A Student-Admin portal system wherein student can request for registration with the portal and administrator can review (accept / reject ) his/her request. On acceptance of a request, a student can modify additional details like hobbies,address,guardian's email ID etc, anytime as per his/her wish.Student can upload his favorite image as a profile picture and can modify it anytime.
Admin has the right to accept/reject a student's request anytime and can inspect students' profile completely but cannot change any details or see their passwords.
You can check the site anytime because it is UP and RUNNING just click the link below:
To Register yourself follow the instructions:
1. Submit a registration request from the Students' portal.
2. Visit Administrators' Portal; Use 'admin' as USERNAME and 'admin' as PASSWORD.
3.Find your request and click 'Accept'.
4.Use Students' portal to update/modify your profile details.
The site is built completely from scratch, with no use of templates or bootstrap.The site uses:
- CSS3
- JQuery/JavaScript
There is extensive implementation of AJAX and PRG and this site is impervious to SQL Injections and Cross Site Scripting (XSS).
The MySQL database classProject contains three tables namely:
- admins : Consists of details of administrators mainly username and password.
- students : Consists of basic Registration Request Details like registration number,roll number etc.
- extradetail : Consists of all other details that student wishes to add like hobbies,Address,Achievements etc.