issues
NOTE: It is expected for servers to be on the latest recommended version, which you can find here for Windows and here for Linux.
This script is not compatible with other voice systems (duh), that means if you have vMenus voice chat you will have to disable it.
Please do not override NetworkSetTalkerProximity
, MumbleSetAudioInputDistance
, MumbleSetAudioOutputDistance
or NetworkSetVoiceActive
in any of your other scripts as there have been cases where it breaks pma-voice.
- @Frazzle for mumble-voip (for which the concept came from)
- @pichotm for pVoice (where the grid concept came from)
NOTE: Only use one of the Audio options (don't enable 3d Audio & Native Audio at the same time), its also recommended to always use voice_useSendingRangeOnly.
You only need to add the convar if you're changing the value.
All of the configs here are set using setr [voice_configOption] [boolean]
ConVar | Default | Description | Parameter(s) |
voice_useNativeAudio | false | Uses the games native audio, will add 3d sound, echo, reverb, and more. Required for submixs | boolean |
voice_use2dAudio | false | Uses 2d audio, will result in same volume sound no matter where they're at until they leave proximity. | boolean |
voice_useSendingRangeOnly | false | Only allows you to hear people within your hear/send range, prevents people from connecting to your mumble server and trolling. | boolean |
PLEASE NOTE: Any keybind changes only affect new players, if you want to change your key bind go to Key Bindings -> FiveM -> Look for keybinds under 'pma-voice'.
All of the config is done via ConVars in order to streamline the process.
The ints are used like a boolean to 0 would be false, 1 true.
All of the configs here are set using setr [voice_configOption] [int]
OR setr [voice_configOption] "[string]"
ConVar | Default | Description | Parameter(s) |
voice_enableUi | 1 | Enables the built in user interface | int |
voice_enableProximityCycle | 1 | Enables the usage of the F11 proximity key, if disabled players are stuck on the first proximity | int |
voice_defaultCycle | F11 | The default key to cycle the players proximity. You can find a list of valid keys in the FiveM docs | string |
voice_defaultVolume | 0.3 | The default volume to set the radio to (has to be between 0.0 and 1.0) NOTE: Only new joins will have the new value, players that already joined will not. | float |
ConVar | Default | Description | Parameter(s) |
voice_enableRadios | 1 | Enables the radio sub-modules | int |
voice_enablePhones | 1 | Enables the phone sub-modules | int |
voice_enableSubmix | 0 | Enables the submix which adds a radio/phone style submix to their voice NOTE: Submixs require native audio | int |
voice_enableRadioAnim | 0 | Enables (grab shoulder mic) animation while talking on the radio. | int |
voice_defaultRadio | LALT | The default key to use the radio. You can find a list of valid keys in the FiveM docs | string |
ConVar | Default | Description | Parameter(s) |
voice_refreshRate | 200 | How often the UI/Proximity is refreshed | int |
voice_syncData | 1 | Enables state bags to be sync'd server side & to other clients, has to be enabled on startup | int |
ConVar | Default | Description | Parameter(s) |
voice_allowSetIntent | 1 | Whether or not to allow players to set their audio intents (you can see more here) | int |
voice_externalAddress | none | The external address to use to connect to the mumble server | string |
voice_externalPort | 0 | The external port to use | int |
voice_debugMode | 0 | 1 for basic logs, 4 for verbose logs | int |
voice_externalDisallowJoin | 0 | Disables players being allowed to join the server, should only be used if you're using a FXServer as a external mumble server. | int |
voice_hideEndpoints | 1 | Hides the mumble address in logs NOTE: You should only care to hide this for a external server. | int |
pma-voice comes with a built in /muteply (tgtPly) (duration) command, in order to allow your staff to use it you will have to grand them the ace!
add_ace group.superadmin command.muteply allow;
This would only allow the superadmin group to mute players.
Export | Description | Parameter(s) |
setVoiceProperty | Set config options | string, any |
setRadioChannel | Set radio channel | int |
setCallChannel | Set call channel | int |
setRadioVolume | Set radio volume for player | int |
setCallVolume | Set call volume for player | int |
addPlayerToRadio | Set radio channel | int |
addPlayerToCall | Set call channel | int |
removePlayerFromRadio | Remove player from radio | |
removePlayerFromCall | Remove player from call |
Export | Description | Parameter(s) |
toggleMutePlayer | Toggles the selected player muted for the local client | int |
Supported from mumble-voip / toko-voip
Export | Description | Parameter(s) |
SetMumbleProperty | Set config options | string, any |
SetTokoProperty | Set config options | string, any |
SetRadioChannel | Set radio channel | int |
SetCallChannel | Set call channel | int |
The majority of setters are done through player states, while a small
State Bag | Description | Return Type |
proximity | Returns a table with the mode index, distance, and mode name | table |
radioChannel | Returns the players current radio channel, or 0 for none | int |
callChannel | Returns the players current call channel, or 0 for none | int |
These are events designed for third-party resource integration. These are emitted only to the current client.
Event | Description | Event Params |
pma-voice:settingsCallback | When emited it will return the current pma-voice settings. | cb(voiceSettings) |
pma-voice:radioActive | Triggered when the radio is activated / deactivated | boolean |
pma-voice:setTalkingMode | Triggered on proximity mode change with the voice mode id | int |
Export | Description | Parameter(s) |
setPlayerRadio | Sets the players radio channel | int, int |
setPlayerCall | Sets the players call channel | int, int |
addChannelCheck | Adds a channel check to the players radio channel | int, function |
Server side state getters require the voice_syncData convar to be set to 1. You can access the state with Player(source).state['state bag here']
State Bag | Description | Return Type |
proximity | Returns a table with the mode index, distance, and mode name | table |
radioChannel | Returns the players current radio channel, or 0 for none | int |
callChannel | Returns the players current call channel, or 0 for none | int |
Export | Description | Parameter(s) |
getPlayersInRadioChannel | Gets the current players in a radio channel | int |