A simple Android application that displays a list of inspirational quotes using Jetpack Compose. Users can browse through the quotes and see the author of each quote. The app uses a modern UI approach with Material Design 3.
- Quote List: Displays a list of quotes in a clean and user-friendly interface.
- Detail Navigation: Clicking on a quote opens a detailed view with more information about the quote and its author.
- Material Design 3: The app follows the latest Material Design guidelines, providing a consistent and visually appealing UI.
Kotlin: For app development.
Jetpack Compose: For building the UI in a declarative way.
Material Design 3: To provide a modern and consistent UI.
Android Studio: Used as the main IDE for development.
1. Clone the repository:
git clone https://github.com/yourusername/quotes-app.git
2. Open the project in Android Studio:
Click on File > Open.
Select the project folder.
3. Sync the project with Gradle files.
4. Build and run the app on an emulator or a physical device.
Launch the app.
Browse through the list of quotes.
Tap on a quote to view more details about the quote and its author.