Welcome to the UNPAM Profile repository! This frontend project is designed to showcase Universitas Pamulang (UNPAM) through a modern, responsive, and informative landing page, just like a typical university website.
- Interactive Homepage: Displays an engaging overview of UNPAM with modern design elements.
- University Profile: Detailed information about the history, vision, mission, and core values of UNPAM.
- Faculties and Study Programs: A comprehensive list of faculties and programs offered at UNPAM with brief descriptions of each program.
- News and Events: Highlights the latest campus news and upcoming events.
- Photo Gallery: A collection of images showcasing campus activities, facilities, and memorable moments.
- Contact and Location: Official contact information of UNPAM with an integrated Google Maps location feature.
- HTML5: For structuring the content of the pages.
- CSS3: For styling, animations, and responsive design.
- JavaScript: For interactivity and dynamic functionalities.
- CSS Framework: Built with Bootstrap for responsiveness.
- Fonts and Icons: Integrated with Google Fonts and FontAwesome.